This UFO videos was filmed over Elizabethton in US state Tennessee on 8th August 2017.
Witness report: We were traveling ne & spotted it to our right. Pulled over facing Waffle House. It had 2 really bright white lights on front like head lights was flying very low over trees & buildings. Flew diagonally our left behind us sw to w. Look to hover over mtn. I was feeling light headed and queazy just before seeing it. We were traveling ne when I first spotted very bright lights in the sky to our right. We pulled over facing Waffle House. It had 2 really bright white lights that caught our attention on its front like head lights. It was flying very low over trees & buildings. Did not see nose of a plane, it appeared triangular. It Flew diagonally to our left & behind us sw to w. We turned around and pulled over near QP and observed as it appeared to hover over a mountain sw-w. Noticed it wobbling. Was blinded by light after which did not see it anywhere.
Author (source: MUFON)

Nice plane ! Pathetic….
Airplane, blinking lights.