Triangle UFO recorded over Indiana, US

Latest UFO sightings – Triangle UFO (Tr-3b?) recorded over Kokomo, Indiana on Friday, 19th March 2010.
LUS 2010 – Most recent ovni sightings reports and evidences. Greys- aliens goverment conspiracy behind 2012 in underground facilities. Ufology examiner.
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  • my name is levi baber and i live in indiana in the little town of lizton and me and 2 of my friends were at one of my other friends house and we witnesd 4 of the same triangle like featured alien ships fly right over us at 1 o'clock at night

  • Its lights are flashing . Total bullshit...<br />I watched one for a few minutes as it hovered over our neighborhood when i was like 6 standing their with my mom and brother. It didnt make any sounds and their was never any flashing of lights...

  • that is just too weird... my family and i were camping @ morgan monroe state forest when i was a kid...and apparently while i was asleep my mom and grandmother saw weird lights in the sky. the picture my mom drew looks exactly like those lights.....

  • I live in Indiana and two nights ago I was at band and it was like 9 or 10 at night and I saw these same weird lights. I thought &quot;Hmm it&#39;s probably a tower.&quot; But I noticed A) There was only ONE tower in that vicinity and it was a satellite tower with NO lights on it and I was staring at it through the dark. and B)It was WAY too high to be a tower. It stayed in the EXACT SAME PLACE

  • my son, wife, and myself witnessed a triagular shaped object with three lights at each angle and when the object passed over the house in silents a fourth light flickered on. none of theses lights cast a beem. the object was large and moved very slow with out a sound directly over us and the house. we watched the object for about 4 minutes. when it left are sight there where an a aditional two

  • This video is a KC-135 air refueling tanker. there are a couple based at Grissom Air Reserve base 5 miles north of Kokomo. they fly touch &amp; go landings at grissom 3-4 nights a week &amp; the landing pattern takes them over Kokomo &amp; Peru. you can even hear the distinct sound of the four turbofan engines in the video.

  • C17 or C5 headed or coming from Grissom they here all the time, sound is a give away, but not a KC135

  • Anyone who believes that this is a Triangle UFO needs glasses. Ive seen UFOs on many occasions & this is clearly a Stealth Bomber.
    The blinking light is the tail section. Posting something like this & making such claims, reduce your credibility as well as anyone who would post something REAL.

  • Anyone who believes that this is a Triangle UFO needs glasses. Ive seen UFOs on many occasions & this is clearly a Stealth Bomber.
    The blinking light is the tail section. Posting something like this & making such claims, reduce your credibility as well as anyone who would post something REAL.

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