Categories: N. AmericaUFO videos

Strange lights over Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado Springs 4-Jun-2012

UFO news – Strange light formations in the skies near NORAD at Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This was recorded on 4th June 2012 around 8 pm.
What do you think about this footage? Artillary illumination rounds or something more mysterious?

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  • Great footage, and very odd. They almost resemble incoming airliners, but the fading out and sudden reappearance isn't consistant with incoming planes.

  • Flares, they are right over one of several areas of the Air Force Accademy and NORAD at Cheyene Mountain. They switch on like flares and burn out like flares.

  • Execellent!! Letting NORAD know that they know where they are!!!! Going to see sooo much more in the coming months, cant wait!!! For all you that are affraid....dont be, if they wanted to cause us harm they would have done so already. Its obvious we cant stop them.

    • NORAD is not there. i worked at Falcon Air Force Base which is were is was. it didnt appear on any maps back then. now its on the map, which means, its no longer there either. dont talk about things you have never been apart of. also, the video is of flares. if you people cant tell the difference between UFO'S and FLARES, then go play XBOX.

    • cardiackid63 you are simple minded. you act like you know what you're talking about. here some advice, SHUT UP!!!! there are many different aliens out there and some do mean us harm. we are blessed, because there good ones that are helping us prepare. stop talking bro, you sound like a fool.

    • I saw those in June of 2002 or 2003 on South Powers. I thought they belonged to a crane or something. They began to fade in and out and then I thought they were flares. The passenger in my car and I thought someone was in distress BUT then they began to dart around the sky independently of each other. We followed one of them to a security tower where it flew around and around the tower and

  • The beginning of the era of the UFOs or masters of the stars was on July 11, 1991 which did happen over Mexico City at the time, and I think, although I could be wrong, this is mentioned in the Mayan Calendar as the Dresden Codex or Long Count Calendar….And guess where it ends? Round about 22nd December 2012. So in 1991 this was the beginning of the end of a cycle and UFOs I believe then were

  • this footage is one of the best yet..objects are still being seen all over the world much like these.

  • Ya that&#39;s clearly weather balloons with flares hanging below, all tied together in a line, uhh with a weight on one end to make it droop on one side. And uhh one of the balloons is filled with lighter gas so it will go up! ... see its nothing, stop trying to come up with crazy nonsense!<br />:)

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