Latest UFO sightings – Silver disc-shaped UFO was photographed in the daytime sky over Great Britain on 29th May 2010.
Witness report: It was a Saturday afternoon, I was in the garden preparing some metal work for spray- painting. I happened to look up at the clouds to gauge if there was a chance of rain, and I caught a glimpse of something flying high up in the clouds.
The object was moving in and out of the clouds. I can’t seem to use binoculars properly, so I thought I’d use my digital camera on full zoom to see if I could see anything.
We get a lot of peregrine falcons around this area, so to me it was a perfect chance to catch one in flight as I already have a few pictures of one in my garden feeding.
Anyway, with the camera on full optical zoom which is only 3x on a Kodak MD41, I only just managed to see something on the lcd screen.
The sky was bright, so my eyes were nearly closed and streaming because of the light – I clicked the button and took the picture.
I let my eyes recover for a minute and then went inside to view the picture, which is when I noticed that what I had captured appeared to a metallic disc. I was very excited.
I quickly went back outside but there was nothing visable in the sky. After that I was in no state to complete my project for the day. I have never seen anything like this before or after that day.
Author (source: mufon)
LUS 2010, most recent U.F.O. reports, evidences, proofs. Real UFOs on net from England, UK, EU – Europe. New ovni footage, pictures, photos. Daylight aliens.
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