Major Jesse Marcel exposed the Roswell cover-up, revealing strange, unbreakable debris. Was it extraterrestrial? Uncover… Read More
Nick Pope reveals shocking UFO secrets, government cover-ups, and the potential reality of alien contact.… Read More
The Battle of LA, Roswell, and Rendlesham Forest—real UFOs or secret experiments? Explore the theories… Read More
Was the Area 51 caller on Art Bell’s show a real whistleblower or a hoax?… Read More
Richard Dolan uncovers USO hotspots, military encounters, and theories on mysterious objects emerging from our… Read More
Dr. Steven Greer accuses Luis Elizondo of spreading UFO disinformation to push a hidden agenda.… Read More
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When somebody creates a whole introduction to a video instead of just giving me the original, I always have doubts because it opens the door to a CGI right away.
Does it appear it's moving avay, the lights getting closer together before fading away and not necessarily three separate lights, but one object. And why in all these "triangle" UFOs can we see no detail in between the lights. If you're trying to stay hidden, why have lights at all. Stretching it, are the lights necessary for any type of cloaking mechanixm to help bend the light
the triangles must be significant shape the pyramids illuminati sign to our et brothers liked camera shoot must represent a type of alien ?.i believe the crops are easier quicker to leave fast messages like alien faxing only on open fields not near the public. different signs mean different things for various visitors to our earth greys reptillians nordics many other types who come into our skies
I'm sure the dog was barking at UFO's in the sky.......jeez
Unbelievable! Absolutely ideal equal-sided triangle...
get your ass outside and watch the sky, more and more ufos are seen over large cities, they are not here to attack you and if u havent seen one just watch the sky !!! within the last 3 months i have seen 5, 5 !! ufo sightings, for the most part i wasnt alone and i had a witness to confirm. Usually the UFOs were very bright, pulsating orange color which disappeared and reappeared in a whole new
June 8, 2012 The Patriot Conservative News Reoprts Angela King and Lily Jang UFO here in this link A lots of Space Life Forms here <br />
Precisely. The chances of any formation to appear and remain precisely equilateral when viewed from the perspective of the camera are slim to none unless there was some help. I actually think they may not even be CG fakery but rather some sort of reflection. They just seem to have that look...
is it just me? but more and more of these perfect equilibrium triangle ufos are appearing in the same formation
Great catch! With so many of these triangular sightings of late, I am starting to believe that they may be carring out some kind of three dimensional mapping