Your UFO reports: 17th December – 24th December 2011
Did you see a UFO? Report it using
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Santa Monica, California – Dec 26th 4-4:45am
A bright blue, red, green,white object began rotating with all colors and performed loops in sky off the west coast of Santa Monica.
It would then become very still and look just like a star and after a few moments move in random directions.

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Melbourne, Australia – 25 Dec.2011
returning from a Xmas get together in Cranbourne about 2150hrs. my wife was driving at a speed of 85kms,heading towards the city, it was a very cloudy grey to dark sky,i was assisting my wife with directions from the gps looking from my passenger seat which is on the left side at the gps,which was clamped on the windscreen,as i looked at gps i could see in the sky bright lights in a formation like triangle with an arc at the bottom but not perfect diagrams, i looked in the sky at other areas to see stars around but there was none,i told my wife to have a look, she did and began slowing down, the other vehicle in front was also slowing down,we stopped and looked at the lights and they began to move in a horizontal upward way at speed that made them disappear in seconds, i grab my mobile ! phone and tried to take pictures but could not, i phone the other car that was with us, which stopped a distance away from our vehicle to inform them why we stop, and told them to look in the direction of the light in the cloudy sky at this time only one light remain and it took off and disappeared for awhile as we realised it was U.F.O ??? we began to pray it then reappeared momentarily as if saying goodbye and took flight
Kubair & Kamla
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Elizabethtown, KY – Sunday, December 25th, 2011
At approximately 10:30 PM yesterday I was driving due south on Dixie Highway from my brother’s apartment in Radcliff, just outside of Elizabethtown. About a minute before I reached my turn-off to head home from the highway, I noticed a brilliant light in the sky ahead of me, looming in the sky east of Dixie. The light itself was white in the middle with a reddish-hue surrounding it that flickered slightly. This light did not increase or decrease in size, nor did it waiver or dance in the sky. Also, the object did not appear to be heading in any direction other than straight down. Its descent took approximately thirty seconds to one minute from the time that I first viewed the object. The object dropped straight down at the same speed in its duration. Nearby is a light tower for a! irplanes and it appeared that this object was closer to me than that tower, judging by it’s size and location, as it disappeared behind the tree lines on the east side of Dixie Highway. There is a small airport nearby but it is west of Dixie and approximately 3 miles (?) from this sighting. I have seen many fireworks and flares before and this gave no indication of a smoke trail, nor did the light itself fade at any point. I have seen airplanes come down to prepare for landing in Louisville as I’ve driven south on Interstate 65 and this did not appear to come any closer or move further away as those commercial planes do. This sighting was also 12 miles south of Fort Knox which regularly has military planes flying nearby but this did not blink it’s lights, make any manuever, or appear like anything I have seen from Fort Knox itself. I know there had to be other witnesses as this appeared in front of me, catching my attention, just off to my left while driving behind ano! ther vehicle on the highway. I cannot make a conclusion.
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Click Read more to read the full post with all the UFO reports!
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Smithfield, Pennsylvania – 12/24/2011
Filmed this with my Samsung HD Camcorder. As you can see in the video, the star in the center keeps coming in and out of focus. Notice the 2 stars on the sides don’t move or unfocus! From the human eye, it looked like a star, split in the center and was flashing and moving all crazy. Any ideas what this might be? And to those who are here to just say it’s fake, don’t bother commenting because I know what I saw and I didn’t even edit or add any titles to the video to keep the video quality up. I don’t believe in aliens, but that was no plane. lol
Youtube video link:
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Bucks County, Warminster PA, 18974 – 12/24/2011
At any where from 8:50pm on Saturday December 24th 2011, i receive a text from my girlfriend, saying she just saw a ufo. I immediately run outside with my binoculars(being a ufo freak) and in a matter of a minute a long bar like shaped craft moving extremely oddly in the sky, with lights all along the entire craft. A plane flew by about 3 mins afterwards which was about the size of one, of the lights on the craft in size comparison. The craft had about anywhere from 8 to 16 lights on it, that where each about the size of a regular plane. When i confronted my girlfriend she explained the same thing only it moved its lights into a triangle formation before it was too far in the sky for her to see anymore.
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Lecco, Italy – 24-12-2011 at 17,30
bright object spotted reddish color with a long trail, flying over the area of Lecco, then end up behind the mountains and Southern Grigna week with speeds less than the usual meteors
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Scottborough, South africa – 24/12/2011
initially 1(one) then 4(four) white/orange objects were seen moving from se to ne direction out to sea off Scottborough,then back off to the se then dissapear and return again.At first only one object followed by second ,third fourth etc.faided to out of vision eventually from about 2100 local time to about 2130/ one stage made triangular pattern in the sky.No navigation light spotted just very bright white at first then orangish and fadeing out completly.No sound at all,some straight line movement and hovering at was clear no clouds at all.possibly helicopters??no navigation lights though???
possibly someone also seen same this evening.have other witnesses object was moving horizontally across the horizon at high speed.U>S>A>F> aircraft carrier ops out at sea??who knows???very reflective color of objects???
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Belgium – 24-12-2011
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Romentino, Novara 28068, Italy – 24-12-2011
[direct translate from Italian langage] hello my name is fabio 26yo or dress Romentino prov. (no) I attach this photo to ask your opinion if x is a UFO or some other object! I describe what I saw: it was the evening of 24 dicenbre 2011 at 23:13 leaving the house to bring my dog in the garden I noticed 4 bright red spheres fixed in an easterly direction at a height of approximately 1500 1800 feet, then went back into the house to call my brother Andrew and a 34yo to take his cell. than a HD camera to shoot some photos pultroppo long distance between us and those lights out there that only 2 of a move! also the fault that my area is very enlightened!! Since then we went out to take pictures of the size of these spheres was approximately 3 times as much as we see a star TOP OF all 4 of us were moving slowly toward the west! spheres shortly after 3 years and year lowered the brightness began to move horizontally and vertically at a speed in a few seconds after striking dirpoco the fourth ball started to do as the other 3 balls that lasted around 5 minutes then do not we have seen! aspect of your advice I hope you take it into account by means of listening to me hello
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Space ISS – 23-12-2011
Triangular UFO Sighting on ISS on UstreamTV
Youtube link:
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Caracas, Venezuela – December 23 2011
[direct translate from Spanish] I saw in the sky at approximately 10 pm, 2 red flashing lights, what struck me was that almost did not move, which made me realize that there was a plane, the lights were fixed, one was larger than the other, record what I saw, and the video can be observed between the 1st and the 2nd light, a string of 3 or 4 lights that turn on and off. To which you should pay attention to the video are the red lights and what happens between them, the other lights are down or up cars, and some of the others are Christmas lights. The lights I saw were in the middle or top of a mountain.
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Tijuana baja California – Friday 23 december 2011
I live in colonia Mexico, near Downtown….went out after hearing neighbors comotion of lights in the sky….looking toward the Pacific ocean, coming aproximately from the north and heading southwest a group of about 5 red and circular objects flew in no particular formation, in that general direction,……I was told there were about 11 initially, which eventually just vanished or turned off one by one….There were no navigational lights or strobing patterns,neither noise or other air traffic……..dogs were barking……I work for local law enforcement and worked 4 years in air support unit, helicopter….and never seen any flares, fixed wing or rotary aircraft or ballons that displayed lights as seen……..the speed seemed rather slow,…or it appeared so because of distance…. Currently Im asking neighbors if anyone had time to record this….i only witnessed about 30 seconds of the about 2 or more minutes neighbor said were in the area….
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Elspark, Germiston South Africa – 22/12/2011
Two bright orangelight appeared in the sky approx 21:45.
We followed the light till both disapeared in a north west direction after 45 seconds. The hight was higer than a comercial airplane, we can confirm that as a plane flew past at exactly the same time as te objects disapeared in the sky. After aproxamatly 5 min an even bigger light appeared in the sky above. The object appeared tobe burning for a few seconds. The object stabilised and moved of in the sam direction as the other two objects. Did any other person saw this exept us saw this?
please report this.
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Germany, Berlin – 21.12.2011
First recording was made on 21.12.11 with a 5 Megapixels phone camera so sorry for the bad quality.
Second recording on the same night with a different camera
YouTube Link:
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Tuscora mountain in Juniata county, Pennsylvania – 12/21/2011
Big bright orange light went up slowley from the top of the mountain and went right then with in 5 seconds it took off with in a blink of an eye. Before that there was a red light flashing and then dissappeared.
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Renton, Washington – 12-19-2011
They first look like your average wonderful stars. then suddenly gone. in the blink of an eye. pretty neat.:)
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Bokaro Steel City, Jharkhand, India – 19/12/11
Im here to just report my ufo sightings.My 1st sighting was in ranchi i dont remember the date but what i’ve seen im telling you. I was watching the plane in sky suddenly my father noticed a 2nd plane in sky.He showed me the direction where 2nd plane was,when i watched the object it was too low and dosent look like plane.It was flashing light yellow and orange or red,that object was there for 4 to 5sec and it disappeared.2nd sighting was on 24th or 25th nov (bokaro) i’ve seen 2 object, 1st just disappeared after moving a short distance and 2nd object moved so far that it was out of my sight.These both objects origin was the same point and moved in different direction.1 moved in 110 degree and other in 0 degree and there was a time delay too,when the 1st object disappeared then after 7 t! o 10sec later 2nd object appeared and the best part my friend was there too.He called them satellites and comets.These happened around 5:00 to 5:30pm (Ist). 3rd sighting was right now 19/12/11 around 10:45 to 11:00pm,I noticed the object first then i showed it to my sis and bro.It moved from left to right and disappeared after 4 to 5sec.So that was it all of my sightings and hope ill see more.sorry for my english.
21/12/2011 Update:
right now i’ve seen two more objects. one was moving from right to left and other was moving from left to right. the 2nd object dissapered twice and appeared twice and finaly dissapered. i tried to make video but nothing was visible in camera and i dont’ve hi res camera.i dont ve google earth installed els i would ve showed u my location. if i see again ill report u guys.
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Lebanon, Pennsylvania – around 19th December 2011
Neighbor and i caught this object in the sky ufo i think
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Santa Ana, CA – 12/18/2011
I have never experienced anything like it. I was driving home, I was a stop light. I was looking up at the light waiting for it to turn green when in the background I saw the UFO. I had two of my kids in the car with me. I wouldnt of believed it if I hadnt seen it with my own eyes. I tried chasing it to capture video, but it was too fast. I have some videos of me chasing it but I dont have a clear picture of it. This happened about 8:50pm, my kids saw it and they were just as freaked out as I was.
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Alpharetta, Georgia, US – Sunday 18th December,12pm
East of georgia, we were driving around 12pm,after eating ihop,on windward pkwy. Heading east..we saw it, silver saucer, about 10miles out, 10k-20k ft high,clear skys…not a plane in contrails.
Looked away for a second….looked back….it was gone.
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autopista Francisco Fajardo, Caracas, Venezuela – December17 12:30 a.m. aprox. 2011
[direct translate from spanish] I was driving down the freeway eastbound direction mentioned, at the height of hills, beautiful mountains, reaching the grants, when my girlfriend asked me what was that?, I said that? and I said that! pointing up the side of her window, was a triangular formation of lights suspended orange, and many more that were gathering and making a linear formation, asked him to tell it and told me they were like 10 or so, to achieve the back at the next motorway exit, 1 mile below, and I come back in an east-west and there did not seem to even blink estabab but rather the intensity up and down, there were many people looking up in traffic because there was heavy traffic, police in the module input Chacaito I see! ra 2 cops looking up, as well as public service employees chacao grooming, try located just off the highway at a gas station to stop and get off, but when I saw they were no longer, since the I saw until you stop seeing them spent between 8 and 10 minutes.
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Fowlerville, Michigan – 12/12/11 @ 7a.m.
I was leaving my home early in the morning at 7 a.m. To head to waterford, mi. i was driving down fowlerville road when simotaneously my lights dimmed, radio went static and my truck nearly stalled out and a flask of light passed over my truck illuminating my interior quite brightly. Not thinking anything of it i cursed my truck and looked down at the guages. As i looked back up i seen an “object”, aprox 100 yards in front of my vehicle and aprox. 300′ off the ground racing off in a westward direction and climbing rapidly. In a matter of seconds the object flew aprox 5 miles away and climbed what i would guess to be anywhere from 1,000 to 1,500 feet in altitude and abrubtly came to a hover in the sky. The object did not “slow down”, it looked like as if it nit a! solid wall in the sky and just suddenly stopped. I watched the object stay motionless in place for aprox 8mins while i slowly drove down the road nearly scared senseless but intrigued by what i was seeing. This object had lights that were very close together rotating accrost the front of it in a straight line, white, blue, green, and red very rapidly. After the short time it hovered it started to glow a redish orange color that did not give off a glare like car headlights, it looked more like an electric oven burner if you left it on high until it fully heated. Once the object turned into a sphere of reddish orange glow it suddenly shot straight up into the nights sky and disappeared at a rate faster then anything i have ever wittnessed. I was in the military for some time and i grew up on an airforce base and wittnessed military aircraft of many sorts flying, and manuvering… This moved faster and unlike anything i have ever seen before! It was a very clear morning! when i wittnessed this and it is the only time i have ever se! en anyth ing like it. I do hope that i never have to see this again as it was very startling and to see it in such close proximity to my home is very unerving and i have had a hard time sleeping since. Unfortunately i was unable to catch it on camera… This would have looked to be deffinative proof of something “other worldly”! It vever made a snd as it passed over my vehicle. It appeared to be approximately 20-30 feet accrost and 10-15feet in height, with a straight line of lights aprox. 5 feet in width accrost the middle of the aircraft. I could slightly make out the outline of the aircraft but no details due to the poor lighting at the time… I would discribe the outline of the craft to look like an upside down diner plate on top, and a soup bowl bottom.
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Southwest Detroit, Michigan – July 4th 2011
My neighbor pointed it out to me and I didn’t even care to look I thought it was a joke then I turned around and it appeared to be above the houses across the street. I was in the backyard with my family lighting fireworks off. We all ran to the front yard astonished and the orange orb was super far away. East in the sky at that point The fire flame was heading at super fast speed toward the orange orb. There is no way this was a firework nor an airplane. I would also like to point out that I was not intoxicated or on any medication. My family and my neighbors both saw them. My girlfriend had missed the fireball the first time. She waited in the backyard hoping to see some again, about an hour later she came running through the house yelling. And i ran out the front door behind! her wondering what was going on and sure enough we saw them both again. This was an hour later. All of this happened between 10 and 11:30 at night. I waited my whole life to see a ufo and never thought I would see one. I am so lucky to have seen them!!!!!! This all happened in southwest detroit. I know that this is going to seem like just a story but they are real people and I am sure that my family and my neighbors are viewing life differently.
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1100 block of U Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 – May 9, 2011, 6:30 PM
I was sitting in an alley located between the Industrial Bank and U Street Music Hall in the 1100 block of U Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 watching 4 layers of storm clouds in the sky, all moving out of the Southwest headed Northeast. Suddenly, I noticed the leading edge of a large thin silver titanium disc which covered the entire visible sky flying just below these 4 layers of clouds in a white mist and the disc was being backlit as it was being struck several hundred times per second by powerful lightning bolts from the layers of clouds above. The disc was moving slowly directly North out of the South. Absolutely no sound from the disc itself. No scorch marks on the leading edge, which means it had never entered the atmosphere so it belongs to the US Military(CIA). This disc was so! large that it was captured on all Doppler radars in the area.
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Manchester, England – 4 9 2011
were both 62.and were near to home ,we both at the same time looked up ,it was very dark and clear.and we saw clearly saw a huge tube ufo,with two or so bright lights pulsating very fast,and moving slowly it flashed an intense blue then it was gone in the blink of an eye,we felt no fear .just await full disclosure,hi sky friends
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Waingapu, NTT, Indonesia – 31st March 2010
I saw the orb twice. it was the day before I recorded the orb but I didn’t bring any camera with me. it was moving vertically on the first day and just dissappeared. the next day I brought my cellphone and fortunately at (almost)the same time (+/- 5.25 am) and place it appeared again but this time it moves slowly and horizontally from south to east.
Video link:
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Kulwin, Vic – 2009
Broad daylight, clear blue sunny sky. Travelling on road between Ouyen and Manangatang heading towards Manangatang. Seen 2 thin black rectanglular objects circuling each other in the sky. First I thought it was 2 wedge tails circling in the sky but when I got closure I saw they were 2 rectangular solid objects. Continueing to observe the 2 objects they both suddenly froze in mid air. The object closest to me went from a solid object it to what like a gas object, a mixeture between cloud and dust. When I was just obout to drive out of site, both objects moved very quickly straight down behind mallee scrub. I can not understand how a solid looking object can turn into a gas object and 2 how both objects one solid and one gas and dust can both drop out of the sky at the same speed a! nd unison.
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San Antonio, Texas – 3-4 yrs ago
round object large in size. stationary in place at ht. of
any ordinary small plane.
what brought my attention. circular object dark body with red lights circling circumference and large in nature.
stationary over a period estimated 5-6 hrs. never moved from place.
what was freakish was that i seemed to be the only person to be making the observation of this disk.
i drove home knowing that this disk was s.w in location .i expected the disk to disappear. i was astounded to find object in the same local.
i went inside the house after viewing for 1/2 hr. to 1hr.
i calculated that the object would still be stationary if from its view on the horizon top of a tree the object is still there.
sure enough the object was still in view from the tree
top . i would estimate 2hrs. later.
i am stil dismayed to this date that no information regarding this unique object has surfaced.
no video no military status no civilian status
id-ing the disk.
i find that odd. sure some curiosity as to what is this i am seeing . weather ballon? a sophisticated prank ?
southwest research losing an experimental craft?
Bulverde army center developing a new type of experimental drone?
if so , why not let the public know instead of joshing them?
serious in the sky
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Oakland, Maryland – 10/13/1996
I have hand written note from sighting. No photo/video. At approx. 2:00pm on Oct.13, 1996 I witnessed two objects in sky on sunny clear day.At first thought 2 balloons floating up. However, on further inspec. They did not become smaller. One was diamond shaped and flipped tail over tail, was bright white on one side and red on other. Second object looked oval/donut shaped moved in erratic leaf type pattern, also red on one side/white on other at times, at other was dull metallic grey. Both flickeired those colors. Lasted aporox. 5 minutes, slowly disapeared. No need to contact. Video from 1996 Italy similar.
Cheryl L
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Running Hill Road, Scarboro, Maine – Spring, 1989
Sorry the date is so unspecific, it’s been a very long time. In high school I was working at a McDonald’s near the Maine Mall in South Portland, Maine. I left the mall area on Running Hill Road to head home every night I worked. One night, about 2 AM, I was heading home after closing and saw something odd. It was 2 beams of semi focused light above the treetops. By “semi focused” I mean that the light beams got slightly larger away from their source but didn’t seem to have any leakage. Lazer-like, but the beam got larger the further it got from the source. As I continued driving I saw that they came from a saucer shaped object hovering just above the trees, maybe 50 feet off the road. The saucer was ringed by green lights and had 2 large spot lights pointing in the direction o! f South Portland. There was some fog/mist in the air that morning so the beams of light were very obvious. I recall thinking I should stop and check this out, but pure adrenalin fueled fear made me keep driving. The fear I felt was not ordinary. I wanted to stop but was physically unable.
I’ve told this to very few people over the years. I once called “Unsolved Mysteries” after an episode where the artists rendering of a saucer shaped UFO looked very similar to what I saw minus the beams of light. The operator I got clearly did not give a s**t. I’ve since kept it to myself unless I felt I was in “the right company”