Latest UFO sightings – This interesting video of unknown lights hovering in the sky above New Jersey was recorded just a few hours after hurricane Sandy on Thursday, 1st November 2012.
What do you think these lights are? Leave your comment below!

Why did they stop the vidio and whats up with the zooming in and out. very poor vidio
Good video, i think tey are sending a signal, i don´t have idea what they want to say, but something want to transmit, there are several ufos sighting thru of the times that they appear during or after a storm, also before a big storm, hard winds etc, there is an interesting video filmed in Phoenix. Thank you for this video.
I think it might be some secret government reflective device that they used to steer the storm on purpose (using the Haarp technology)to deliberately make it hit New York.I am not the only one to think this either I see on you tube many people think it was deliberate including a meteorologist who has seen proof on satellite images that it has been steered that direction and made stronger using
itlooks to me like the sign of the cross the 4 points of it ?def alien crafts
Come on Sparky it's fake as shit.
Reminds me of a story. Story from the "Ancient Aliens" TV show. They had talked about, that in the past large Crosses were seen in the sky. Constantine saw it, old Germans saw it. So if it were a craft, could it be a craft shaping the events of the human experience? For in the ancient times and recent times, people have always connected the dots. Some see a diamond, others may see a
holding those patterns with wind and all. pretty interesting.
What color were they in person? white, orange, red lights? I saw two the other night but they were still, they didnt move, and looked like orange reddish fire balls almost….and then one faded, and shortly after the other faded…
its it's always before or after a storm, then logically i would say it's us. some study, weather equipment of some sort most likely.