Around 20,000 New Age believers consider a mountain as the place for salvation. Contrary to many beliefs that God would judge the living and the dead when the world ends, these people believe that aliens will come out from the mountain to save faithful people from an impending apocalypse and will send them to a new world. These people flocked to the small French village near the foot of the beautiful Pic de Bugarach. They believe that the current civilization will come to an end on December 21, 2012 and the new world will start.
Pic de Bugarach is a mountain used as an inspiration by Jules Verne on his book “Journey to the Center of the Earth.” Today, the mountain has become the temporary home of about 20,000 people who claim that the mountain is an ancient launching pad that will activate when the world ends.
These individuals, who are being referred as esoterics by the locals, think that Pic de Bugarach is more than a mountain. For them it is a sacred land and home of aliens that will come out to rescue humans gathered in the mountain and bring them to a new civilization.
French government is concerned about reports of mass suicides before or after December 21, 2012. There are already reports of unusual rituals taking place around the mountain. Some members are seen in white robe or naked walking around the area of the mountain.
One of the members said they believe that a new beginning will start after an end. She added that December 21, 2012 is the end of a cycle of suffering and the mountain is the place intended to welcome the energies of tomorrow. (c) 2012
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Well, we're all welcome to our opinion, EVEN LOONY TUNES.
people claimed to be naked on a mountain why havnt the police been notified holy chirst
They may be right. After all, the Master Alchemist, Fulcanelli, warned that the end would come at the time of the galactic alignment (that we now know is on 21.12.12) and he said there was just one safe place on earth.
yes there is only one place to be safe...<br />my bumhole XD
Referencing the Bible, the end time won't get here until the last 7 years events play out, and they haven't started yet. So, I'm not sure what "god" may be coming for these people... certainly not the God of the Bible. Perhaps the god of the underworld, as Satan loves nothing better than to have people think he is a deity.
reference to what explain yourself what 7 events what does underworld mean in your mind we dont live in a satanic culture
naked or in a white robe how looney is this one
go naked with your favorite park ranger
God on the bible dont exist ...God is Aliens !
what does this mean
What a bunch of dumb asses. These peaple are an embarassment to society and were better off without them. So lets hope their right and the aliens take them away :)
smart people have always seemed crazy to dumber people