Ancient Aliens: The Mystery of Puma Punku
History Channel, Season 4 Episode 6
Friday, 16th March 2012
Navy pilot Alex Dietrich recounts her 2004 encounter with a Tic Tac-shaped UFO—an unexplained moment… Read More
Major Jesse Marcel exposed the Roswell cover-up, revealing strange, unbreakable debris. Was it extraterrestrial? Uncover… Read More
Nick Pope reveals shocking UFO secrets, government cover-ups, and the potential reality of alien contact.… Read More
The Battle of LA, Roswell, and Rendlesham Forest—real UFOs or secret experiments? Explore the theories… Read More
Was the Area 51 caller on Art Bell’s show a real whistleblower or a hoax?… Read More
Richard Dolan uncovers USO hotspots, military encounters, and theories on mysterious objects emerging from our… Read More
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NO evidence there of anything, or egyptian pyramids may have been directly dropped from space by aliens.
as God says in the Quran,there were people in the past who were v.advanced but they were destroyed due to their disobedience to God and their menacing ways.
God sounds like a total shit! It's a good job he doesn't exist.
as 'god' also says in the quran you will get 72 virgins do me a favour lol
É como eu digo: foram os Nephilins que fizeram tudo isso, eles e seus pais, os Anjos decaídos que assumiram corpos humanos para morarem no nosso planeta, antes do grande Dilúvio. Sua fôrça gigantesca, sua inteligência superior e seu saber ultra avançado lhes possibilitaram fazer, naquele tempo, o que hoje com nossa tecnologia ainda nos é impossível realizar.
A Bíblia nos conta que algum tempo depois da humanidade haver se iniciado, alguns dos filhos de Deus repararam em como as filhas dos homens eram belas e as cobiçaram. Então, fizeram corpos para si e vieram à terra para cohabitarem com elas. Ora, subentendemos que para trazer tais corpos aqui, necessários os veículos (naves espaciais). Diz também, que, de tais relacionamentos nasceram os Nephilins
very strange and it seems to be reliabel! there is enough evidence if you look detailed ! How could they built it that is insane to think human kind built it with stones !<br />there was something in the past wit Extraterestrials and even now but when are they showing them or maybe they are ???
These stones were cast not cut. Just as the great pyramid casing stones. There is a Russian documentary in which they take hi-res photos of the blocks at close range and you can see the other little stones and debris that have been cast into the stones and trapped. Also the fact that they had many prefabricated blocks that are identical heavily implies that these block were cast in molds that
You can actually contact the Gods (aliens) who started these civilizations. Research Astral Projection.
Tudo pode ser. Gostei muito do comentário de "Anonymous Mar 21, 2012 01:45 PM". Também havia pensado em algo semelhante, quando vi as imagens: pareciam objetos de pedra confeccionados em algum tipo de formas, talvez colocadas dentro de vulcões para captar a lava, sendo então retiradas, esfriadas, e, retirados os objetos formados da matéria vulcânica. Abraços. - Valdemar.