Categories: N. America

UFO Spiral in the sky seen and heard across Western Canada

Saturday May 22, 2010 – The Norway spiral comes to mind when received photographs and even an amazing video of the event. An object swooped down from the sky and then returned in a brilliant display on Friday night across the Western Canada areas.

“Whatever it was, I got it while on an Evening photoshoot of the city and Venus.” – Sean McCormick

Three different photographers have given their photos to in what looks like something out of a science fiction movie. We cannot see what would cause this one Earth. The Norway spiral was said to be caused by a missile launch in the Russian territory. But what is this?
The only known areas to launch on the Western coast are the Vandenberg Air Force Base and Alaskan areas. Vandenberg confirms no launches and Kodiak Island has to be ruled out due to the direction of travel (from the west).
The photographs show a very similar shape and mysterious object off the coast of Canada. The object is not a missile as one photograph from the beach has the trajectory curving up! What is it?
A video was sent to and the web team has added it to the video server on The video shows the entire sequence of this object as filmed by Steven Murray.
“I have four sky cameras to catch meteors on and number three caught it”, Murray said. “I saw it from my office while doing work. The object was on the monitor. By the time I rushed outside the object was gone but the loudest boom I ever heard from a distance struck shortly after.”
Click on the photos to enlarge!
UFO Spiral in the sky seen and heard across Western Canada
A video was sent to and the web team has added it to the video server on The video shows the entire sequence of this object as filmed by Steven Murray.
“I have four sky cameras to catch meteors on and number three caught it”, Murray said. “I saw it from my office while doing work. The object was on the monitor. By the time I rushed outside the object was gone but the loudest boom I ever heard from a distance struck shortly after.”

UFO Spiral over Western Canada seen from Airplane – INCREDIBLE VIDEO
Another video has just surfaced to us from in a jet airliner at 25,000 feet above the Pacific Ocean, northwest of Washington State. COMMENTS DISABLED: Vulgar language
Close up of UFO event over Western Canada
A new video was just given to The author states that he saw the event and it lasted less than a minute and looked like the object was streaming away at high speed into a tunnel.
He saw the article on Coast to Coast AM and had to show us.

Monday, 24th May 2010 UPDATE: HOAX!

What looked like numerous photographs and videos of a ship entering the cosmos was actually put together by not a team, but one person.
Kevin Martin, a Southern California Weatherman has come forward as the hoaxer to what is likely the biggest hoax ever created.
Martin claims he e-mailed the material to in an effort to test a theory of his out.
“Who is more gullible, Americans or Europeans?”, asked Martin. “A growing number of conspiracy theorists are American, while Europe seems to have their head on straighter to the facts. I decided to test it out with a half done CGI video and photoshop photo stills, sending it to Betty Morgan at Space News section.”
Martin claims that his theory was correct, Europeans have a better handle on reality than Americans.
Upon further investigation it seems like Martin is a master at marketing, graphics, and even manipulation. was fooled and I apologize for that.
“Here, to prove I did the hoax I made one of an alien ship going by, another emerges from the ground and chases it. The craft drops a large atom device and it explodes on Earth. Oh yeah, and I even made the trees move from a still photograph.”
Your opinion?
  • Fake (0)
  • Real (0)
  • Not Alien (0)

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  • I think its real because if you look real hard at 55 seconds of the video, you will see it do it again in space. This craft went into hyperspace.

  • this is sooo fake. it doesn't look real at all. things that can be done with technology these days... this video and the pictures could've been a piece of cake to make. plus the guy that supposedly got it on film says, "By the time I rushed outside the object was gone but the loudest boom I ever heard from a distance struck shortly after." ok... so why can't you hear it on

  • nvm....i heard a boom when i turned the volume way up. it'd be pretty sick if it was real. i just wonder why (if they entered the atmosphere) they would just leave like that. unless it was a fear factor. idk, seems kinda fishy... esp that the camera had such a PERFECT shot of the whole thing.

  • Now that anyone with a $500 computer torrent photoshop or other software, more and more quality fakes are coming to the forefront. It's a good thing obvious hoaxes like this are easy to spot.

  • It does'nt matter,rather if it's real or fake. You all know that these things have the capability of doing this feat & more!! Although the video was awesome, I still beleive it was real. I heard the dogs barking in the background and the crickets..Even after the two "BOOMS" the dogs barked even louder. iIt's still leaves you scratching YOUR heads.. BUT NOT MINE!

  • These videos are fake. yes you can hear a boom , but anone who is good with a computer can make anything seem really. Hello look at what they can do with movies now a days.

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Tags: 2010Canada

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