Richard C. Hoagland on E.T. disclosure 2010 (Coast to Coast 17-Sep-2010)

Interesting part of radio show Coast to Coast AM from Friday, 17th September 2010; George Noory, Richard C. Hoagland and Stanton Friedman are talking about the new Vatican statement about Extraterrestrial life.

2 related articles:

I’d love to baptise ET, says Vatican’s stargazer

September 17, 2010 – Intelligent aliens may be living among the stars and are likely to have souls, a senior Vatican scientist said yesterday.
The Pope’s astronomer, Guy Consolmagno, said he would be happy to ‘baptise an al ien’ – but admitted that the chances of communicating with life outside the Earth were low.
Speaking at the British Science Festival in Birmingham, Dr Consolmagno also dismissed Creationism and claimed that the revival of ‘intelligent design’ – the controversial theory that only God can explain gaps in the theory of evolution – was ‘bad theology’.
Dr Consolmagno, one of a team of 12 astronomers working for the Vatican, said the Catholic Church had been supporting and funding science for centuries.
A self-confessed science fiction fan, he said he was ‘comfortable’ with the idea of alien life.
Asked if he would baptise an alien, he replied: ‘Only if they asked.’
He added: ‘I’d be delighted if we found life elsewhere and delighted if we found intelligent life elsewhere.
‘But the odds of us finding it, of it being intelligent and us being able to communicate with it – when you add them up it’s probably not a practical question.
‘God is bigger than just humanity. God is also the god of angels.’
Film: ET in Steven Spielberg’s 1982 film
In the middle ages, the definition of a soul was to have intelligence, free will, freedom to love and freedom to make decisions, he said.
Those characteristics may not be unique to humans.
‘Any entity – no matter how many tentacles it has – has a soul,’ he added.
In practice, machines were unlikely to be smart or human enough to have souls.


Pope’s astronomer says he would baptise an alien if it asked him

Pope’s Astronomer Guy Consolmagno

September 17, 2010 – An alien – ‘no matter how many tentacles it has’ – could have a soul, says pope’s astronomer.

Aliens might have souls and could choose to be baptised if humans ever met them, a Vatican scientist said today. The official also dismissed intelligent design as “bad theology” that had been “hijacked” by American creationist fundamentalists.
Guy Consolmagno, who is one of the pope’s astronomers, said he would be “delighted” if intelligent life was found among the stars. “But the odds of us finding it, of it being intelligent and us being able to communicate with it – when you add them up it’s probably not a practical question.”
Speaking ahead of a talk at the British Science Festival in Birmingham tomorrow, he said that the traditional definition of a soul was to have intelligence, free will, freedom to love and freedom to make decisions. “Any entity – no matter how many tentacles it has – has a soul.” Would he baptise an alien? “Only if they asked.”
Consolmagno, who became interested in science through reading science fiction, said that the Vatican was well aware of the latest goings-on in scientific research. “You’d be surprised,” he said.
The Pontifical Academy of Sciences, of which Stephen Hawking is a member, keeps the senior cardinals and the pope up-to-date with the latest scientific developments. Responding to Hawking’s recent comments that the laws of physics removed the need for God, Consolmagno said: “Steven Hawking is a brilliant physicist and when it comes to theology I can say he’s a brilliant physicist.”
Consolmagno curates the pope’s meteorite collection and is a trained astronomer and planetary scientist at the Vatican’s observatory. He dismissed the ideas of intelligent design – a pseudoscientific version of creationism. “The word has been hijacked by a narrow group of creationist fundamentalists in America to mean something it didn’t originally mean at all. It’s another form of the God of the gaps. It’s bad theology in that it turns God once again into the pagan god of thunder and lightning.”

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  • the aliens will disclosure their presents , themselves ; as they 'have many times' of our awareness that even we "exist too ". i don't need to hear nor wait or read that probable statement: "PEOPLE ! we have an ALERT that has just come to our attention .. " ok..! the topic could be more to """ NOW WHAT ? """ . and i did

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