Latest UFO sightings – A dashboard camera in a police car captures a bright light near Belton, Texas on Wednesday, 1st February 2012. It was spotted as far north as Stillwater, Oklahoma, and as far south as Houston, TX.
I saw this fireball in Texas while driving north on highway I-35 near San Marcos around 8pm last Wednesday. It did in fact have a long tail that turned from red and white to green and white. I was expecting to see an explosion it looked so close! It appeared to be an object burning up in the atmosphere….
i saw a fireball justlike that here in toronto about 2 months ago if u do a google search of fireballin etobicoke google latest metours in ontario u will prob find it but i saw it like no one else sdid it was almost like u could have reahed out and grbbed it it was just above my head in the sky when shot across the sky i watched it till it like exploded or went out and u could see it break up
On June 22, at approximately 11:40pm in Lakeway, Texas last night, four of my friends and myself looked up toward the western sky while we were outside on a clear night. One buddy pointed out an object in the sky which looked like a burning fireball moving slowly across the sky then it stopped and stayed in one place for about three minutes. I am a commercial pilot and I have been flying for
Dont meteors leave a flaming type tail behind them? This didnt appear to have one.
looking at the hood of the truck it looked like there were 3 or 4 of them
meteors travel at high speeds id say this is a ufo
I saw this fireball in Texas while driving north on highway I-35 near San Marcos around 8pm last Wednesday. It did in fact have a long tail that turned from red and white to green and white. I was expecting to see an explosion it looked so close! It appeared to be an object burning up in the atmosphere….
and yes this one had afiretail to it but was also bright white the ball was bright white
i saw a fireball justlike that here in toronto about 2 months ago if u do a google search of fireballin etobicoke google latest metours in ontario u will prob find it but i saw it like no one else sdid it was almost like u could have reahed out and grbbed it it was just above my head in the sky when shot across the sky i watched it till it like exploded or went out and u could see it break up
a portion of the film seems it slowed down.
on the film it seems to me it slows down
On June 22, at approximately 11:40pm in Lakeway, Texas last night, four of my friends and myself looked up toward the western sky while we were outside on a clear night. One buddy pointed out an object in the sky which looked like a burning fireball moving slowly across the sky then it stopped and stayed in one place for about three minutes. I am a commercial pilot and I have been flying for