Your UFO reports: 10th July – 17th July 2011
(Click on the photos to enlarge!)
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Baldwin park, California – 7/17/2011
I know it’s weird and might think I’m crazy but I was looking up at the sky and I noticed a bright star in the sky but it seem to be moving in circles and it was flashing red and green colors. I woke up my wife and she seem to noticed te same thing. we stared at it for a while and slowly it kept moving and at times it seemed to get brighter. I was not able to capture any pictures or video but I know it was not a regular star. Besides my wife and I there was nobody else around to confirm what I think was a UFO!!!
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Tustin/ Irvine, CA – 7/16/11
My wife, son, and I walked out of Babies R Us at the Irvine Marketplace in Irvine, CA. There was a couple standing in front of us that was acting a little weird looking up into the sky. We looked up to see what looked like an array of white lights in the shape of a flying saucer. There was one red light in the middle and the white lights just below that. The white lights blinked off and then on again in succession from right to left. The saucer was traveling west. We got the attention of other customers and a security guard as well. We all stood and watched in astonishment. It was too short. I wish I had a camera to take some photos.
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Taos, New Mexico – Saturday, July 15th 2011, 11:30pm
I’ve been watching the night skies recently. I first witnessed something out of the ordinary on July 4th, 2011 while up in the mountains with a few friends and my sister. While sitting in the truck that night my eyes wandered up towards the sky. I then saw to the north a small but very dim light that was pulsating. I told my sister if she could see the same thing and she did. We watched it for about 5 minutes.. moving at a very slow speed. After awhile it seemed to just disappear. About 30 seconds later another small light seemed to emerge from the darkness in the same spot we saw the previous light. This one was more bright that the first orange light we saw. What was different however, is this second light seemed to be moving a bit faster. As we kept watching, it seemed to get brighte! r and brighter. Then we before we knew it, it was so bright! Like a white light and within seconds it was gone. I have never seen anything like it!
Fast forward to tonight. While outside at my home with my friend, I happened to look up at the sky again. I told him about that night and how my sister and I witnessed these 2 unexplained lights. It didn’t take more than 10 minutes when we saw something which appeared out of nowhere again. It was dim just like the light we saw that night. It then got so bright.. but this time it looked like it was multiple lights.. maybe 2 or 3 at most. Then like the previous ones it dimmed. Not completely but you could still see it. It was moving towards the east this time at a slow speed. The moon was out tonight so it was hard to follow the light as it moved. As it was moving more out of our site we saw that a second light begin to follow the first one. We both watched in amazement as this happened until they were out of sight. I’ll continue to look up at night now. You never know what you may see. If anyway is in the Taos area and has witnessed anything like this please post!
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Click Read more to read the full post with all the UFO reports!
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West Chester, PA – July 15th, 2011
i was smoking a cig with my fiance outside our apartment and there were no stars, it was light outside, and their were tons of bright blinking lights and one very bright one so we suspected it, took pics, and were fascinated by what we had seen

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Dublin, Ireland – 13/7/11
went out the back to put some stuff in the bins and seen this light light which was very high up, higher then a plane 1000 times faster , the 2nd light i seen was going the other way and that to was very hight up but not as fast as the first light but way faster then a plane, the night sky at this time was very clear so i could see the lights very cleary. this is not the first time i have seen lights like this .
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Youngstown, Ohio – July 13, 2011
I know there are going to be some who immediately dismiss this sighting as conventional aircraft. This night the skies were full of air traffic back to back it seemed at times but this one caught my eye due to the strange & unconventional light formation. In this video you will see an object pass above me. Pay close attention to the two lights off to the right side. The bottom one will get a little tricky, get brighter and move itself out to the right and further away as it passes over. Not something expected to see on airplanes. As the video goes on it gets even better as more lights appear on this object. I sit and skywatch as often as I can.I have been doing so since 1998. Your gut feeling tells you when you are seeing something “different”. Alot of others are reporting! seeing these craft in the night sky that change their light formations. Maybe we should stop dismissing the truth hiding in plain sight.
Sighting in Youngstown Ohio July 13, 2011 @ approx 11:50pm EST. Object moving East to West.
Youtube video:
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24568 Suttle rd., Veneta OR (Quiet Camp campground) – July 10, 2011
Spotted 2 very bright UFO’s traveling from the west at about 1:30am. Both stopped at about midway between east and west in the sky. They then slowly reversed direction hovered for a while and then slowly faded away. At first they seemed to be bright satellites but I have never seen a satellite stop and revrese direction. There were several eyewitnesses at this location. Quiet Camp Veneta OR
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SW of Fairview, Oklahoma – 07-10-11
This is the second time I have seen a large orange object in the sky. It changes shapes and color from orange to white and sometimes yellow. Tonight while taking pictures it just disappeared.
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Edenvale Gauteng, South Africa – 9 july 2011
round about 7am i went out to my car .I saw a strange bright red light moving very fast across the night sky ! north to east above the clouds.
3 to 5 min later second light ,3th and 4th all coming from the same area and following the same direction with the same time laps .there was no sound and red objects where moving very fast !
did anyone else se these objects in edenvale gauteng south africa.
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Northwestern Clark County, Ohio – Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Late Wednesday, July 6, 2011, my three adult children and I were standing in my daughter’s yard at their home in rural northwestern Clark county. The time was approximately 1:00 am (the date, actually, was early Thursday, July 7). We saw what we believed to be an intense meteor shower, although later we could find no reports of meteor activity in our area. After 30-40 minutes, we saw no more ‘shooting stars,’ but noticed two lights in the southwestern part of the sky. The lights appeared to be two inches apart from our perspective, remaineed equidistant from each other while moving across the sky. Suddenly the leading light flashed away to the west and was immediately followed by the second. We all stood astonished and baffeled by what we had witnessed. None of us have ever had an exper! ience like this, and so have no basis for comparison. We wonder if what we witnessed that night could have been extraterrestrial in nature….
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South Pembina Hwy in Winnipeg by 3030 block – July 5, 2011
My wife and I were walking on the sidewalk northbound by 3030 Pembina Hwy location in Winnipeg at approximately 11: 20 a.m. when suddenly she asked me if I could see what she was seeing in the sky up ahead. When I looked up in the sky, I noticed a number of UFOs (8 to 10) travelling in the same direction in a close circle formation and very rapidly. Their speed was very unusual because for their size their speed was too fast. I tried to explain them to my wife but they looked nothing I have ever seen before. They looked like big birds but no tails at all and their wings never moved or flapped for the entire 3 to 4 minutes we were watching them moving in the circle shape formation. Moreover, their heads were silver colour and very shinny. At first, I thought they might be remote c! ontrolled objects but they were too high in the sky and too many of them flying so close to one another which I quickly ruled it out. Then, I thought they might be balloons but they were moving too fast to be balloons anyhow. As we were still discussing what the objects were in the sky, I stopped a couple who were also walking but in an opposite direction and asked them if they could see the UFOs. The male subject confirmed the strange object he saw but could not explain it as well. The female was unable to see them as they disappeared very quickly. We also noticed a passenger plane flying close to them heading to the airport which we thought the pilot could have easily spotted them as we were still watching them. I quickly ran to pick up my camera but they were long gone by the time I got back.
This whole experience was totally surreal for both of us.
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Hampton Beach, NH – 7/4/2011
At approx. 10pm we witnessed first 4 ufo’s coming at us fron the south direction, directly above the shoreline. They moved towards us and then disappeared upwards. Several moments later, we saw 3 more, same path, same movements. A lady who lives two condos over heard us shout “ufo’s” She saw what we saw but in addition, saw one hovering over the ocean for a minute or more. There were 6 of our family who witnessed this plus the lady next door. I took pics but they look light distorted lights. What we saw was spherical, with red lights, blue light on top and yellow lights,in a pattern resembling a sunburst and it was pulsing
P Pierce
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Rochester, NY – July 4, 2011
I am unfamiliar with this. UFO “stuff” never appealed to me because they are usually associated with a “hoax” or dismissed as military aircraft experimentation.
However, on July 4th, 2011, I was testing my new camera’s settings to hopefully take a few pictures of the fireworks. It was the 1st yr anniversary of my son and new daughter-in-law’s engagement to add to our scrapbook (everyone had to work so no family picnic).
As I was testing my camera before the fireworks started – taking pictures of the crescent moon against the sunset, I saw 3 pink/orange glowing objects in a triangle formation appear at about 35 degrees in the western horizon. I thought they were fireworks but they didn’t explode – they continued to ascend then others began to follow it. Too stunned to get a picture, I ran back to my house to get my daughter and nephew (to confirm I wasn’t crazy).
My camera wouldn’t work anymore (?) but my daughter managed (we were both shaking) to get 2 good pictures on her cell phone. For some reason, we were not scared…it was beautiful and non-threatening, as though it was a “tentative intro” to see our reaction.
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Roseville CA – July 3rd, 2011
Saw these two objects interacting with each other changing colors and reaching high altitudes on the third of July. This particular type of sighting has been more so this year as I have seen these same objects in different areas also in a video taken in new york city from earlier this year. Also one object seemed to hover over the treeline (to the right of fireworks) for about ten minutes, moved slightly to the right then disappeared. This is just one of my many sightings this year. Very interested in what is to come. Here is the link: Matthew
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Butte, Montana – 7/4/2011
Saw a orange/red in color, sphere/fireball just before the firework show in Butte, Montana on July 3, 2011 at about 10:20 pm. as I was walking to my house to pick-up some fireworks I had forgotten. Observed it for about 45 sec. before losing it behind the roof line of a house, then couldn’t find it again. At the same time, my wife was trying to take pictures of the fireworks, and got some strange photos, which I am including.
Information on type of camera and settings.
All of the photos, are facing south, and were taken in about a 5 to 7 minute period.
Camera: Canon EOS Digital Rebel
F-stop: f/4.5
Exposure time: 2 seconds
ISO-speed: ISO-400
Focal Length: 35 mm
Metering mode: Pattern
Dimensions: 2848×4272
Resolution: 72 dpi
Bit depth: 24
Resolution unit: 2
Color representation: sRGB

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Last Mountain Reginal Park, Saskatchewan Canada – July 1, 2011 23:01
Before the fire works started in the last mountain reginal park on canada day, an orange ball apeared in the east. It apeared to be moving to the north at a very slow speed. I dont know the distance it was, but from my perspective it was floating between two tree tops, and that is how i noticed its slight movements.
It apeared to stop between the tree tops, that is when most everybody in the park noticed it, a few hundred people were there, every one around us noticed it and some joked that it was a UFO.
When The Orange Ball stopped I assumed it was a plane moving either towards or away from us, seeming like it was standing still. But it didnt get bigger or smaller. I stopped watching and a few seconds later my friend told me that it just all the sudden vanished.
Once the fireworks started I didnt pay any more attention.
Once we were leaving in our car and turned back onto the main grid road heading east that led to the highway. We see it agian. This time it seemed to be a little lower or a little bigger. It had a main orange ball and a kind of orange glow coming off the bottow (see illustration). My friends said the bottom glowing part was flashing, I was pulling the car over. At this point it was on the south side of the road, and moved all the way to the north side of the road at a fair speed. Again it dissapeared, we got back in the car and continued driving, we spotted it agian so we stopped again, this is when I took the photo with my phone. at first it apears to have three lights on it but if compared to the tail lights (which apear the same three light pattern) I realized i must have moved the camera when I took the photo. Or Being that cars were moving away and to the right at about 50km/h maybe the UFO was as well, as the road didnt seem to be distorted.
This was on a perfectly clear night, bright stars in the sky. When I over exposed the picture i could see odd pixelation around the UFO that didnt apear around the tail lights of the cars in the picture.

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Belgium – June 2011
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Saltburn by sea, Cleveland, UK – 23.06.2011
At around 22:30 whilst taking landscape photos on saltburn beach I noticed what looked like a star or single white plane light moving slowly in a south to north direction very slowly. It appeared to be at a very high altitude.
After around 1ten seconds it got brighter and slightly larger and gradually turned and orange colour.
Then it slowly got smaller and turned back to white and gradually kept getting smaller until it dissapered as if travelling directly away, upward.
The whole thing probably lasted no longer than forty or fifty seconds.
C Smith
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Birmingham – June 2011
i did report this to the aviatin at birmingham airport but they just shook it off to say it was a helicopter. I reported a ufo outside my window ,i live on the third floor of a block of flats when i noticed a flashing light above a house which is 25 yards from me this was a pair of lights like diamonds seperated by a green floresence tube there was no sound like you would from a helicopter that close the shape was oval shaped when i approached the window the vehicle sped off at a fast speed doing a speed of a football pitch in seconds and this was fast in arched like flight and disserppered from sight i have not wrote about this before but has been on my mind ever since i have been near a helicopter since and i know what i saw that night was a ufo
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NW England – 2011
I have seen many ufo s over the years but in the last eighteen months have filmed many types of alien spacecraft.One I filmed for mins.hovering 2mins.70yds.away only to return with others with lights dimmed mins.later and on other nights.Just before this I filmed 4 of 6 craft which flew over about 400yds,at 1000 ft.,30 mph.Others I have filmed are moving up to 4mls.away.UFO MATRIX MAG.are in contact,hopefully to purchase rights to use my film.If interested please email.Without being big headed I think most of my footage is better than those I have viewed on your site.
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Paris, France – 28/10/2009
In October 2009 my wife and I were travelling through Europe, while in Paris we stopped to watch the 9pm light show on the Eiffel Tower and took these photos. Looking at the small screen on the camera the images looked like a shooting star, it was not until we got home and viewed them on the computer that we discovered it may have been something else.
This collection of photos were taken on a Canon DSLR set on multi shot with timer, during the 9pm Eiffel Tower light show on October 28th 2009.
View the video at
Observe the lights on the UFO as they change formation across the screen, the speed they travel and the angle of trajectory
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Denver, CO, United States – Jan 30, 2008
We were walking home from dinner at around ten thirty when my friend heard what sounded like repetative engines. Very faint. Sort of like they were reving or something. Anyways, we looked up and saw three flashing green lights, unlike any plane or satelite I’ve ever seen. I didn’t think that satelites used green light. So, my friend pulled out her phone to take a picture (it was leaving little green streeks in the sky behind the lights, like the stuff thats left behind on planes) but before she could take a picture, it was gone.
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Rolling Kansas film – 2003
Me and my boyfriend were just watching this film when he noticed 4 lights blinking in the sky. We’re not too sure whether it’s real or not so we posted a video on youtube to show people.
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Around 2:15am 23rd of July 2011 based in Easton Australia... wasn't able to sleep due to a cold. i logged on to facedbook, much to my surprise my mother was online, she told me how a fox woke her from her sleep looking out the Window she noticed a very bright unusual star. so I grabbed my camera a Canon EOS 1000D with the 74 - 300mm lens and went outside I took several several photographs