May 21, 2011 – It has recently come to our attention that the hacker group known only as Anonymous is planning its next big trick. The call to arms states that anyone interested in participating in this hoax needs to find a website or hotline for reporting sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects, and on the chosen date, May 22nd of this year, send word to the chosen reporting venue that they have sighted approximatively eight yellow lights in the sky in a triangular pattern. They also suggest optionally creating crop circles or some other indication of a landing sight to add authenticity to the hoax. In their claim, they say they are doing it for the lulz.
It is thought that the date was specifically chosen for the association that some religious groups hold with May 21st being Judgment Day. By coinciding the dates of the hoax and the supposed date for Judgment Day, the hope is most assuredly to reinforce the idea that the world is ending and that extraterrestrial beings will be the method for that end.
The group of hackers known as Anonymous have been involved in other events and call themselves a group of activists. They have hacked into computers of famous people such as Gene Simmons as well as disrupting government computers in the hopes of stopping censorship and fighting things such as copyrighting. Perhaps the goal of this is not only to rattle some religious cages but to see how and if the media reacts to the story. (c) 2011
Click on the flyer to enlarge!
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alien bodygots
Goddamn summeralien bodys....
For the lulz?
Its Anonymous. I love these people they are doing the right things.
or maybe they're doing the wrong thing.... maybe deep down, they're sheeple just like us, being mislead into doing relatively harmless things "for the lulz"<br /> Perhaps it's cleverly disguised cover meant to delegitimize any real sightings...
The whole idea was newt grindrich...typical roody poos