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early February 2012; flying saucer – Aveley in Essex, UK
1st February 2012; fireball – Texas, USA
5th February 2012; UFO – London, UK
8th February 2012; daytime UFOs over power plant – Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia
11th February 2012; UFO near chemtrails – Tijuana, Mexico
12th February 2012; unidentified flying object – Pass Christian, Mississippi
13th February 2012; UFOs or orbs – Oroville, California
16th February 2012; UFO fleet – Homestead, Florida
24th February 2012; UFO near a plane – Marathon, Florida
25th February 2012; UFO near a plane – Rome, Italy
25th February 2012; UFO fleet – Neath, UK
26th February 2012; fastwalker – Hurst, Texas
Navy pilot Alex Dietrich recounts her 2004 encounter with a Tic Tac-shaped UFO—an unexplained moment… Read More
Major Jesse Marcel exposed the Roswell cover-up, revealing strange, unbreakable debris. Was it extraterrestrial? Uncover… Read More
Nick Pope reveals shocking UFO secrets, government cover-ups, and the potential reality of alien contact.… Read More
The Battle of LA, Roswell, and Rendlesham Forest—real UFOs or secret experiments? Explore the theories… Read More
Was the Area 51 caller on Art Bell’s show a real whistleblower or a hoax?… Read More
Richard Dolan uncovers USO hotspots, military encounters, and theories on mysterious objects emerging from our… Read More
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what a load of rubbish, I have yet to see a genuine recording of a ufo. They either cant get a clear picture, and yet with todays technology, and HD, id of thought of fuzziness was a thing of the past. when it is clear, you can tell its been artificially added. Or they can never hold a camera still. A classic sign its fake cause they dont want you to focus and study it. I am not a ufo objector, I
im glad to know u are a believer of ufos..but before u come to the conclusion that the videos u are watching are fake simply because the camera is shaking and not in yourself a favor take a camera any camera .go outside look to the stars and zoom in at one star and see if u can hold the camera in foucus and still ..then think about if the object
well said my friend, you put that alot nicer than i would have, i cant stand people who dont think things through
one word. TRIPOD
Dude wake up and leave denile behind,its happening man.
Touché but really, UFO's come out of the blue and you don't know when they show up, and who the hell carries around a tripod? Think it through. Eliminate the improbable leaving you the possible.
It's happening? Why is the least obvious conclusion the first that UFO believers jump on?
I have seen these on other sites, some look legit some are not. I don't believe the one at the Airport in Italy is a UFO.One person saw it? naaaah..
The light at the video of Airport in Italy seems to landing lights of an approaching airplane.
I seen a triangle may 98 .land in a backyard shoreline,WA 60 feet long.
I was in colville washington,out at waits lake and seen a light swaying back and forth over lake but in the sky.something about this light caught my eye and depth perception,it went left then right left and right,i even went as far to say well,it could be a fire fly caught in a spider web being blown in the wind,but there was no wind and ive never seen a fire fly in my life anyways,so i walk 30
Dear Kyle,<br />hope my school-english is well enough..i live in Germany in a 60,000 inhabitants "village" :-)<br />Do ya know what lucky guys you and your companion have been? Fantastic! Be happy about this adventure! I know thousands of people here in europe waiting their whole life to see a starship.Its been quite an homage to you. I really envy you a little..<br /> those starpeople
Out of just pure interest (since i did have a time of what you guys call "missing memory" where did you get all the information you just posted?
Dear anonymous (nice name)<br />Well, i did a lot of research, a lot of thinking, a lot of experience, many talks. Meditation, observing history and newspaper, internet, intuition, many books and literature. The reading between the lines, and the listening and reading to scientists, that had bad experience with governmental control concerning their helping inventions of real progress.Allways
if you believe the ufo is real then the question is,,what are they doing here,,it seems they are observing the cities,observing the way of life of humans,,they do not care that we also see them,,they have mastery of flight to a high degree,,but the military which is suppose to guard the airways either know about them or they cant pick them up on radar,you would think our military would
If U.F.O are real(which i think they are).Why have they not <br />tried to make contact with anybody? People keep seeing U.F.O<br />all around the world, yet no contact.If they are so interes-<br />ted in us,then why don`t they come and asked us.Hey!I have a few question myself.Maybe they could tell us a way to get around without gas and stop pollution.This way,we would`nt<br />have to fight for
but how do you that they aren't afraid of us?
good question i asked too. They avoid contact, because they are PEACEFULL. They never ever want us to be scared. Why should they be afraid, when being and existing aeons before us? Only mankind is afraid. They dont have any cause to be afraid. Having techniques we only could dream of. They only worry because of our wars and nuclear weapons. And they don't want to use their very advanced
You can tell if you are seeing a flying saucer, especially if it is within two miles.It helps to have binoculars.I admire the film footage of the real ones.(Oh, to the reply about alien contact:There is an array of foreign visiting life forms.The Pleidians are human looking. Yet, they have been seen working side by side with the "Zeta's",which are much smaller.And look like
How do you know what "species" they are?
ya its real i watch it in india,3/20/ my city.
ya its real i wath it in india in my city .3/20/2012