Unknown lights in the sky over Indiana, US 20-Jun-2011
Latest UFO sightings – This bright object was recorded above Indiana in United States on Monday, 20th June 2011.
Witness report: Around eleven oclock pm. I went into my back yard to have a smoke. I noticed a strange light comming from the south it was moving my direction (North) and a little east from me.It kept getting bigger and brighter and I couldnt really tell if it was orange ,yellow or white it kind of did a pulse and the shades of it changed a bit. I knew something was extremely odd then . I ran inside and got my camcorder.As I got back outside and started filming I zoomed in as close as I could go and then I realized this thing was not wright. it had what looked like circular swirl marks in or on it and they would change and then it just vanished . The object was over a farm field area. I filmed this with a sony handycam dcr-sr68. This was all odd in itself but,this isnt the first time I saw something strange over here.In your archives I reported another with video date 6-16-08. same kind of object I believe but 6-16-08 came from the north and not the south. they seem to be vanishing in the same area.The days I video taped them was 3 years and 4 days apart .
Gisteren 22-06 zat ik buiten te roken en te genieten van de sterren toen ik opeens een rare lichtbol zag.<br />Ik dacht eerst dat het een hele grote heldere ster moest zijn.<br />Maar die lichtbol bewoog zijwaarts..?<br />Toen dacht ik nee het kan geen vliegtuig zijn want die hebben van die knipper lichten en dat werd ook bevestig doordat er op dat moment een vliegtuig aankwam in één rechte lijn
Good video. There are some cases similar to this, with the same shape.
I live in southern Indiana , I've been seeing this almost every night in diff parts of the sky for months now. . I am ex military , attended flight school and been all over the country, I have no explanations for this strange reoccuring sky light .
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Gisteren 22-06 zat ik buiten te roken en te genieten van de sterren toen ik opeens een rare lichtbol zag.<br />Ik dacht eerst dat het een hele grote heldere ster moest zijn.<br />Maar die lichtbol bewoog zijwaarts..?<br />Toen dacht ik nee het kan geen vliegtuig zijn want die hebben van die knipper lichten en dat werd ook bevestig doordat er op dat moment een vliegtuig aankwam in één rechte lijn
Good video. There are some cases similar to this, with the same shape.
I live in southern Indiana , I've been seeing this almost every night in diff parts of the sky for months now. . I am ex military , attended flight school and been all over the country, I have no explanations for this strange reoccuring sky light .
Fireball, flames and other radiation: Many people observed strange lightning<br />at the time of the Zenkoji Earthquake in 1847. In addition to a pillar of fire (or fire<br />01_Ch1.pmd 3 2/7/2006, 11:19 AMEARTHQUAKES AND ANIMALS - From Folk Legends to Science<br />© World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.<br />http://www.worldscibooks.com/popsci/5382.html<br />4 1. Legends of Unusual