Disc-shaped UFO seen near a UK military base! Captured in Sandhurst, January 2025 with an… Read More
The coast of Daytona Beach, Florida became the stage for a mysterious encounter on March… Read More
Jellyfish-shaped UFO spotted over Saladin, Iraq on March 21, 2025. Glowing, silent, and unexplained. Watch… Read More
Navy pilot Alex Dietrich recounts her 2004 encounter with a Tic Tac-shaped UFO—an unexplained moment… Read More
Major Jesse Marcel exposed the Roswell cover-up, revealing strange, unbreakable debris. Was it extraterrestrial? Uncover… Read More
Nick Pope reveals shocking UFO secrets, government cover-ups, and the potential reality of alien contact.… Read More
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Wow.I've been waiting for more sightings like i've heard will happen.This video was quite remarkable.I expect its the good ones.We are not alone :)
Of German: Positionslichter sind deutlich zu erkennen!
intresting-it makes sense ufos trying to look like our aircraft, i mean they havent exactly came down and told everyone they wer here yet-matt_bpd
Difficult to say, it seemed to turn quickly which suggests it's not a plane or chopper.
Are you serious??? It's a freakin' airplane!
I have actally seen this twice,i live in northern ireland,once i seen this from my back yard with my son,the second time i seen it i was driving uo the motorway,and was glad i had a someone in the car,cause i though i was going nuts both sittings were within 2 wks of each other..it was not a plane to me either,the way it flew and it hoovered
oh come on ! 100% Plane or heli, why do you post something like this?
wow you people are stupid as hell wtf?? Fing Mexicans lol
Its an airplane idiots! And as for the plane going too fast remember they can go up to 500 miles an hour for commercial airlines and obviously the fighters from the military can get up to mach 1 or more! Don't try to impress the kids just stick to the facts they will respect you a whole lot more.
the ufo wave of 2011 has finished. it will probably be recognised as one of the best in recent years due to the large number of good reports, vids and pics. sadly the sudden drop in sightings and vids has left people literally scraping the bottom of the barrel posting obviously helicopters and planes. the quality of the ufo vids of the last month speaks volumes to me...the ufo flap is over....for
First, this is a real video by honest folk you can tell from there voices, they are excited for real.actors dont act like this . wish id seen IT. and it must have been very close cos it looks like a normal lense and they usualy dont work very well on anything like a star or satalite. and im realy sorry for any debonkers who might think otherwise you are going to find it harder and harder to
Absolutely! It looked to me at times like one of the "pyramid crafts" in the way the lights are (have seen these). Not only are they appearing in our skies but our homes as well. I recently posted two videos on You Tube (check VorlonGod channel), "Orbs And Manifestations" as well as the amazing "McCall Manifestations" where I actually have video of a Zeta (Roswell