Witness report: Filmed this group of objects at 20:08 on 25/2/12 over Neath south Wales
I have a lake,river and canal all within under a mile from my home. We have bats flying over us at dusk and everything from geese to seagulls in the daytime. I have filmed or seen numerous types of bird, bat etc through night vision and all have visible wing movement and you cannot mistake them from anything else as they just look like birds and can be easily dismissed. These were and are different and are unlike anything else I have seen.
Author (timturnip @ youtube)

Birds flying in formation. Nothing more.
yeah, in the middle of the night… Think what you post
Nice! Triangle shaped TR3B. Good work!
good find! this formation looks to be moving at an incredible rate of speed ,i would think at very high altitude but not enuff refrence to realy say that, you can def see a star threw the center of this formation as it passes over it twards the end of the vid wich i expected to see and is typical of these types of ufos- i like to call these squadrons the individual objects all seem to be the same
what is so alarming and frustrating is the fact that fake video and photos are easy to accomplish with software and old world slight of hand tactics;serious inquiry becomes hampered by the juvinile tricks of a few.these modern photos and videos are nothing like the validated photos and films of the 1950's and 60's'–70's;save a few.For an interesting inquiry one might look into
This is my video and I can assure you it is not faked in anyway,filmed using a Yulon ranger IR device
I'll never forget it I as something similar about 7 years ago in Italy:that similar formation. I'm not the only one who saw it…of course we did have a camera with us.
Good work, great footage.
I did see a suggestion that this could be a hang glider with night lights. Could be powered as well
I would be interested to know whether you could see these with the naked eye or were they only visible when looking through the scope and was there any additional sound that was not picked up on the recording. <br /><br />Obviously it is very hard to attempt to identify these from just the film as there is no real appreciation of their flight path, direction or the viewing angle in relation to
seems as the object in 1993 also on tape and pics as they see unnown it goes wel fast<br />noname holland europa