Live Web Cam Shuts Down, Leaves Up Photo of Giant ‘UFO’
December 27, 2010 – CENAPRED web cam image of Mexico’s Popocatépetl Volcano, December 26, 3:15 AM, EST
There’s a mystery involving the live streaming web cam focused on Mexico’s Popocatepetl Volcano. For the past few days we’ve visited CENAPRED’s web cam to view the volcano. Earlier today we discovered the web cam was no longer ‘live’ while the site displayed an image of the volcano. We captured the image and posted it above. The image shows the date and time of the image, December 26, 2010, 17:20:18 (Mexico time). As of 3:15 AM, EST, the image still up on the site. The reason why the image caught our eye, the ‘giant’ unidentified object in the upper right corner. Based on the size of the ‘UFO’, the object, larger than a full moon. If anyone has any suggestions what this unidentified flying object is, drop us a comment.
Another mystery, why did the web cam stop filming, leaving the image containing an unidentified flying object on the website? The image, ‘frozen in time’, available for volcano enthusiasts around the world to view an image which seems to show a UFO?
We sharpened the contrast of the image then posted the photo below.
Note: Use search > “Popocatepetl” in left sidebar to find related UFO sightings from Popocatepetl Volcano

I've captured dozens of anomalous objects above Mt Popocatepetl on the Cenepred web cams and also the web cam run by Telmex several years ago. <br /><br />On Dec. 16, 2010, I captured a bunch of objects above the volcano from TWO web cam locations — Tlamacas and Altzomoni. If you look at the time signatures you will see a concurrence of MULTIPLE bright unusual objects above the mountain.
Notice the horizontal line of the object; it's perfectly horizontal with the camera's horizontal line. I find that odd for something natural.
The object has no light shining on it, yet the volcano is bathed in light from the sun. Why is the object dark, then?
After a while, I don't even see the code anymore.<br />All I see is 'white blinking light',<br />'orange blinking light',<br />'Giorgio Tsoukalos' tan'.
thanks for the entertainment! thxs so much!