Categories: N. AmericaUFO photos

Strange UFO was photographed over Louisiana 19-Mar-2011

Latest UFO sightings – This photo of a strange craft was taken in Louisiana on Saturday, 19th March 2011.
Witness report: I am a photographer, and on March 19th I was outside taking pictures of the moon during its lunar perigee. My grandparents were also outside with me, playing with my daughter on her swing set. While aiming my shot of the moon I noticed what I thought was some debris on my lens, so I cleaned it and prepared to try the shot again. I observed at this point that I could make out the object only through the camera lens, and that it was not obvious to the naked eye. At that point I realized that I was not seeing a spec on my lens but rather something in the sky. I tried to use my auto focus to capture the object, but it kept focusing on the moon. I turned off the auto focus and manually targeted the object: this is the picture that is attached to this report. I don’t know if it is important, but my camera is a Canon Rebel T2i with a Sigma 18-250 mm lens; the photograph was taken zoomed all the way in. Once the image was captured, I reviewed it on my camera and called my grandparents over to see what I had photographed. None of us had ever seen an airplane like this before. My grandparents and I both looked up but none of us could see the object. I set my camera to “live mode” (allowing us to see the viewfinder’s image on the screen on the back of the camera), positioned it, and we all saw the object. I’m not sure if we couldn’t see the object with the naked eye because of its size in the sky or something else, but whatever the case we could only see it through the camera. While I never actually saw the object moving, it was in slightly different positions to the moon every time I looked at it. We talked about it for a couple of minutes and I tried to get another picture of the object (I couldn’t find it this time) and we decided to come upload the images to the computer to look at them a little closer.
Author (source: mufon)

Click on the photo to enlarge!
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  • Interesting object. I have a file of ufo´s pictures and drawings but there isn´t one like this. Maybe NASA has knowledge of this spaceship shape (only God and Nasa Knows). Follow looking up the sky and congratulations for your photo. Luis from Argentina

  • Wow, we saw something weird like that last night....we live in Buckeye AZ...looking at the stars with our daughter...saw something that was hard to look at, but you could really see it, but it was there, like you said, like haziness.....but it was there....glad to see your post...

  • It looks real, but this is gonna sound crazy. Is it just me, or does this look a little like the starship Reliant from ST2, looking at it from the bottom? I did some goofing around with contrast, brightness and color. You can make out a saucer behind the bars of light (nacelles). And, one of the struts holding the nacelle to the saucer. Could the trails be from twin ion propulsion engines (we

  • I am also a photographer and have recently gotten many different types of craft in my night photos as well. Now I am getting things in the middle of the day too. Very strange? I do have some photos that resemble this craft too.

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