Witness report: two UFO ORB sightings were filmed over San Antonio,Tx…
On July-28-2010 two glowing UFO ORBs were caught on video over San Antonio,Tx… First sighting occurred as i was skywatching facing S/W..Clear day with no cloud’s in sight.So i decided to do some SKYWATCHING…I notice a flash high in altitued.So I quickly grabed my camcorder and began filming this glowing object.When zooming in,I was surprised to see this glowing ORB..It was clearly no aircraft.So I hurried and got my tripod.This object was traveling NorthEast high in altitude.Making it hard to get a good shot….I pan back to find a reference point,ended using the top of a roof.As i began to zoom in you can clearly see this was no aircraft.It was an extremely glowing object..
Second sighting happend As i was sky-watching looking West..This time there were some cloud in sight..I notice a large glowing object traveling North right into the clouds.As i began filming this Orb it appear to accelerate at a high rate of Speed..You can clearly see this Orb traveling,in/out of clouds..When zooming in this unknown object appear to be glowing.This object was clearly no aircraft or weather-balloon.As you can see on the video this object seems to be traveling at high altitude.While i was filming unknown began to glow extremely bright.It did not seem to reflect the sun’s ray’s,It seemed to be glowing.It took me by surprised,I did not expect to witness something. .These Glowing ORBs were clearly no aircraft’s/ weather-balloon or satellite…
Author (SAUFOTX @ youtube)
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Is this the same footage you took a few weeks ago. It looks very familiar.