Your UFO reports: 18th September – 24th September 2011
Did you see a UFO? Report it using
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Danderhall, Edinburgh, UK – 25 sep 2011
At 12.30am i saw a very large glowing orange object in sky,no sound and no flashing lights it was moving north to south accross sky. It was too slow to be a meteor. My whole family of 5 witnessed tthe event. The object over a 3 minute sighting went from bright glowing orange then very quickly green red and parts went black until matching night sky and vanishing in an instant.i have never seen anything like it. I wish i had filmed it hope someone else did.
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Warminster/Hatboro, PA. Intersection of Newtown and County Line Roads – September 24th, 2011
Approaching Newtown Road while on County Line Road, I noticed a bright light. Flashing red and white, almost looked like ball of fire. It was stationary. I turned around in a parking lot to get a picture, but it was gone.
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a.b.s Cash and Cary, Glasgow, UK – 24-9-2011
hi I was at the cash and carry abs in Glasgow this afternoon about 4 pm was just getting in my car and noticed my son and wife looking up to the sky and had a look myself I saw a white orb thing very high in the sky then I saw another following it and a plane to the right of them the orbs seemed where bright white and seemed to have a sort of bubble round them that was clear but you could make out the outer ring I at first only saw one then I saw another that was following it and said to my wife and son look there is another one to witch my boy who is 27 years old and wife told me before I was looking that 8 had passed over head and one was red in the middle I was jus wishing I had a camera with me I don’t know if anyone has reported this or not but it was very strange and I don’t t! hink it was balloons. i w3ould be interested to know if anyone has reported this or seen then as well.
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England, Liverpool, Crosby Coast – 24.09.2011
Took a bike ride down to my local beach when I noticed two people taking pictures of this bright blue object, so then I decided to grab my mobile phone out of my pocket and start recording. Unfortunantly the quality is not good but clear this object is very odd. I can be very sure that this object was not a plane, helicopter, Chinese lantern or a kite.
This sighting was on Crosby beach, Liverpool, Merseyside. at 8:10pm heading north.
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Phoenix, Az metro area – 9-23-2011
Around 7:45- 8:800 pm on the night of Friday September 29th, myself and another person saw strange lights in the Western sky. They appeared to be hovering in the sky and were parallel to each other. As it got darker, the lights on the objects that seemed to be changing color. There were actual airplanes flying in the sky and they did not look like or hover like the objects i witnessed. As i continued into my evening I noticed that they were still there an hour after i first sighted them. very strange…… unfortunately my camera phone was not able to record the lights……
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Click Read more to read the full post with all the UFO reports!
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Sweden (eastcoast) – 2011-09-23 23.30-23.45
9 bright shining spherical objects flying eastwards moved quickly and silently over the sky.
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Zilina, Slovakia – 2011-09-22
Couple minutes after midnight I saw triangle UFO very fast flying, it was 3 light objects conected together to shape of pyramid. Couple minutes after this flow that way another around 12 – 15 light objects, very fast, in no formation, no airplanes, baloons, meteors, nothing I could known.. They were flying really fast, not flashing, just very bright white color.
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Victory Township; Ludington, MI – 09/21/2011 @ 5:45 PM to 6:00 PM
Last night my husband Wade Appledorn and I were on our way home from work. We stopped going East on Beyer Rd to get our mail when my husband noticed a translucent mushroom shaped object above the trees approximately 1 mile east down our road. It had one long rectangular red light and one long rectangular green light. It moved north and seemed to disinergrate/vanish as it moved North. Then about 2 seconds later, andother object fitting that same discription went to the same spot we originally saw the first obect. This object moved into the spot from south to north. Before it left we began driving towards it. We got 3/4 mile away from it and it flashed a VERY BRIGHT white light one time and disappeared. We drove to the spot were the two objects were seen and there was nothing in the sky a! t all. We figured had been an aircraft of somesort we would see it at that final destination point becasue there was a timber opening that one could see for miles on. No objects were in the sky. I dont know what it was but my husband and I watched the sky all night long trying to see it again. The whole incident took place it seemed in seconds but both myself, and my husband are baffeled. I am a child protective services investigator, and my husband is a laborer.
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Omaha, NE 68136 – 9/20/11 and 9/21/11
I’ve seen this UFO twice at this point. In both instances I was at my home located at approximately 180th and Harrison, and out on the back deck smoking a cigarette and watching the skies. Now when you walk out onto the deck you looking south; the craft I saw was a ways to the east, roughly at about the edge of where the glow of the city lights meets the edge of where you can still see the stars, maybe roughly around the Millard area of the city.
There is a small, private airport in the Millard area, but what I saw was unlike any plane, helicopter…any ‘you-name-it’ I’ve ever seen. And the craft was large even from where I stood. It was low flying, extremely bright, and couldn’t be missed. I could make out red and blue flashing lights on the edges of the craft, and the most unusual aspect was how the craft was moving. It was moving in small, quick circles in a pretty limited area and I came out repeatedly over the next couple of hours and each time it was still there. The last time I observed it was roughly 3:30AM this morning.
I’ve only seen this over the past two nights
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Marlboro, NJ – Sept. 20, 2011
I first saw these lights on August 31 of this year. It was a shining/glowing/morphing orb that changed colors. My husband and I (along with 2 neighbors) were able to see it a bit more clearly with our telescope. I have been looking up in the sky, around 10pm every night since.
The next time I saw the orb (in the same position in the West), I ran to get my video camera. The light just stayed there for about 15 minutes before it disappeared.
I have a video, which will not upload. 🙁
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Harrisonburg, Va – 09-19-2011
Between the time of 11:15-11:30 can’t remember specific times I was driving home from James Madison University with my girlfriend. As we were coming up to Alexander Hamilton Lane we spotted a light greenish-blue light traveling at several hundred miles an hour coming from generally north direction heading southbound near the I-81 corridor. This object apperead to of slowed down considrably as it was going across my field of view. During this times it made several altitude changes. I couldn’t take any pictures of it as I was driving but I did stop the car to observes this for several seconds. My girlfriend and I were astonished at what we had seen. Now I’m a former Marine and have been on several different aircraft during my time in service ranging from airplanes to helicopters and I ha! ve never witnessed a craft move the way this object did. The rate of speed this object moved and the altitude changes it made were nothing that our current military aircraft could pull off. Also there was no sound from any type of propulsion system used. No sounds from props and jet engines. This is the second time I’ve viewed an object in this area over the past 3 days. The first sighting was on the 17th of Sept 2011 and I believed my eyes were playing tricks on me because of my limited field of view. I’ve seen many objects like this during my life and firmly believe that this was in fact a UFO. And I take that to meaning it is unidentified but could possibly be something not of this world. If at all possible can I get an e-mail back on any thoughts about this incident.
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Perugia Magione, Italy – 19/09/2011
[direct translate from Italian language] to 14.15 while I was on the terrace at the horizon, I realized that there were items that were high-speed ‘and making some changes 2 3 seconds and then stopped spewing forth are able to take your camera and photograph and zoom in on just two a known object in the center of the screen and one on the house almost covered by a TV antenna but it looks good that ‘the same as in the top center you tell me what this is?
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Tucson, AZ – 9-19-2011
I live on Wilmot between Broadway and Speedway of Tucson, AZ. Last night at 8:30 pm, I was standing outside and noticed 3 very brigt blinking lights coming from the East. At first I thought they might be planes. As they flew closer I noticed the orbs were very bright compated to the stars in the night sky overhead. I called my neighbor to come outside and take a look. She noted they were moving really fast compard to planes. As they passed us to the north of out apartments,they made no sound. Now when a jet or commercial airliner passes it’s really audible, sometimes annoyingly so, but not these fast movers–they were silent. They were flying lower than a commercial flight. Unless Davis Monthan Air Base here in Tucson is testing some kind of silent jet, I witnessed a group of UFOs. My ! neighbor went back inside but I was smoking a cigarette so I remained outside. Within a few minutes 3 more very bright blinking lights came from the west and moved very quickly across the sky headed toward the northwest part of the Catalina mountains. I noted someone had reported a sighting with a phot who had reported a UFO sighting here on “Latest UFO Sightings,” their email address was listed but when I tried to contact them I got a message stating it was an invalid emaiol address. Did anyone else contact you with a similar sighting to mine in Tucson at te date and time I listed?
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North and West of Tucson AZ – Sep 18 2011
At aprox 5:50 am I noticed a triangle shaped light just to the north and a little west of the greater Tucson area, I watched it for just about an hour. The light seemed to move very slowly to the west, the light turned from a triangle shape to more of a round shape and started to get smaller, about 6:50 am another smaller light broke off of the bigger light and seemed to drop from it, the smaller light then seemed to rise back up towards the bigger light, within about 45 seconds or so, both lights apeared to move very rapidly away from where I was and about a minute later both lights faded away.
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Oro Valley, Arizona – 9-18-2011
Looking northwest at about 35 degree angle above the horizon I witness a very bright light in the sky. I first saw the light at 6:10am and continue to watch it for the next 30 minutes. What was odd is that the shape of the object kept changing. At one point another smaller light appeared below the larger light as though it was on a tether. Then the smaller light appeared above the larger light and then both disappeared into the twilight. This was witness by a handful of others that watch with amazement from Oracle Road and El Conquistador Blvd. in Oro Valley.
At first I thought this was a high alltitude weather balloon due to the way the early morning sunlight was reflecting off of it, but then decided it was not a balloon. Not sure what it was but it appeared to be stationary in the sky.
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East of Maricopa, Arizona – 09/18/2011
I saw this stationary object in the Eastern sky, just around sunrise – about 6:00am I took the video then, with my iPhone. It was very bright and too big to be Venus. At first I thought it was a plane headlight, but it didn’t move. It wasn’t round but appeared to spiral to a tip- like a squat tornado!
I watched it for 40 minutes while I was walking. By now the sun was up and it was clearly visible, and still bright, in broad daylight. I came inside at 6:40am to get my camera with a zoom, and took the still picture. Around 7am I came inside again to upload the pics to my laptop, and when I got back outside it was gone.
I thought I’d been watching a Comet but then where did it go? I’m curious who else saw it- although there were plenty of people going about their day there is very little about it on the internet.
Video link:
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San Xavier Mission Tucson Az – 9-18-2011
I was driving toward the San Xavier Mission south of Tucson at 6:05 AM on 9/18/2011, when I noticed above the church, in the northern sky, what I thought was a morning star- although I had never seen a morning star in the northern sky. I was preparing my materials for my choir to perform at the 7AM mass and every once in a while I would step out of my studio to see if the bright object was still there- and it was. When my choir began to show up at 6:25, I took them outside to veiw it, and they all saw it and did not know what it was. We went inside and rehearsed for Mass. When we left the studio at 6:55AM to go to Mass, the object was gone.
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NNW Tucson – 09/18/2011
I live Red Rock, AZ. just north of Tucson. I am basically confirming what “Peter” said in his post, I saw a VERY bright light which I would have assumed to be more in the direction of Eloy, AZ., but difficult to say because of the angle of my view. This object was stationary for the entire 20 minutes or so that I was watching while walking that morning. I became distracted for about ten minutes and then looked again to see if the “light” was still there, at that time I saw the light itself and another smaller object that appeared to smaller and from my angle appeared to be directly below the larger “light”, then the smaller object appeared to be accending back up to the larger object until it appreared to me that they were at the same height. At that time b! oth objects began moving off toward the north until they were no longer visable.
I was on the cell phone talking to my wife the entire time, she can verify everything I was telling her as I saw it happening. All I can tell is there is NO disputing what I saw, I can’t give a logical explanation for it but I know for a fact I saw what I saw.
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Maricopa, Arizona – 9/18/11
I saw the same light in the sky as the guy from Tucson. It was in the south east sky big, round, bright and didn’t move. This morning I ran 10 miles and watched the hole time. Then around the time he talked about, I was running looking at it from time to time and it just vanished. I missed the thing move. But I was thinking it may be a weather ballon. My wife works nights out here and has watched the object for the last few nights.
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Phenix City, AL – Sunday September 18, 2011
Hello, I’m not sure I’m contacting the right person for this, but I’ve tried NASA and MUFON and I’m a bit shaken up by my experience today. It may not seem like much to anyone else but I’ve seen things before and have been laughed off by family and friends and so it was emotional for me to see what I saw today and it disappear before my husband could even run over to see it. I was sitting outside today smoking with my husband. He was closer to our front door and I sat on the car. We were talking when we heard what sounded like a jet in the sky. We thought nothing of it and kept talking. When I was mid-sentence, I saw something out of the corner of my eye and looked up. It’s hard to describe what I saw without sounding crazy but I did not see the “typical” UFO. It was truely an unidentified object for me. It was not a plane or a flying saucer. Quite honestly, it looked like a massive robot. Only it was sideways and it had not head or legs. It seemed to have (where the legs should have been) the end of a space shuttle, like a rocket. It wasn’t lit and I saw not smoke or anything coming from it. It was wide and silver, white, and dark blue. It was flying lower than I’d expect any planes or American spacecraft to fly. It was very close and very fast. I had to rush around the building to follow it and called my husband to follow so he could see. When my husband came around the building, it disappeared. He didn’t catch even a glimpse of it. However, I know I wasn’t imaging what I saw because he heard it. He agreed it was close because he said it sounded close. It happened around 4:50pm EST Sunday September 18, 2011. I don’t know what else to do or who to notify about this. What should I do?
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Tucson, az – 9-18-2011
I was sitting out on the front porch tonight talking with my son when I saw something different fly across the sky. Time…I didnt think to check on the time when I saw it but I know it was around 10pm. There were many tiny lights, orange in color, clustered in a dome shape, flat on the bottom. These lights were not bright, which is why I had to keep blinking my eyes because I couldnt believe what I was seeing. It silently flew across the sky, south to north. There was no sound at all and it seemed to fly low. The area was in the SW part of tucson, I was looking to the west. Maybe it was nothing, but to me, it was sure something I have never seen before. Just thought I would post this to see if anyone else saw it too!
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Tempe, AZ – Sept 18, 2011
Tempe Arizona September 18, 2011. Around 6:00 am I was walking my dog and saw this bright white orb in the south eastern sky. It was too big to be a star. It looked like a small version of the moon. It didn’t seem to be moving. It remained in the sky for at least 45 minutes.
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Low Moor Bradford West Yorkshire – 18.9.2011
It was 23.30 when i was just closing my bedroom curtains, the sky was all just still dark dismal from an awful rainy day just a few dark clouds in the sky. Lower down the road is a large pylon and nearly half way down i could see a murky cloud and dark skies but just sat on the top of this cloud to the right was a little pure white cloud which looked out of place being white. I thought how strange a white cloud popping up out of this cloud then the next minute the front of the white cloud turned into a v shape and dived to the bottom of the cloud. It then in 2 or 3 secs moved so fast to the left side of the cloud in a sort of round shape, then it went back to the right side again still so fast but in a rough cigar shape, then it skimmed around the bottom part of the cloud but never belo! w it. My camera was in my bedroom but i only managed to get a little bit of video as the battery had been used up that night i only got one photo. I quickly got my mobile and put it on video but on both it looks like a dark night and lots of street lights. But this little white cloud then just popped out underneath the large cloud, then shot off again to the left hand side, when it went back again to the right hand side the shape was tall and wide. I rang a friend from my mobile and i was giving him a detailed account of what was happening. Each time the little cloud moved left to right it would change shapes and then it would pop up at the top of the cloud but only for a few secs until it moved again. To me it seemed like it was playing. The cloud it was in never moved nor did the cloud below it. Then all of a sudden it just dropped into the cloud below it shot off to the right of the cloud and then 2 or 3 secs later went back to the left, but then i was so shocked straigh! t above it another little white cloud appeared and both at the! same ti me shot off so quick to right and in secs both came back, it was like one was above the other but did the exact same thing. But then the second one just dissapeared like that. Then this white cloud went into the bit of sky between the 2 clouds and it seemed like it just got sucked in and it had gone. So i was really dissapointed that it had gone i waited and still talking on the phone and about 2 mins later it appeared again in the first cloud. By now the large cloud had still never moved but it was slowly diminishing at each side, so the white cloud had less space to fly about in the cloud, but it just carried on going from left to right and changing shapes and skimming on the edges. One minute it was there and then it had gone i never saw it again. It never had any sharp edges to it, and it floated across very fast, the only time it had a very sharp edge was the v shape. It was pure white and stood out because everything else was dark and a night sky. It was 12.10 when it ! went, so all in all i saw it for 40 mins but it seemed like 10 mins. I checked on my history on my mobile phone and i was on 27 mins giving my friend an account of what was happening.
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Hoboken, NJ – 9-18-2011 Sunday between 10:35am and 10:55am
while walking towards the west side entrance of my building . i looked up and saw an all white jumbo jet flying west to east. i made specific note of its all white no markings appearance from directly below. the jumbo jet looked similar to the 911 mystery plane . then the following /
after the jet passed i looked up one more time and spotted this bright white totally still object. it was directly above me at a high altitude. i watched it for about 3 minutes to see if it was stationary in comparison to the telephone pole wires and my building. it appeared totally in place and not moving for several minutes. i took the chance to run in and get my canon 20 d camera with zoom lens.
i came out and called a neighbor mike who was walking by and asked him to come over and look up and spot it with me. mike did and was also bewildered as to what it could be? i took a number of shots hand held and tried to steady the camera, leaning it on the steps wall near my building. after taking about 10 shots as the object remained in place, i then asked mike to watch the object as I ran in to get my tripod. by the time i came out the image was moving west and seemed slowly moving away. i got the camera on the tripod and then leaned it upwards and got several shots.
as the object moved away, mike left as I continued to watch .
then to my amazement it started coming back towards the east. this really struck me as now it could not be a planet, the space station or anything in orbit. it also did not follow the apparent wind direction of the clouds. it seemed slightly higher in altitude as it returned and came back to where i first spotted it.
it continued moving east as clouds were beginning to fill the sky. i took several final shots before it was blocked by clouds and the side of my building.
the fact that it changed direction had me truly stumped as to what this could be? it moved very straight no noise and at a very high altitude. it was the size of the head of a pin held at arms length . however, even at a great distance, i could tell it was not perfectly round and had some shape to it.
after downloading the photos and darkening them, i zoomed in and saw the varied shapes this object made. the image took on many shapes . i have all the 24 original unadjusted shots on the camera as well as the unadjusted downloaded and darkened images compiled on my apple laptop. as a direct witness, i do not believe this was any kind of balloon or familiar craft.

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Buckeye, Az – Sept 18th, 2011
I saw the same light in the sky that NNW Tucson saw and at the same time. I ran inside and got the camera and took 3 pics of it. Very odd. It did not sweem to be moving. Buckeye is about 35 miles west of Phoenix. The pics did not turn out well. There where alot of “spots” in the pic that changed in each image. The lense of camera was recleaned and I took more oics but they do not look right.
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Sarasota, Florida – 9/18/11
At approximately 8:40 to 8:45 p.m. this evening, I and a close friend of mine witnessed a strange event in the sky over Sarasota. We were walking my dogs and I noticed a white light moving overhead in a southward direction near my house. It was moving noiselessly at an unknown altitude, with no flashing lights. It seemed translucent or milky whitish in color. It was in a shape that resembled to me, a flying bird or hang glider, but on a huge scale. To my friend, an experienced aircraft watcher (“anorak”), the front angle of the shape resembled that of a B-2 stealth bomber. There was nothing that we could see resembling a cockpit or fuselage. The seeming “wings” were set at an obtuse angle. The triangle formed an open base with the leading edge, or apex, repre! senting the direction of travel. It remained within our view for a matter of approximately five to ten seconds, became fainter, then faded from our view. Neither one of us has ever seen anything like this before, and we are in our mid-to-late 50s. We are of a scientific turn of mind and believe in rational explanations for phenomena. We have never believed in alien sources of UFOs and do not know what to think of this experience. It was definitely not an aircraft.
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Piscataway NJ – Sept 18, 2011 12:30PM
I feel kind of stupid doing this however I know what I saw on Sept. 18, 2011 between 12:30-12:45PM was something I never saw in my life and it’s bothering me because it has been on my mind trying to visualize what I saw and explain what I saw. I tend to get frustrated because no matter how long I looked at these two objects, I feel as though I will never see them again to actually put in words what I saw.
I was outside on my steps smoking a cigarette as I do from time to time. I noticed two objects coming from a Northeastern direction. It was a clear day. At first I thought they were possibly 2 very bright white balloons. However as they were approaching, they weren’t ascending in the air like balloons. I only say balloons because thats the only thing that came to mind. However these objects were trailing one another and very smooth flight. The only way I can describe is if I were to fly, I would want to fly like that! To be honest the objects were flying gracefully. As they approached closer, I knew right away that these objects were definitely not balloons! I ran inside to call my 13yr old daughter as we were getting ready to take her cheerleading. She came outside and she immediately saw the same thing without me even having to tell her “look.” If she could swear in front of me, she probably would have. My wife probably heard me yelling for my daughter and she ca! me outside and I said “LOOK, What the hell is that?” My daughter said automatically that it was a UFO and I had a hard time saying it but I could not say what it was. It was in plain view. It was to far up. I would say if you stand 2 football fields vertically, it was no more than 200 yards and passed right over my street. My daughter went back into the house and she told me to videotape it. I was just watching them and when they switched positions from trailing one another to side by side, my mouth dropped because it did it so fluently. I yelled again for my daughter to come outside and as soon as I just looked left to see my daughter coming out I looked back and the two objects were gone! I tried taking video however my phone doesnt allow me to look through anything but I was following the objects and thought I had the video camera facing them but nothing showed on my camera. I havent been able to stop thinking about what I saw and its bothering me. These obje! cts were the purist white balls with a box like bottom. I drew! a pictu re of tem as its constantly on my mine and I started to do some research and I came to this site. I dont really want to tell anyone because I cant really say what I saw. I know it was not a bird, a balloon, an air balloon. Nothing that myself, my daughter, my wife is in denial and possibly my neighbor has seen before. All I can say is that it was bright white ball with a cube under it moving gracefully as if it knew where it was going. Please believe me. I would not be sitting here doing this if I didnt see anything. People had to see these objects in my neighborhood. If they were outside and looked up, they were right there.
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Ukiah, CA – 9-18-2011
Myself and another person witnessed a bright, hovering light in the sky east of Ukiah about 10 pm on Sept 18, 2011. We watched it for about two hours. It seemed like a star at first but then it would move a bit to the left and then the right,backwards and forwards and slowly making its way west. It was too low in the sky to be a plane or satellite. Every now and then a small red light would light up next to it so we knew it wasnt a star. If it was a helicopter we both felt that it was close enough that we would have heard the chopper sounds. It was totally silent. The way it was moving it was like it was mapping or something.
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Joshua Tree, Ca – 9/17/11
Around 9:25 pm I was facing north and saw a reddish glow inter the scene from the left and go 75% across the sky slowly then dip and disappear out of sight to the north east. At about the 25% mark, I could tell thet it looked like a white light with a glowing red/orange glow around that.
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Canton, Michigan – Saturday 9/17/11
I was walking out to my car with my girlfriend at my apartment complex around 9pm. About 15 minutes earlier I saw a single orb-like object fly north towards the big dipper. I was lookin up in the sky with her making reference to the earlier sighting when I saw another small orb-like or star-like object moving from north-northwest to southeast. Suddenly the orb’s light intensity grew to the point where it looked like a car headlight in the sky. The light eventually dimmed down back to a star like intensity and it continued to move south-southeast until it completely disappeared. I know what planes and satellites look like- this at the very least, was a silent experimental craft that has yet to be revealed to the public. I also didn’t attempt to capture a picture or video only becau! se of the short duration of the sighting and because in past sightings my camera phone couldn’t pick up the object in the dark night’s sky.
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Milwaukee, Wisconsin – 9-17-2011
While sitting in my backyard with family and friends at dusk aprox. 8:00 pm my wife was looking west from our Milwaukee location around 76 and Oklahoma, she yelled and pointed to 5 red lights(balls) in the sky that did not appear to be very high, flying in a semi circle or upward arch,there was some distance between the lights and was very large in the sky. They were going in the same direction (west) possibly over Waukesha county when we obsevred them. After aprox 3-4 min. one light disapperaed and was then seen rising from the ground and rejoined the others. The lights did not get smaller with distance when they moved. After aprox 5 min they just went out as if turned off by a switch. I would be interested if anyone else observed it?
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Hayward, California sightings – 9-9-11 through 9-24-11
I just cant get over whats been happining these past couple weeks. I have been sitting out side with family members and friends watching these events unfold. there have been massive bright lights in the sky above us we grabed our camra and video camras and what we cought we couldent believe. there will only be one ufo in the sky blinking a getting bright but when i take a picture of it at least 8 more ufos appeared in the picture. its a good show but with all the sightings im worryed. ive got both video and audio

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Diamond bar, CA – Sept 15,2011
At about 2 am I had woken up, I went up to my loft on the 3rd floor to get some fresh air. As I look to the east from where I live I witnessed bluish flashes coming from the ground. I immediately woke up my wife She also witnessed these flashes. From about 2am to 2:30am there were at least 7 of them. I believe the location of the flashes was in the 3 mile empty fields that surround the 57 freeway mountain overpass between the diamond bar and lambert exits.
The sky was clear so it couldn’t of been lightling. It was something I have never seen before. They were appearing from all different locations.
I did notice that there was a small fast moving object on the horizoning. Like it was there to be on the watch out. My wife who didn’t have any interest in the flashes , witnessed a few of them , went back to bed.
About 5 mins later I saw something that really freaked me out. All of the sudden a reddish – orange hologram flash appeared and in that flash a huge round object appeared. I was stunned and couldnt believe it I rubbed my eyes. The area where I saw the object was clear there was nothing there. Then I see bluish greenish flash all of the sudden on the north east side i see the object again.. this thing was huge! It was round on the left side and on the right on upper side there were sharp edges and then round from the middle to the bottom. It appeared for only a few seconds then disappeared I immediately drew a picture of the object on a piece of paper. It was something very weird. If you ask me to describe it i would say it had a cartoonish, hologram, irie effect to it.
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Irvine, CA – September 14, 2011
First of all, I didn’t believe in this stuff ’til I saw what I think was a UFO while on a camping trip. I recorded it with my phone, but it didn’t come out clear. I thought I was seeing things and didn’t want to make a big deal of it.
Then on September 14, 2011, I was driving south in the city of Irvine, when I observed a blue light traveling in an eastern direction across the sky. There was a vapor trail and it appeared to be 100 to 200 feet in the sky. The front of the object was round and while it flew, it looked like a flying, glowing ball. I wasn’t sure what it was and I even thought it may have been an object that was on fire and falling out of the sky.
In the area where it appeared it would land/crash, there is a lot of brush and even though I didn’t want to, I called 9-1-1. Immediately after calling I hung up, because I didn’t want anyone thinking I was crazy. It didn’t matter though, because they called me right back at around Seven-Forty something PM.
It was obvious the dispatcher thought I was crazy, so i checked the area out of concern it may couse a fire, while at the same time, being really confused because it appeared to be in flight, not falling.
Couldn’t download the video.. Couldn’t see much anyway.
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Gibraltar, Michigan – 9/11/11
i witnessed a strange fireball hovering under the cloud line at first i never though anything of it but it was extremly bright and hugh it sawyed side to side for a sec didnt go any higher but looked way bigger than a canle light ir a flare with at first is what i thought this thing was let me know if anyones got pictures this was rougly around 945pm
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Nottingham, England – 20/4/2011
Hi, I recently was reviewing one of my videos I shot back in April time of the moon to test out my new camcorder and unbeknown to me there was a ufo in the video but only just noticed it has I only just reviewed it. I was zoomed in at least 60-80x + if not more. I cannot think what this object could be, if it were a bird or bat or insect etc surely it would be out of focus at that zoom and it curves in its trajectory which eliminates satellites and planes etc. What do you think? please let me know I really want to know what this could be.
Youtube video link:
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North Waterboro (Lake Arrowhead), Maine – January 30, 2009
This circular object was taken off my porch between pine trees. It would expand and contract, dance up and down, zoom in and zoom out, also has colors and acts like a kaleidoscope. Finally disappeared as soon as it appeared. Lasted about 5 minutes. I tried to load the video but it said it was limited.
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Crystal springs, Mississippi – 10/3/2008 9:34PM
I saw 3 Strange lights. 1 was red,1 was blue & 1 was green.
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Harlingen-Weslaco, Texas area – 1993-1994
I have a recorded news report from about 1993-1994 that clearly shows a UFO. Problem is that it is in a big pile of unlabeled VHS tapes at my parents home. Anyway, background. I was about 21 yrs old, at was at home on days off when I heard jet aircraft. It didnt sound like the normal passenger airlines that flew over our area. So I went out and briefly saw a military jet, F-16? not sure, but that was odd since closest military base is in kingsville, texas and that only has training jets which are obvious. Even then, it is extremely rare to see military fighter type jets in the area.
I was always fascinated by military jets so I stayed outside trying to catch a glimpse. I could hear sound fade then all of a sudden get loud and fade again as if it was making several passes.
After it was all over, i went out and then came home late evening. My mom told me the next morning about Channel 5 KRGV airing a story about military aircraft chasing a UFO and they had video. I didnt get to see it though. However, she also told my dad who keep pestering KRGV to show it again and a few days later they ran story again because it generated great interest. A news cameraman was with family when he saw the military aircraft so he used his personal camcorder to record it. He then spotted a cigar shaped object in front of the military jet and a few seconds later that same object now appears to chase the military jet.
When the news aired the story again we taped it but cant find it. The news channel is KRGV Weslaco, Texas.