Report UFO sighting

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      • My son and his friend captured these photos in northern CO on route 287 south of the WY state line on 2/12 Sunday night at ~6:50 PM.



      hi there i just shot this ufo and strange green light on a roof top

    • Tempe AZ - 3/19/17 5 ufo's for 90 minutes - we watched - then helicopters came and circled them.. got alot of pictures.

    • I watched 2 bright star sized looking objects do one large circle over head. They were about 1000 meters apart and the circle they flew would have been a round trip of 25 plus kilometer. Then onle shot away out of the formation and disappears. The remaining object then flew smoothly thorough the sky in vertical diagonal and horizontal spurts for about 5 minutes before also disappearing. This was between 8pm and 9pm above Eastern suburbs Melbourne Australia(knoxfield.wantirna)

    • found a strange group of light in a instagram post...
      the pic was taken in Italy (spilamberto, modena)...
      please take a look!!!

    • We are Niagara-on-the-Lake (Ontario, Canada) residents living only a few doors up from its lakeside Ryerson Park.

      Last Thursday (March 23) evening around 10:40, I happened to spot an unusually large and bright light out over Lake Ontario. Thinking it to be a plane headed for Billy Bishop Airport or perhaps away from Toronto-Pearson, I went to dismiss it and carry on – until I noticed how oddly motionless it was.

      There being no helicopter sound to explain its stationary attitude, I made a direct line for the park, getting as close to Lake as possible. In the darkness there, I could see other lights rising, descending, zig-zagging and entering into and out of straight-line and triangular formations. Periodically, a light would descend out of view, seemingly into the Lake, only to re-emerge moments later in a bright yellow circular glow that quickly rejoined is companions as a smaller, more intense white orb.

      It didn’t take me long to race back to our house both to invite our son, Stephan, to come see this display (and hopefully tell me I wasn’t hallucinating) while also scrambling to gather my video equipment, hopefully to record some of this amazing event.

      Upon our arrival and set up, one of the objects flashed a bright red-orange for barely an instant and another, apparently an elongated sphere, moved eastward distancing itself from the rest as a lateral array of gemstone-like lights played back and forth across its centre. Stephan shot what he could with his iPhone while I did the best I could with my video camera – trying unsuccessfully to pair it up with my binoculars at one point attempting to overcome my telephoto lens’s limited range. (Not feasible in totally dark surroundings on an ad hoc, hand-held basis.)

      As the display began to peter out, we returned home to compile and examine our footage in hopes of being able to discover even more than just our eyes had seen – remarkable as that had been. That footage and our analysis are now on YouTube, accessible via the following link:

      • Myself and a family friend saw exactly what you've described on Sunday 31st May 2020..5pm.
        It was in daylight. It was as big as a 2 story house and had no stable shape to it. It was changing shape like fluid.. the colours remainded me of a Rubik cube..constantly twisting and turning. It went from stationary to fast to slow with no tail/noise.