In August of 2010, the details of a secret conversation between Winston Churchill and Dwight D Eisenhower concerning possible UFO activity were made public in England. According to documents released by the British National Archives, sometime during the early days of World War II, there were unexplained UFO incidents reported by pilots and crews of the Allied Air Forces. The reports were investigated by intelligence agencies and top scientists from Britain and the United States; one incident is particular stood out as the most serious one without a plausible explanation.
Pilots and crew members during World War 2 experienced various encounters with objects of an unknown nature; these objects were given the nickname “Foo Fighters.” Some of the foo fighters were orbs of light in formation following aircraft; others were glowing balls of fire. Today we would call the orbs “UFOs.” Occasionally pilots tried to out maneuver the orbs, but were unable to do so. The UFOs would follow closely, nose diving when the plane did, accelerating at the same time and slowing their speed when the fighter did. All the encounters ended in the same manner; sudden acceleration by the UFO, lighting fast vertical climb and out of sight.
The encounters were not partial to the Allied or Axis fighter pilots. Pilots on both sides of the war reported similar stories. Interestingly, each side thought the orb was a secret weapon created by their opponents. In 1943 The British Intelligence Agency authorized a mission called “Project Massey” to study the phenomena. The goal of the project was to ascertain what exactly these UFOs were and whether or not they posed a security threat. This was conducted in secrecy.
Unfortunately, many of the official reports about these UFOs have been destroyed. There are still WWII survivors who give a firsthand account of their experiences. The Churchill conversation was made public thanks to the grandson of one of Churchill’s bodyguards. His grandfather was a witness to the conversation between Churchill and Eisenhower. The grandson, a scientist, wrote to the government in the 1990s asking for information about the meeting. It is this request that was published bringing the incident into the public domain.
There are many lessons to be learned from studying previous wars; information on UFOs is an unexpected chapter in the quest for knowledge. We don’t know what these orbs were or why they may have been especially active during WWII. Perhaps they were concerned about the planet and mankind and were being especially vigilant. Maybe extra terrestrials understand an important point that we haven’t mastered– no matter what, war is never the answer. Check out this website, for information on how you can help to stop wars and prevent more people like
Adolf Hitler to appear. (C) 2011
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