Categories: LUFOS

Report UFO sighting #29

Your UFO reports: 19th November – 26th November 2011
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !
Houston, Texas – Monday 11/28/2011 1:03AM
3 dim orange lights gliding in and out of formation for about 30 seconds going north to south prett high up and pretty fast.
Then moments later another formation of six lights doing the same in a different direction
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Toton Nottingham, UK – 28/11/2011
I see these objects all the time. Most I can discount by observing through my telescope as satallites, the space station, debris or occasionally high flying aircraft. now and again I have no explanation for some objects. They can’t be tracked using the information available, Their profile doesn’t conform to any known terrestial object and their speed is phenominal, unless some of them are stationary. It appears to be a global phenomenon but in my little part of the world I find it interesting enough to continue watching in the hope that eventually I’ll be able to say without doubt that I have indeed seen an alien craft. Last night I observed two unexplainable objects, one moving from south west to north east and the second, much larger and therefore easier to observe, moving from pole t! o pole south to north. I have no facility to photograph or video. I do it as a hobby.
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7 Highway and Outer Road beside Winsteads – November 27th 2011 around 7 pm
Did not get a pic or video, My son and I both saw a circle object, with lots of lights all the way around it flying really low over 7 Highway in Blue Springs, Missouri. It flew over our car, over the top of Jack and the Box, and then tilted a little came back around and flew off! We heard no noise from it, really strange! It looked just like something from the movies! I hope someone else seen it also, the road was pretty busy, so someone else must have seen it or got a picture.
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Fos sur Mer, France – 26/11/11
[direct translate from French] This evening at about 7:45 p.m., in the direction south / south / west of my home two points in slow motion south / north and a steeper and larger in the east / west.
The first 2 are stopped and then slowly disappeared. The 3rd meanwhile, joined the other two positions about and began to reduce in size until it disappears in its turn.
The whole thing lasted 30 seconds can be.
At the moment, my son calls me and tells me that an item is back (8:04 p.m.) same position, but the time to try to shoot something, it was no longer visible.
I do not know if other people have observed this phenomenon, or if you are aware of falling debris (although by their directions it does not look like a drop).
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Bettystown, Ireland – 26 Oct 2011
While driving home in the afternoon 3 30 pm about 100 yards in front I see A gray silver Disc shaped object about 20 30 yards off the ground. it was A clear day, the what we term as a spaceship was just present, it was completely enclosed no windows, made no noise, no movement underneath of bushes or grass, I drove past gave no eye contact, I’m sad to say i got the frights,as i look back I’m still gobsmacked.
J Reilly
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Hebbronville, Texas – 11/26/2011
My father, brother and I were checking a hog trap on our ranch around 10:30pm we were looking at the stars when we noticed one that looked odd, due east of our location (approximately 50 miles SE of Laredo, TX) the light source was about halfway between the horizon and the Orion constellation. It would zig-zag left and right, up and down and would grow fainter and brighter. We continued tracking it as we made our way back to camp. When we arrived we observed it through binoculars. Upon closer inspection we noticed that even when it appeared stationary to the naked eye it was moving erratically, in comparison the stationary celestial bodies around it. As best I could tell it had a bright light blue lights (the same hue as most LEDs) and red lights which were crowned by a bright green sem! i-circle. We continued to observe it until approximately 12:15 when we went to bed. We’re not sure what it was, but it did not look or behave like any star, satellite, aircraft or planet any of us have ever seen.
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Click Read more to read the full post with all the UFO reports!

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Palm Springs, California – 11-26-2011 9:46pm
I was taking my dog for walk and as I saw up lower in the sky there 3 fling object. One video was able to film and you will see it at the end on the uper right corner. I took two picture if you do a close up WOW you can see there are ufo! I am truly speechless.

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Fresno, California – 8:29pm, November 25, 2011
It was a blue light low in the sky on the horizon on the northeast end of Fresno. It was way off in the distance, maybe a mile or more away from us. (It might have been outside city limits, hard to say.) We were standing on E Sample Avenue. The blue light was moving erratically– zig-zagging up & down, zig-zagging left & right. Its erratic random movements were FAST! We watched it for maybe 2 or 3 minutes, before it disappeared below the horizon. I took one photo (attached.)
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New jersey’s Sourland Mountains – 11/25/2011
I saw a thin body like a jet or a missile, with no wings, no fins, and a red vertical stripe at the front.
It had a horizontal white plank above the body, and moved slowly with no sound, heading roughly northwest.
It flew lower than a jet that followed a similar course a short time later
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Loveland, Ohio – 11/25/11
Me and some friends were out on a street corner in Loveland Ohio on a park bench next to Tano Bistro (I used a website with google maps to figure out our exact location, which was Latitude:N 39° 16′ 4.893″ Longitude:W 84° 15′ 30.5551″), when we saw these 3 whitish-orange lights in a triangle formation starting to rise up from the horizon (South/Southeast) going really fast. I got my phone out and started taking video of the lights, when another formation of lights rose up, this time there were five lights, the same color, in a much larger, somewhat uneven triangle pattern (Same direction). At this point people walking down the street, and eating outside at Tano stopped what they were doing to watch it, many getting out their phones as well and recording it. There was at l! east one child next to me that was really scared. Both sets of lights continued to rise up form the horizon, appearing to rise almost vertically, before vanishing as we watched, while passing overhead. I’m still not sure whether they were 2 separate craft with multiple lights on each, or 8 craft with one light each. I live in the area, and come to this spot all the time, and I’ve never seen anything like this in my life.
Note: I did see aircraft in the vicinity before and after the event, however they appeared to be civilian, and I am not aware of any that were in the vicinity during the event.
I uploaded a video to youtube of the event, but it’s somewhat hard to see. Here is the link:
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Rural Northern Neck of Virginia (Richmond County) – November 24, 2011
On November 24, 2011 at approximately 11:45 pm my husband and I couldn’t help but notice what we first thought was an unusually bright star outside of our window in the eastern sky. It was located just below and to the left of the constellation Orion. At first we thought it was just a very bright star, perhaps sirius. But it seemed to grow brighter and brighter. This growing bright light made the surrounding stars appear tiny and dull. The bright light sparkled and expanded into a band of horizontal flashing lights. And then it moved in very peculiar ways. It would be stationary one minute and then travel left or right and then stop again. It would even drop and then proceed to dart in either a left or right direction to only stop and appear motionless for several minutes. The lig! hts were so bright that when we tried viewing this through binoculars, the lights were so blinding that whatever was behind them was completely hidden. While trying to get our video camera ready to record this strange sighting, the object seemed to align with and fade away into sirius.
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Lexington, Ohio – 11-24-11
report of a fire ball in sky landing in woods behind a mans house in lexington oh.amber light glowed for an hour . ohio state police sent up plane air national guard and fire department were deployed according to mansfield news journal.
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19209 castanzo plaza looking south over Omaha, Nebraska – 11/24/11, 4:40 A.M.
smoking on porch and witnessed very bright blue and white lights appear in the sky directly below main bright tringle in the sky.lights arched toward the ground in a east to s easterly direction,then in one continuous motion did a circle back into the air much like a backflip,then appeared to circle to the right after leveling out of the roll,doing another full circle back onto original trajectory forward,paused,then a defenite change in the overall momentum to due south over the horizon at unknown but very fast speeds.The whole incident lasted for maybe two and a half seconds . then nothing more yetto be seen from the object unkown. however i did see another domestic air craft flyover through the same area, but much higher altitude.that airplane was heading west.
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Stockton, California – 11/24/2011
Went outside about 930pm to throw trash and saw about twenty lights moving at high rate and forming weird patterns real freaky
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Marion, Ohio – 11/24/2011
i went out side of my house to smoke a cigg and i am not even playing around,i saw three ships in the sky,they had red and blue lights, they were formed as a big triangle in the sky the top one near orions belt, as i watched the top one turned red and it appeared to be wiggling in the sky and then all of a sudden it was not there anymore like it just flew away, the other ones are still there now, its really creepy especially for me cause i heard that thats the first encounter..
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Devon Mpumalanga, South Africa – 24/11/2011
While driving on this day at 16h30 we were on our way to Secunda for the weekend. I’ve discovered a beautiful rainbow on the left of the N17 towards Devon approaching the 4 way stop. Then decided to take a photo with my cell phone, nothing was in the sky at that moment while taking the photo. After it was taken the strange images appeared on the screen.
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Sanford, Florida – 11/23/11
I saw a triangular shaped UFO with bright white lights hovering over some homes in Sanford Fl. I Was driving at the time so I made a right turn to get a closer look. As I got closer it started to leave and appeared to be moving sideways. Next thing you know it was gone and I had no idea where it went. I called my friend 15 min later and she said her daughter in law had seen one about 25 min ago in Altamonte Springs which is about 20 min from Sanford. She described what she had seen and it fit the same exact description.
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Gloucester, England – 23 November at 00:47
Same as Nancy but there are more of them in the night sky all of different sizes dotted around as soon as I found out there were more began to feel uncomfortable And afraid and dnt knw why really !!!fucked up or what !!
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Quezon City, Philippines – Nov 22, 2011
Hi, this is edwin hipolito, from quezon city, I would like to report an UFO sightings last night Nov. 22, 2011 near Quezon Ave MRT station and ABS-CBN. While I was waiting for the train to come by, I saw a strange lights in the sky so I captured it, they are forming a triangle then a line, they are so many… I think they are UFOs…
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Southern state pkwy, New York – 11/22/11
me and my friend were driving to green acres mall we were on the pkwy and my friend looks up and sees somthing in the sky sitting still and tells to “look in the sky whats that object” ?
and I said what is that looks like a ufo and in about 3 seconds it was gone
long black object looking like it was landing with long black things about 4 hanging from below the object not sure what that stuff was but it was weird looking to see
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Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada – November 21st 2011
Around 5:30a.m. I awoke an found myself urging to glance out my window. I noticed a bright light similar to a spotlight but assumed it was a star. As i looked out my window in a daze thinking how clear the sky was, this light than started to dim. After a few seconds it had vanished in its place. Anxious, I lifted the blinds to get a full view of the sky thinking my eyes where playing tricks on me. This is when i noticed an object flashing red, blue, an green lights floating to the south which i would assume was over Winnipeg manitoba or maybe even a little more south. I watched this object for an hour before witnessing what seemed like a shooting star flash by the object, but it was brighter than your annual shooting star. I kept a close eye on the object and shortly after the original ! object that had “vanished” reappeared about 4-6 inches from the flashing object an headed north than curved slightly an started heading north east. Upon returning to watching the flashing object I used stars and a hydro pole to try an calculate direction. It seemed as though the object was moving slightly south west at a slow speed, meanwhile the stars were moving in a perfectly western direction.As the sun started to rise the stars vanished but the object remained bright white with hints of red an green flashing as it seemed to get further away. At one point there was also what seemed like a lightning flash behind the object, it seemed as though the sky with in a 1cm diameter around the object had illuminated slightly, but i think that may have just been my eyes playing tricks. I believe the object would have been visible from most surrounding areas an possibly even the border between Manitoba and North Dakota. I’m hoping someone else may have witnessed this so ! my story will have a little extra backing.
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Limbiate (Milano), Italy – 20 November 2011 at 20:00
[direct translate from Italian] At 20:00 pm, fifteen lights the size of an orange, a light yellow color, were a team, and in silence, flying in a straight line for a while, after which, one by one they are away to become like a star, and then disappear,
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Napoli, Italy – 20 Novembre 2011 around 10:30
[direct translate from Italian] Hi, my name is Mario, urgent, on the morning of November 20, 2011 at 10:30 am exactly, in the locality of Naples, precisely fuorigrotta, height RAI, I spotted something unusual in the sky, among other things, I was only there were nn anke a group of people with me that sn pause to look at, it seemed to be a ball of light, still, every now and then to k and irregular intervals, became brighter (white metal) and then dissolved. The event lasted about 10 minutes. Please help me, unfortunately I nn I managed to film the event with the phone, as being of low-resolution ke nn see anything. K and I hope you are able to have images from satellites in that area, I have looked everywhere but perk nn I found nothing, I hope you can and I think the only way to go back to that object mystery. My friend has taken her cell phone video and took a picture, but soon I will have pictures, images from a mobile nos are seen much, but I thought zooming with a good program for PC, you should see better.
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Dayton International Airport in Ohio – Nov. 19, 2011 – 6:15 AM
I live near Dayton International Airport in Ohio. What I thought was an airplane coming over my house turned out to be a triangle UFO with three large round lights on the bottom side, and possibly a flashing light also. The lights were so bright and at that time of the morning, I could see it was a triangle shape. It passed over the house with no sound, flew slow, at the height and speed of an airplane when near an airport. It flew over the house from a Northeast to Southwest direction. This sighting occurred on Saturday morning at 6:15 AM on November 19, 2011. This is the first time I saw a UFO without looking for one. If I was prepared for what I saw, I would of taken a picture or video. The whole experience was surreal.
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Barrancabermeja, Colombia – 19 -11 -11
[direct translate from Spanish] 400 pm as the four areas were spotted in the sky motionless suspended 3 cuartab online and in the middle of the 3 silver and it seemed to give savers bonbillos desapareser ters appeared hovering aircraft or perciquiendo to areas not know if no photos or videos but most of the city saw them and were traffic jams in the city via theleading
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Camden, Arizona – September 19, 2011
Self only on route in automobile. Heading North on Hwy 7 into Camden, AR in front of the newly built Sherrif’s Department. About 200 ft. in the air, just above the treeline, I noticed a pulsing light moving slowly south towards me and other traffic. Pulled over on the side of the hwy and stopped. The UFO passed directly overhead and was close enough to see details. The underbelly of this craft was covered in lights of various colors and two panels that were pulsing bright lights. None of the lights were flashing and no sound. The lights were in same colorgroups. The front leading edge had several blue lights that formed the nose in a triangle. In the midsection of the underbelly were the two light panels. At the rear were groups of red lights. Scattered about the midsection were green and yellow lights. The overall shape of the entire light pattern was triangular. In an instant the UFO flew south towards Frenchport, AR.
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Mayan riveria, between Cancun and Playa de Carmen, Mexico – November 18, 2011 at approx. 11.18 pm
four observers saw what looked like four bright white angels flying above the tree line in a horizontal circular formation then they morfed into a trianglar lengthwise cylinder with triangles on each end consiting of blue outlines, each point on the two triangles were equipted with what looked like flat, horsontially vented, red solar/engery panels. it then disappeared. the whole event took no more than 15 seconds. unable to get to a camera. but 4 different people all saw the same event take place
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Saline Valley, northwest of Death Valley – November 18, 2011
Three others, and myself, saw an unidentified flying object on Friday, Nov. 18. We were hiking up the Snow Flake Talc Mine Road and had made camp for the night. We were headed to the ghost town of Beveridge, California, in the Inyo Mountain Wilderness, making a video for a Youtube series called The REAL Desert Dogs. We watched the light from about 9 p.m. to a little after 11 p.m.
It was a clear, moonless night and we were overlooking Saline Valley. While discussing the constellations, which were ridiculously bright that night, we noticed across the valley in one of the mountain passes a bright white light flying around, making weird circles and lighting up the mountain sides. It began to move counter-clockwise (think of the valley as a circle)for about 10 minutes, it then stopped and started moving clockwise, hugging the mountains and getting closer to us. I saw the reflection of the light in the salt lake as it flew over it.
There was a mountain ridge next to us, and as the light hugged the mountains it moved out of sight behind the ridge. We estimated that in about 10 minutes it would appear in front of our canyon. Sure enough, it did in approximately 10-15 minutes. It appeared to be hovering just above the valley floor, and shining a beam forward, it would move in a strafing motion (left and right), forward and backward, and even up and down. It started moving up the canyon we were in, but then veered again and continued on past us.
We were at an elevation of 3,500 feet, it was below us at an elevation of roughly 1,300 feet (near the valley floor). It made no sound. We think it may have been some sort of rover or other experimental scientific craft. We figured a military craft wouldn’t bother with having a light.
Good news, though. I did video tape it. Unfortunately, it was so dark out that what I captured on film just looks like a white light against a black background, but I did narrate to give it some context. I’ll be putting this into a future video, that will be coming out in January or February, when I finish the episode.
I’m a journalist, the other three people were a biologist, a geology expert (biologist with a geologist background), and a historian. We were all understandably freaked out by this.
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Champion, Ohio – November 17, 2011
I turned onto Carroll St. NW in Champion, Ohio off of Old State Rd. enroute to my destination. As I rounded the first bend, right above the tree line were three bright white lights in a triangular shape. I said aloud to myself “What is that? What is that?!” To which my passenger replied, “I was just about to say that!” We had traveled down this dead end road many times before, and had never seen this! I continued on the side road around the next bend; the object remained hovering in place with it’s three large lights about two to three blocks away. There was no sound (I had my window cracked open). I slowed the car down and told my passenger to get out the phone and take a picture to which they replied “No! I’m freaked out!” I stopped the car and put it in ! reverse. As I inched my way backward, the object dimmed the three lights until they faded and changed into six small bright white lights, still in the same triangular shape and it headed north very slowly among the treeline. I continued on to our destination just four houses away, no more than 200-300 ft., my passenger jumped out as soon as I pulled into the drive and ran to the house yelling “I’ll call you later!” I backed out of the driveway and was still faintly able to see the lights between the trees on the bend. I headed back down Carroll St. around the bends. However, I was unable to keep sight of the object as I had to drive west before I was able to return to driving east or north. I turned east onto Old State Rd. until I came to St Rt. 45 in Champion. I continued to head north on St. Rt. 45 until I reached 305, before heading home. There was nothing in the sky above the houses or trees that even remotely looked like the object. There was one plane in the! air that I could see at this time but was very high in altitu! de and m oving along the basic flight paths. This incident transpired between 5:50pm and 6:00pm on November 17, 2011.
Beth C.
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Cape Town, South Africa – 17-11-2011
we where 3 men in a rubberduck boat fishing at 2am, suddenly everything lit up and we all looked up seeing this enourmous space craft hovering by above us, it was rectangular in shape, there was no sound, the texture was very indendical to the star wars space ships, there was window slits (they where watching us!) the whole craft was glowing, like a warm iron that has been heated in a very hot fire(this gives me a indication that the craft moved very fast in our atmosphere and the resistance was very great on the craft metal) we observer it for 5 seconds in total, then it shot up into the stars. we are scared now, I dream of ufo’s every night now, and discussing it, makes my eyes tear.
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Penycae, south Wales, UK – 17/11/11
Massive black triangle emerged from the hills heading into the small village of Penycae. I was returning home from Brecon, when the object flew towards my car, seemed to track me for a few seconds, then headed towards Camarthenshire. The object was about 5 – 10 meters above my car, so, extremely low. It was silent and was very slow moving. The sighting occured at approximately 7.45pm.
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Over Lake Pontchartrain just south of Slidell, Louisiana – Mid-November 2011
It was during the day, I was with my father on his motorcycle headed towards New Orleans. We were just shy of the Twin Span bridge when I looked up and to my left (at my 10) and saw a glimmering, silver-ish, disc-shaped object in the sky. It was not moving. At first I though it might be a blimp but as I attend [undisclosed] University, I’ve seen 5 blimps in the past year fly overhead, and this object was not at all similar to those. It was not a helicopter, it was not a jet, nor a small plane… I’ve been flying aircraft with my father since I was young, I’m rather familiar with modern aero technology…
It was a rather confusing moment, in all honesty. It might have been a glare, but the weirdest thing, I kept my eyes on it for a good 15 seconds before I leaned forward to tell my father to look up at the disc, and he turned his head for me to repeat what I’d said… but as he did that (my eyes on the object this whole time) the object vanished… it just… vanished… leaving a shadow in mid-air in its stead. The shadow spread out like a pulse of some sort, collapsed in on itself, and disappeared as well, all in about 1 second. It was, to me, an unidentified flying object… when my father looked in that spot, it had already disappeared
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Welford, Northants, UK – 07/11/2011
Went outside to look at the moon as it was so beautiful an spotted an up down triangle ,it was the same colour as the sky but you could clearly see the outline, I stood looking at it for quite a few seconds, quite not believing what I was seeing! I turned away to call my son out an when I looked up again it had gone. Since seeing that iv been trying to think what else it could be an even if I had imagined it, but I knew what I saw, I still can’t quite believe It! I decided to go on the Internet and see if anyone else had seen anything an to my shock people had and again the triangle shape was mentioned and also lights, but I didn’t see any lights. I now want to find as much info as possible on this, iv made my partner hugely jealous as he’s always wanted to see a UFO the other people w! ho iv told thinks I’m bonkers an that iv imagined it!” I certainly did NOT!
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Carlsbad, New Mexico – 11-05-11
Around 00:30 to 01:30 am I was a passenger returning home from town, We had just past the airport, Still on the highway along side of the runway, about 1 mile before our turn I turn to the east which is across the runways, just above the hill line, I see an orange ball of light which seemed to be rising and getting larger in diameter, I told margaret (the driver) “look over there! what is that? what is that? She saw it but couldn’t focus on it cause she was driving, but she saw it. It lasted about 30 seconds then just disappeard . Maybe was caught on the airport radar, but we all know the answer to that.
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México DF (Distrito Federal) – Octubre 23 2011
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Lytle, Texas – 07/15/2010
I live in the rural part of Lytle, TX on 10 acres of land and there is a long winding dirt road that leads up to our gate. Well as I turned onto one of the straight parts of the road i looked ahead and I could see that right over an open pasture there was a bright yellow light. Almost the color of a street light but much brighter and being that we are in the woods there are not any streetlights other than the ones that are on my house. Well this light stayed stationary for about 3 seconds while i was looking at it then came straight down almost as if touching the ground from where I could see it at then shot straight up back into the sky and eventually high enough to where I could not see it anymore. Of course when I told others this story they did not believe me and told me that it was! a meteor reflection and stuff like that. However the light I saw moved straight up and down and like i mentioned before there are no other lights or lamps of any kind on this wide open pasture of land. (It was to quick for me to take a picture or video of)
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Home, Melbourne, Australia – January, 2010
Seen in the early hours of the morning, what I had thought was a star rising or the ‘morning star’ seemed to move faster than a star in the sky and upon close inspection with binoculars and video camera revealed details that did not match a star/planet nor any known aircraft that operates as far as I know. Although I am aware that many UFO sightings that often have occurred at night describe a luminous orangish glow, This object seemed to radiate orange, green and purple to blue with a green-yellow pulse at the bottom of the craft.

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New York cafe – 12/14/97

I don’t believe many people saw this. But i swear this happened. A blinding flash and a boom was heard there after. i myself hid under the table! i have no idea what it was and shortly after i felt a cold shiver along my back-much like a hot and cold fever. if others felt it-i don’t know, but whatever happened that day had seriously scared me.
Description: A black saucer shaped aircraft. a spindled looking aircraft followed. they were moving very fast.
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Repentigny, Quebec, Canada – winter 1974
Winter 1974, Repentigny,Québec,Canada,friday 16:40. My sister 16y.o. & me 11 y.o., observed a big rectangular bright light in the sky.
Completely still, we watched it about 10 minuts,then a plane is coming from the Dorval airport (next to Montreal,there is enough day light to see all details of the plane))and when it arrives under the rectangular light (from our point of view)the airplane stopped and remained completely still in the sky for exactly 10 minuts, then it started moving again,flying it’s way as if nothing happened.
The rectangular light stayed for about 2 minuts, then it flashed like a ( kodak flashcube ) illuminating soooo bright the whole city, sky, river, in a flash so bright, and it propulsed itself at an unbelievable speed directly vertically, did some quick mini zig zags, & dissapeared gradually but extremely quickly high above .
I consider myself priviledge to have witnessed that. It brought a great amount of joy and excitement , still does today.
Thanks for your web site it absolutely amazing !
Your opinion?
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