Latest UFO sightings -UFO activity photographed over England in the last months and submitted to
Witness report: UFO sightings in Stoke-On-Tent
The fireball was spotted on the Staffordshire/ Cheshire boarder I have sent this one in before but not the one where I have used the analyze button.(12/12/09)
The blue lights were flashing for awhile I managed to take a couple of pictures before they just disappeared. (30/1/10 & 5/2/10)
On the 16/5/10 I had gone outside to my sisters car to say goodbye, as we were talking I saw one of the orange lights flying towards us, so I ran inside to get my camera. I only managed to get one picture because of the speed it was traveling, just as I turned to my sister to say I had got the photo, I could not believe my luck when another came along. Both flew silently over the tops of the house’s, I would say that they were flying at the speed of a plane, we watched them until they were out of sight. I have seen these lights many times, and on one occasion when I checked on another ufo site some one in Derby approx 30 miles away saw it minutes after I seen it.
On the 10/6/10 my daughter and myself saw a strange white light flying toward my flat I ran out with my camera got a photo, this to flew silently.
On the 19/6/10 while sitting in my flat (from my flat I have a clear view of the Leek moorlands, I can see for miles) my daughter and I saw a orange light flying towards the flat, so yet again I ran outside started to take photos, the light split into two and went in different directions then just blanked out.
There is no way that any of these sightings could be Chinese lanterns, I have seen lanterns from my window and they are nothing like these.