Categories: UFO News

The Reclassification of UFOs; no more flying discs

Submitted to by our reader Danny Contreras – April 8 2012
Although the acronym UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object, its definition seems to be too broad. The term Unidentified Flying Object was created to identify what since 1947 have been known as disc like shaped aerial vehicles capable of flying at light, if not faster than light speed, making sharp 90 degree turns in an instant, maneuvering in circles around man made aerial vehicles, and simply hovering in place. Known accounts have been reported by retired United States pilots, such as Col. Wendell C. Stevens, and by NASA astronauts, such as Gordon Cooper, to mention a known few. However, these reports seem to be diminishing and giving way to the more commonly known and current type of UFO– flying orbs of light. It seems as if the UFO acronym should be redefined, i.e.; UFO—Unidentified Flying Orbs, UHO—Unidentified Hovering Orbs, and perhaps for the secret man made military ships, and the well known historical flying disc, we should consider UFV—Unidentified Flying Vehicles.
Whatever happened to the flying disc? Why are we witnessing more and more flying orbs in the sky? Orbs reported from all over the globe, not only in rural areas, but also in cities and suburbs alike. And if we do read, or hear about unidentified flying vehicles, they are now being described symmetrically, as either triangular, and sometimes square, flying slowly past onlookers without making a sound, like the famous March 13th, 1997 daylight Arizona sighting of a V-shaped aerial vehicle seen and reported by many, before the Phoenix Lights lit up the dark skies on the evening of that same day. No more do we read or hear of vehicles making fascinating maneuvers, such as the classic flying disc, rather we are witnessing video after video, of hovering orbs, or orbs flying in a straight path like the ones captured on video by the Mexican air force in 2008 In 1952 these same types of orbs were also filmed over Capitol Hill Washington,D.C. . How someone was able to film such dramatic footage, from such a strategic location, with no sound and consequently no real report provided, is highly questionable, nevertheless, whatever was flying over Washington was real, and resemble the Mexico UFOs.
One of the most, if not the most dramatic footage of an Unidentified Flying Orb, is the UFO over Jerusalem – this footage is extremely difficult to discount as being some sort of hoax. I have analyzed this footage over and over, and what truly makes this footage undeniably real, is the way the pulsating light over the dome illuminated the entire area surrounding the mount. One can clearly visualize the light disappear from the top of the dome as soon as the object zooms upward into the night sky. This object however, close up, does seem to be spinning like a disc, but it is so bright, that one cannot make out its true shape.
So what is happening? Have flying discs decided to conceal themselves inside a field of extreme luminosity, so luminous that we can no longer define their shape as being disc like? Rather we can only define them as orbs or bright lights? One question does still remain, why do these orbs unlike the known flying disc, not perform the aerial feats we read and hear from pilots, and civilians alike? These orbs, simply hover, travel in a straight path, and on occasion seem to morph into one another and disappear. As many of you, I am a firm believer that we are not alone, but the more we delve into this subject the more complicated its manifestations. We may have to reconsider, reclassifying what we are seeing in our skies. –dc
Danny Contreras
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  • Why do we here on this planet think that we are alone in this BIG universe?? Why can´t we accept that there is more advanced people living on other planets than ours?? And that they are visiting us ..and have been visiting as long as this planet have excisted? Just face the fact..we are NOT alone!!

    • If we are indeed alone(which we are NOT) we will have to rewrite much of mathematics, this in itself should provide an answer for at least some of the more intellectual doubters out there.<br />Anyway Suncat I agree with you &amp; we should know !

  • I agree with you. I also think that the purpose of this orbs are complety different then the &quot;flying saucers&quot; that have been visiting us in the pass. Now, it has to do with the energy of the Earth that I think is been manipulated by Beings of enorme inteligente that are trying to slow down the geological changes that are trying to take place all over the world. If this geological

  • Well, if someone were to look at earth beings&#39; modes of transportation for the first time they would see: the space shuttle, jets, single engine planes, helicopters, balloons, tractor trailer trucks, small trucks, cars, motorcycles, mopeds, bicycles, segways, motorized wheelchairs, and skateboards. Lots of different sizes and shapes for lots of different purposes. Just among the cars, look

    • Anonymous, you make an excellent point. If I understand you correctly, what you are conveying, is that; as we humans evolve our technology, so do they. Very interesting, truly very interesting. Thanks for the comment. -dc

  • Thanks for your collected input. I am glad you mentioned Col. Wendel Stevens. I have listened to great extent of the sincerity of his research.(One of the stories I want to tell:Las Vegas UFO Convention Nov.,1993, I was talking to Col. Stevens.He was sorting slides for his lecture.I asked him, &quot;Have you ever seen the occupants from a [flying]saucer?&quot; He replied,&quot;When I was in

  • very intresting topic - dont forget my BLU-F-Os- im always trying to find repetative ufo patterns so i can classify and analyze better - i could bore you to death for days on my findings and off shot theorys and conspiracy wich i usualy do to my drinking buddies - but in this case im going to shoot for an abriged responce to dannys good point - i used to think the same thing about the disc shaped

  • I believe the ufo phenomenon can take on any form,ancient history is littered with ufos of all shape,size and colour.Often triangle and disc,cigar craft have been reported ejecting glowing orbs which for me equates to the fact that regardless of the shape,its most likely all the same thing.

  • i saw a disc shaped anomolous arial object last year and it was kinda blurry to look at and pulsed with a white light.The ufo monicker should be ditched because its too closely associated with aliens

  • Explain this one? : Me and a few friends were in the pub (JUST) starting to have a drink. 2 of us went outside and she pointed out e very very bright star (slight shades of hazey colours,and hazey around the edges)..... having looked more intensely we both noticed that it wasn&#39;t 1 star, but 6 stars in total (YES I KNOW WHAT UR THINKIN) ..... and it gets even more strange ..... It consisted of

  • I call it PS - pseudo stars.<br />There&#39;s a lot of UFO&#39;s where I live; some of them look like stars... but it&#39;s a star from 10:00pm to 1:00am - Pseudo Star. :-)<br /><br />-tesihmil (YouTube name)

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