Many theories are put forth in an attempt to explain alien abductions. Are they real? Are they the result of someone’s vivid imagination? Maybe it’s our descendants returning from far off in the future.
It has been nearly 50 years since the first abduction to be publicly revealed occurred. On September 19 and 20, 1961, a New Hampshire couple, Barney and Betty Hill, experienced an alien encounter. During an evening drive home from vacation in Canada, the couple caught sight of an unusual object in the sky. They began to investigate it and were soon overtaken by it. Barney remembered becoming terrified and attempted to run away from it. Hours later, the couple found themselves home with no recollection of how or when they arrived.
Initially they were quiet about their encounter. As memories and dreams began surfacing, they began to talk about the experience with family, friends and church members. Eventually, they were hypnotized and the sequence of events was detailed. The duo told nearly identical stories about aliens capturing them for a thorough examination, wiping their memory clean, and releasing them.
The details of the alien abductions are usually similar. Abductees are usually treated with care, they are examined, memory erased and released. Those who have been abducted say that the aliens communicated with their minds or eyes, and spoken language was minimal.
All the similarities support the theory that these encounters are real and not imagined or dreamt about. When we accept this as fact, the next logical question is who and why?
Due to the medical examinations, most researchers believe that aliens are studying humans for their dna. Some investigators suppose that the extraterrestrials are attempting to harvest human dna to repair their populations. Others suggest that aliens are human hybrids who need a steady supply of our dna for survival. Being thrown in the theory ring is the speculation that they are not aliens at all; they are in fact our descendants who travel back in time. In the future, our offspring’s world is a dark and dismal place. They return to us in an attempt to understand what our life was like and to try and change the course of history.
50 years of research has revealed little concrete evidence of the alien encounters and abductions. Perhaps the next 50 years of study will have more fruitful results. (C) 2011
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They are 'Custodians' and have monitored this planet for thousands of years, the term 'abductions' is more appropriately 'examinations' such as we do with animals in their natural habitat. We capture them and check on vitals and conditions of the physical effects in this biosphere. Our culture is melodramatic by training and react to exams rather negatively such as a
i totally agree with you ..and so much happened to me in semiconscious dreamstate-like a probe type hand was reaching through my pillow into the back of my brain and wouldn't let me pull my head off the pillow..till i yanked it super hard.<br />telepathy is possible to so many people i come in contact with..and even one instance where i thought about pushing this woman backwards in her chair
Mammoth<br />In this infinite universe I strongly suspect that no other beings could give a flying toss about us monkeys.
WOW, open the Ufology door and anyone with a degree from "Imagination University" is an expert researcher...
Wow Mammoth you said a mouth full.Very interesting.Wish I could talk more to you.I would really like to find out what you mean by those who are ready.<br /><br />I do believe there are good and bad Aliens heard of some that are horror stories and then some good ones.I believe in abductions.I really don't think all are but I'm sure that there are quite a few that has happened.I'm on
They abduct us as they please those of us that have gone through the experiences know only to well that we are just specimens it angers me that people who have no experience of it can make such opinions as they do it alters your life shatters your belief system and makes every thing else seem empty people should think before they speak or write if they do not have personnal experience and be