Here’s one new interesting footage of an unidentified flying object flying near a plane. This happened over El Cajon in California on 14th January 2016.
Witness report: I was getting ready to go to work at about 11:30 am. I noticed a plane or jet heading straight up which got my attention. I started recording the jet till it was out of range of the camera. I later came home from work to see the video when I noticed a very fast object me and my girlfriend didn’t see during the time I was recording. It was at about 0:10-0:11 seconds into the video when I saw a object past extremely fast from the right side of the video and head to the left side of the video. I took screenshots to analyze it a bit better. It looks like something I’ve never seen. Not a bug or bird. When I saw it more clearly I was excited and sort of skeptical, but I then uploaded it to YouTube so my friends and family can see it and give me their opinion and most said its definitely a ufo. I’m not sure what it is but I want to share this video with MUFON and maybe I can get a answer or maybe you guys can have more evidence of real UFOs. This is not faked or tampered in any way. I appreciate your time.
Author (source: MUFON)

the first video is very believable. the second one is not, not at all.
Great capture!
BTW I’ve noticed an increasing number of jets that are just screaming directly upwards at incredible speeds/angles. Seems to me that passenger jets follow a more gradual ascent, so what is up with these jets? They almost seem to have the speed and trajectory of rockets.
After my work for and within the DOD, and at the highest levels of secured sites, along with the attendant documentation, many occurrences and comments regarding those happenings started to make me nervous; especially since my questions regarding these daylight happenings couldn’t be answered.
so, what are you saying rrar?