Your UFO reports: 5th June – 11th June 2011
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Rollinsville, Colorado – 06.10.2011
My roommate and i were sitting on our back porch (around 1.30pm MST), eating buffalo burgers. I was looking at the mountains off to the east, when i saw what i thought at first was a silver balloon flying in the air. But it was way high and far off to the SE to be a balloon. It was moving pretty quick off the the west, and noticed a cigar shaped object reflecting in the sunlight below and in-front of the first object i saw. At first i thought it was pulling the other object (it reminded me of when airplanes pull banners and fly around at sporting events). When i noticed the bottom cigar shape object start to pull away, and realized they werent strange clouds (all these realizations happened in a matter of seconds), i stood up and pointed and said to my roommate “what the hell are! those two things”. We watched them travel off to the West till the trees obstruced our view. we probably watched for a minute.
When we could no longer see them, we were wondering if they were airplanes the sun reflection was just making them look strange. But soon as we thought that we could hear a plane fly over, then we could spot it way off in the distance. (it was not moving near as fast as the objects we say, and the objects made no noise.)
I have no idea what i saw…i see many falling stars, satellites, birds, planes since i live in the mountains and am outside often. I have never been mesmerized like i was by what i saw today 06.10.2011 at 1.30pm.
Aaron L
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Myrtle Beach, SC – June 8, 2011 9:55 pm
Three to five orange lights in sequential formation, intermittently, alternating with fast fading or disappearing; and then one or two reappearing in a different configuration, suspended at first, followed by rapid acceleration in a southerly direction over the shoreline of the Atlantic Ocean. This display was repeated over the extent of about an hour. The sighting was witnessed by four people simultaneously, and was discussed as being inexplicable; particularly with the erratic motion. To my knowledge, no one in my periphery took a photo, but because I do not know the other observers, I can’t say for certain that none was able to capture the intense orange shape-shifting lights.
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East Phoenix, Arizona 16th st. Bethany home – 6-6-11
I was headed on my way home from work. I was on the Interstate 10 going west it was around 30th street when i noticed it. I looked to the right and four lights were gleaming. There is no way they could have been stars, they were way too close. And they diffidently were not planes because they were not moving. At first they appeared in a V shape. 3 in formation, and the one by itself. I was concentrating on driving and looking over constantly. Now that ive seen it myself.. I BELIEVE theres something out there. But anyways.. they ended up being in a straight line, then one disappeared. Thats the last of it I saw. I couldnt see because of the wall from the highway. once i got off on my street.. they were nowhere in sight. When i got home.. there was a Police helicopter flying around the ar! ea the lights were. CRAZY! I still cant belive it…
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Brooklyn NY looked like it was toward park slope – 6/5/2011 3:16 am
I am a skeptic however I saw something this morning at 3:16 am I came back from the city and parked on west 4th in brooklyn I looked up and saw bright lights in the north east area in the sky it looked like it was coming from the park slope area/ nyc It moved around and dropped fast over some buildings.. I really need to know If someone else saw something, I know I am not crazy… was anything else In the sky last night or did you get other reports???
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Boracay beach, Philippines (facing South West) – 5th June 2011
There is already a full description of the event linked to the video on youtube [
link}. In summary;
I was eating dinner at 9 p.m. and a flashing light in the sky caught my attention. It only took a couple of seconds to realise it was a UFO. I started taking some pictures from the restaurant, and after about 5 minutes I moved down to the beach (about 30 metres away) to get a clearer view. I continued to watch the UFO for another 20 minutes, taking pictures and videos. The best video footage is the bit I have already uploaded to youtube, it shows the last three minutes that the UFO was visable. I wanted to share some of the high resolution pictures that I took so you can get a closer look. When I try to upload the pictures to youtube then I lose a lot of resolution. I hope that LUS will publish the hi-res photos alongside the video that they have already linked. You will need to zoom into the photo’s further in order to show their detail.
I am happy to answer any more questions, and I will continue to upload the remaining footage I took on to youtube. I want as many people to see the footage as possible. I am proud to know that my footage will join an increasing wealth of evidence that will very soon be irrefutable.
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UFO sighting in Baltimore, MD, USA. June 4, 2011.
We just saw the strangest thing in the sky over south Towson, Stoneleigh to be exact. There were UFO’s, they were orange glowing orbs. 5 were clustered in a rectangular sort of formation with 1 leading. Then a second appeared and 2 were leading. They all stopped, hovered over Stoneleigh and appeared to be about twice the height of a cell tower from the ground. They started moving westward going higher in the sky. We could not believe what we were seeing. Then, one of the lead UFO’s disappeared and a few seconds later the lone lead UFO seemed to split into 2. The cluster of 5 then disappeared. Did anyone else see this?
Ashly A
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Click Read more to read the full post with all the UFO reports!
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390 north at the vintage intersection in Greece ny – June 4 2011
I was driving down 390 north in Greece ny when my mother and I noticed a strange light in the sky. It looked like a weird triangular fireball hovering in the sky. At first we thought it was a plane that was on fire but it Was just hovering n one spot. We stopped the car and at he’d as it slowly moved to the left in the sky and stop. It then went to the right and stopped. It was stopping and hovering for minutes, not seconds. It advanced in our direction then went backwards and slowly advanced in about a seventy degree angle into the sky before it got so far away that you could no longer see the light.
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North Kendall, Miami Florida SW sections of Dade county – Saturday night 6/4/2011, Starting at 9:28 pm till 9:35 pm
I had just finished washing two of the family cars under the flood lights on the west side of our home.
I bent over to ring out the wash mitt only to have a strange light in the sky catch my eye.
I had been a pilot and knew what aircraft lighting looks like and these were no airplanes, I have ever seen.
I, my wife, all of my children and 6 of my neighbors, and some of their family saw these strange, flickery, pinkish-orange lights cruise rapidly accross our Miami night sky.
They were the color of sodium vapor street lights, but flickery like a welder’s arc, and completly silent. Their size was comparable to four venuses, or viewing a standard street soduim vapor light from 600 feet away.
They went from the NE toward the SW diagnally accross our sky then as they were 3/4ths of the way accross they curved slightly more to the West as they seemed to climb out of sight till they seemed like very faint stars then dissapeared.
The first one was all by it’s self and vanished toward the W-SW, then a minute or so passed, then three more appeared toward our NE spaced about a mile or two appart following each other in the same path. The sky was mostly clear with very small cumulus clouds sparsly sprinkled about, but one of these three passed through one cloud illuminating the cloud like a flare, not like a landing light of an airplane with the beam like headlight effect
Before the last of these three could dissapear into space toward the West, another three rose toward our NE, also taking the same path but two of these turned brilliant lipstick red for a few seconds, one even a little purplish, then individually each returned to their sodium vapor flickery color as they passed directly over my home, as the last one was over our home one more rose in the NE tagging farther behind the rest it to followed the same path to only raise out of the atmosphere into space and dissapear amongst the stars to theSW- West.
Estimated speed for their altitude over 2,000 mph.
I called non-emergency Miami-Dade police to report it and the officer said she was recieving a mutitude of calls from about the city on the same lights.
The following days, I called Miami International Airport as these lights would have passed right over it from my location I am about 5 miles from it. I live right under the down wind leg of the airtraffic patern and a bit west of me the airliners turn on their base leg to their final approach, spaced out about every 5 minutes. But during this sighting the air traffic was halted as the flights seemed to be diverted for ovwer 30 minutes and resumed after 5 minutes after the last unexplained craft had vanished into the night sky.
Mufon Florida branch is doing a complete report to soon be made availiable on their site and the interviews of me, my family and the neighbores.
The Miami International airport control tower at (305) 869-5400 refused to divulge any information, but passed my call to Miami Center at (305) 716-1500, they too claimed all unidentified air traffic reports from citizens must get their information from Flight Standards at (954) 641-6000.
Flight Standards claimed no unusual activity for that night and if the Miami Dade police had recieved so many calls they would have been contacted, but the police never called.
Who are we to believe?
The hundreds of calls flooding the police and half of my street also saw them during the entire 7 minute sighting. I got photos of 4 of the craft.
If anybody reading this article also lives in Miami area and can verify a strange sighting on 6/4/2011 please contact me at [contact for email]
Jay B
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I saw a UFO today in york, north yorkshire at 10.45pm – 4th June 2011
its was a bright red/orange light, was travelling at normal speed at first then it went faster and then slower and then went really fast and disappeared. I no for a fact it was a helicopter or a aeroplane because it did make any noise but was really quiet. I thought it was a light at first and realised it was something else after 1 second. My best mate was with me he got scared and left me there. I know what I saw and this is my second encounter with UFO. I am healthy and have no ill problems.
Did anyone in York notice the sightings.
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San Bernardino/Rialto Ca – 6/2/2011
At 2:45am on 6/2, two object were side by side then one goes straight up while the other is flying South. Next,the one that went straight up comes zig-zaging
back to joint the one that flying south. About 2 minutes later they start to circle each other then head north for about 3 minutes then they go straight up and disappear.
color of objects-white,yellow then it changes to a light purple before going straight up.
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East Gosford, Central Coast (north of Sydney) New South Wales, Australia – 30th May 2011
Around 3.30pm in fine weather I saw an gold coloured elongated flame shaped object going in a straight line much faster than a plane or helicopter over my house on the Central Coast. I watched it for about 3 minutes and tried to work out what it was. It moved in a mechanical deliberate fashion. It looked nothing like a satellite or a meteorite both of which I have seen before and recognise as such.Then I saw a film of a UFO in Queensland the next day on the news on TV with a report stating that police had investigated and could not come up with an explanation at all. It looked identical to the one I had seen so clearly in broad daylight the day before.I was so memorised by watching it that unfortunately it didn’t enter my head to photograph it.I regret that now of course.
Jane P
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UFO in Naples, Italy – 2nd May 2011

An UFO was filmed in Naples, May 2, 2011. Dr.Angelo Carannante, team manager of “Centro Ufologico di Benevento Mars Group Campano” and team manager of newborn CUFOM ( “ Centro Ufologico Mediterraneo”), informs that the short video is on Mars Group Channel of youtube and also on the new website of CUBMGC at the url . The software eng. Donatello Guerrera, member of the CUBMG, has made very enjoyable watching the video with appropriate filters. The witness which filmed UFO, wanted to film a light sphere. Then, just viewing the video, the witness noticed that there was no light sphere, but the strange object appeared. This object seems to turn on himself, but this effect could be due to the poor quality of the video, filmed with a mobile phone. The CUBMG members are considering all possible option and the image analyst Carmine Silvestri is working hard. The CUBMGC , however, emphasizes that there is a similar object in the series even if it moves vertically, while the object sighted moving horizontally. Of course after completing the analysis, visible on the CUBMG web site and the Mars Group channel of youtube, you probably understand more about the nature of the UFO.
Video on Youtube:
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Douglas, AZ. – late 2005-early 2006
Black Stealth Craft,very low speed 15-20 mph.looked like F-117- Saw this craft almost hoovering,no sound at all-totaly 200ft.wide tip to tip, Tringler shaped Wedge, V- shaped Red blinking light on undercarrage or bottom also white lights on underbelly.Craft was flying east along on Mexican-U.S. Border, 400 yds to 600 yds above me.Seemed to be a military recon craft.Looking for tunnels maybe.
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Salem, Arkansas 15 miles from Little Rock, Arkansas – August 2002
I am a 50 year old woman and I have never posted this sighting on the internet. I was at a ball game for my 12 year old son. It was about 12 at night and all other lights were off at the park. My son’s game was the only one going on at that time. I was sitting in my car and I I turned my head to the west and there was a big bright light in the sky. At first, I thought it was a airplane or some other machine, until I realized that it staying in the air and making no noise. I have seen the video’s on you site and this light was much bigger and brighter than any of the video’s. You could not look at it for very long ( too bright) it had a blue tint. It would float a little to the left and stay for 30 minutes and then float up and down, but once it stopped it stayed there. I watched this ! light for 2 hours, the complete ballgame. When the ballgame was over the light just floated off to the west. I got the feeling it was watching the game. There was never any sound at all. I don’t know if anyone eles has seen anything like this. Most sighting speed off but this object just floated off after the game.
Cindy D
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hwy 112 old pensacola rd. Bay Minette, Alabama – 2000
It was about an hour after dark when my dad, brother and I were coming home from pensacola and i saw some lights over the trees and as we got closer they seemed to be getting closer to the road. when we passed i saw that it was a flying object of some kind. I had my dad pull over. when i got out i saw that it was triangular in shape with rounded corners and had a few lights around the aircraft. It was just sitting stationarty about 20 feet over the pine trees. once i got to the back of the truck it flew torwards the road and turned around and flew about 100 feet over the road in the opposite direction that we were going. it had no exhaust noise. this aircraft was SILENT. I was young and we did not have cell phones or cameras on us so it suck we could not get a photo. I had thought that ! it was just a government aircraft from the pensacola naval base. but just recently heard about other people seeing aircrafts of this sort and no one knows whos they are.
Samuel P
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Tehachapi State Prison – Dec 1996
I was doing time in Tehachapi State Prison, One afternoon I looked out my cell window and saw a v-shaped wing type of craft approximately the size of a football field glide overhead and off into the distance. From a large overhead view it quickly traveled and disappeared out of sight.
Jason C. M.