Categories: LUFOS

Report UFO sighting #49

Your UFO reports: 7th April – 14th April 2012
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !
Santa Barbara, CA – 4/15/2012 12 am
Bright orange light moved in a very slow circular motion for about a minute and a half and then slowly fizzled out.
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Diest, Belgium – April 14, 2012 22:45
I saw a large glowing light flying in and out of the clouds last night above towards the south of Diest Belgium. It was not very bright, so it looked to me that the light was a glow from something flying above the thick clouds and that it was illuminating the clouds below it. It flew in circles sometimes zig zagging and stopping short and going in the other direction. I watched it for 20 minutes. I tried to contact the Belgian UFU network, but the link to the website doesn’t seem to be working.
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8290 Grayfield, Dearborn Heights – 4-13-12 12:37
Hi! My name is Remillo Smith. Earlier I have been waiting home for my parents to come home and no one else was home except my little brother and I were watching television until I looked outside in the sky because I was bored. I was very shocked when I saw that it was a small bright orange-red light flying across the nightsky. I yelled to my brother (he also believes in UFOs) to come here ; his face seemed very puzzled. We ran outside down the street to get a closer look and it started to slow down and DISAPPEAR into the dark sky. Minutes later while walking back to the house, my brother grabbed me by the arm and told me “look Remi!!!”. I turned around and saw ANOTHER orange-red light that was much smaller that the other one. That also disappeared while we watched it go.I tried to take a picture but my phone had a low battery. This is a strange night for me.
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Back of my house in Lacey, WA – 4/13/12 12:20A
Ft Lewis was testing bombs so there were all sorts of crazy loud explosions, so I went outside to check it out. One was, like, a flash explosion that I saw light up the sky. However, there was this one peculiar sight that was a floating stationary object that was flashing blue green and red colors. It tripped me out so I kept watching it for like a half hour as it did these strange zig zags, moved up and down and then continued sustaining it’s position to almost resemble that of a star. It seemed to be moving deliberately slowly, as if it was surveying, easily. New military craft? Perhaps? But it was flying at like 3 miles easily above the earth. To do those types of maneuvers seems really peculiar even for our technology, right?
There was another encounter I saw about a month earlier. It was during the Jupiter/Venus alignment. Something sling-shotted out of Jupiter’s orbit, I presume, at lightening speed that looked almost like a laser and was gone in a flash.
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Portland, OR, USA – 04/13/2012 around 9:50 pm
5 amber colored lights as I was looking toward the western sky from Laurelhurst Park. Lasted about 1-2 minutes, then they all quickly faded from view.
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Click Read more to read the full post with all the UFO reports!

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Vancouver, WA. – 13th April 2012 at 11:20pm
My sister took this picture of strip of slights hovering high in the sky. She said at 11:45 it had been up there for at least an hour. It didn’t move, and stayed in the same space the entire time.
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broomall Pennsylvania United states – april 12 2012 at 8:10 pm
it was a long triangular shape and a glowing white light and it was going really really fast and it curved up and dissapered
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Sampaloc Manila, Philippines – April 12, 2012; 4:30 – 5:00 AM
As i look out from our window. Something glides up in the sky that catches my attention. It has no light however, the moon light must have cast a good image of it making it visible as that of the clouds during night time. It has five to six square or circle shape object in v – formation that flies from the east towards west and suddenly turn right to north in a 45 degree angle which no spacecraft could possibly do. It flies twice or thrice as fast as an ordinary commercial aircraft as you look at them flying in the sky. Then as it flies to north suddenly it vanishes. I wasn’t able to catch it on film since Iam not a UFO fanatic but this one made me think about what exactly i saw that time. everything happens in almost about 10-12 secs.
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west virgina, Monroe county – 4/12/12
Have been seeing these objects flashing red,blue, white and sometimes orange lights in the sky every lately they have actually been flying across the shy. Have taken pictures, have noticed air craft try to avoid them. So if you can, Tell me what you think all that is. Have taken pictures and every picture is a different shape.
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Fall Creek, WI – 4/12/12ay 8″30pm
We were walking our dogs- there were 6-8 red/orange balls flying in a formation together- then they vanished
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168th & Harlem, Tinley Park, IL. – 04/11/2012, 9:15PM
As I was driving northbound on Harlem Ave., and 168th in Tinley Park, IL. I noticed a bright white cylander shaped object in the sky to the East, I also noticed it had what appeared to be a form of wings, actually it was shaped like a wedge, the wings, for lack of a better word would change from bright white to a pale blue, one of these wings had a red light that would stay on for a minute or two and then turn off, the movement was up, and down, and then stationary. I observed this object for about 10 minutes before it dissapeared. I tried to take a photo while I was driving with my phone camera but could not as I also had to keep my eye on traffic.
J. Harvey
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Warren, ME – 04/11/12
Saw a very similar object to the New York 4/11/12 4am video. I have no pictures or video. It was over Thomaston/Warren Maine at about 8:30. It was bright white no blinking lights a few hundred feet off the ground and about a half a mile to a mile away from me. Made no sound at all and I’ve seen hundred of planes and helicopters alot further away then this that I could hear. Moved to fast to be a ballon unless it was powered, and wasn’t high enough to be in the jet stream for a weather balloon. My came out and looked at it we watched it fly away to the north.
E Tancrell
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Croatia/Slovenia – 9/4/2012 15.00
April 9th from the plane croatia airlines,going from split (croatia) to frankfurt (germany), around 15.30 i saw a flying object on the same height as the plane at the time. We were above the adriatic coast somewhere above istria (croatia). What i noticed strange was the black long ray that was going from the object what i thought at the first it was just another plane, but the black ray at the begining was directed under the object towards the land at 90 degrees angled with the plain. The ray was moving then very Fast changing the first angle and then at the end folowing the object but always directed down and more or less under a certain angle. I can not say with the certanity the shape of the object, i saw no particular lights or colors.
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Redington Beach, Florida – 4/8/2012 9:30-11:00pm
The event last night started around 9:30pm. I noticed a bright object coming from the western sky moving east. The white orb was much too high to be an airplane and too bright to be a satellite. As it moved through the night sky the white light just shut off as if they no longer wanted to be seen. My wife wasn’t impressed and when back inside. I followed her indoors floored she wasn’t moved by what had just happened. We live across the street from the beach and the night sky was perfect for viewing last night. I got my gopro camera and my HTC HD phone camera ready and left for the beach…
What I’m going to tell you next is 100% honest and I have a video to verify my story. At 10:30pm last night on Redington Beach Florida my life forever changed. Looking at the NW sky you can clearly see Venus is making its way off the horizon. To the left of Venus a bright star appeared from nowhere. I pointed my GoPro camera in the direction and let it run. I then turned on my HD phone video camera. By the time my phone starts recording a second bright yellowish-red star appeared to the lower left of the bright white mystery star. Although not shown in great detail on my video the two lights begin pulsating. After about a minute the yellow-red light goes out. Immediately afterward you can see a very small red orb pulsating with white and red vivid colors, fly into the original white light. At this moment the object appears to be very far away from me. The small flashing red light began a counter clockwise rotation around the still stationary bright white object. Then the both lights started to pulse in red, white and yellow colors. The smaller moving craft was now equal size to the original and located on an even plane with one another. The craft then begins to fly from what appeared to be space, to an airplane altitude with a heading directly towards me. The size become massive as it continues on a direct path to me. I remained frozen on the beach filming until I realized they are coming for me! I ran with the space craft no more than 500 feet off the ground and no more than football field away. Once off the open beach and running between sand dunes I looked back to see it moving back over the Gulf once again. The two lights separated again and one begun to move east across the sky at a high altitude while the other remained over the gulf.
At this point, I’m not only terrified I’m left in a state of shock. I didn’t just simply see something odd in the night sky… This object came down to interact with me! There was no sound, in fact, in my video even at the last minute before I ran all you can hear is the waves and the panic in my voice. I could see almost no detail on the ship itself. Only that it was disc shaped and either black or dark grey.
I’ve found on the web several other sightings last night as well. I want to post the video but I really freak and am a bit embarrassed. I’m yelling “oh God” 20xs and “it’s real” and “there here” oh yea and “anunnanki.” I’m going to be clowned for my commentary but this has to be seen.
Most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.
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Dorset, UK – 8 April 2012 – 20:41
i was walking home & saw 2 lights moving slowly accross the sky & another in front. Too close together to be planes. Thought it unusual so took a picture on my phone. This morning when I looked at the picture I notice a saucer shape object which I didn’t see last night. It’s just totally weird. Any ideas?
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Friendswood, Webster, Texas – 4/7/12. 7:45Pm
Driving North East on Hwy 529 and Hwy 518 in Friendswood. I could see towards the area of Hwy 529 and IH-45 a large illuminated yellow to White football shaped blimp with a red blinking lights on the top and on the bottom slowly moving in a south direction. I observed its movement for 5 minutes. Its elevation appeared to me from my location above tree level . If I were underneath it at the location it would be about 200 to 300 yards above I-45. I have not seen or made any attempts to ask if there was a commercial blimp in the vacinity that evening
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Hoboken NJ . side of my buliding – 4 30 pm 4/13/2012
sitting on the side of my building, i noticed a small flickering object in the sky coming towards me from the west. i had my camera with me and took about 20 shots as it slowly moved from west to east and towards nyc.
after downloading the pics to my computer, it was only then that i realized the shape of this object. it slowly tumbled thru the sky until it moved east towads nyc and out of sight.
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NIce (France) Place massena – 7.april.2012
i didnt know that i tok this picture with 4 lights on the sky.
It seems to me same day seen same lights at newyork almost same date.
IfUFO you decide.
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Roseville, Ca – 4 7 12
Fast moving lights that split in to two then emitted evenly spaced lights twards earth
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Griffin, Georgia – April 7th 2012 10:30pm
You guy’s are going to call me crazy, but i swear to you all that Me, my Grandfather, and my Brother just saw a UFO. We were driving down the highway at 10:30pm and I noticed 3 lights falling out of the sky. It looked like some meteors. 2 of the lights disappeared and then the light stopped falling. I squinted my eyes to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating. Suddenly out of no where, 6 more lights appeared and formed a circle about 1 mile in size, then it started spinning in a circle and then tilting to the side, after that it slowly started falling down and disappeared behind trees near my neighborhood.
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strange thing in the sky, April 7, Embalse El Yeso Chile
My name is Sussan and I am from Chile. On Saturday I went to Embalse el Yeso, located in the mountain, located near San Jose de Maipo, and I took 2 authomatic pictures, and in one pictures everything is ok, the sky is clear, but in the second something strange appear. I hope this you can use this pictures.
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Concord, NC – 4/7/2012 at 9:30pm
Seen what looked like fireworks the first sec. But realized it wasn’t real fast. It was hovering at tree tops, a white light with colors under it going to ground.
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Smithville, MO – 04/06/2012 1051pm
The bottom of this picture taken with a cannon powershot SD850 IS of a full moon and at the very bottom of the photo is a curious orb with what looks like an “eye” surrounded by multi-colored stripes on it. I could not see this orb with the naked eye, nor was there another orb that close to the moon at the time the picture was taken. It may be nothing, but I feel its worth checking out. I do not have the equipment to blow up the pic and deep dive analysis.
Let me know what you think.
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Ardsley, PA – April 6, 2012 aprox 4am
I saw a Huge football shaped object just above high peeked hill,(Susquehanna rd near Ardsley, Pennslyvania. Bright colors red/orange, shaped like a massive football. It was about 4am. I went to bathroom, I see out my window this UFO peering over trees and hillside. It was amazingly beautiful. It took place I believe on April 6th 2012 in the wee early morning hours. It hovered there for a long time 25 mins or so then I watched it dramatically disappear. I immediately told my husband and he said You saw a UFO that’s cool. So now I’m wondering did anyone else see it here? I live on top of a very large hill in Abington, PA I can see quite a distance from my windows upstairs. Every night I look hoping it’ll surprise me again. Was it another planet? A alien ship? Some weird military vessel? I don’t know. Boy do I wish I recorded it.
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Canhas, Madeira, Portuga – 3-04-2012 at 21:14
Hi. My coousin took this picture last thursday at Canhas, Madeira, Portugal. He would like to know if it resembles anything that you know or have seen before. It was taken with a cellphone.
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Belgium – east Flanders – Grembergen – 30-3-2012 around 22:30
me and my girlfriend were making a campfire in the backyard
and i go and get some wood, and as i step .. i watch a road in the distance with lights..
suddenly, is see a really flashy red light, with a little white light in the middle (notice it was really far away) it seemed to be looking like just a ball … sounds stupid i know, but it looked like it.
it went straight up, so i tough, maybe a heli ? but it made NO sound at all, nothing, but it did flash up bright when it moved..
suddenly, it just went 10 km easy in 2 seconds, it went from dead still, to VERRY fast in no time … just like that, so it could not have had someone in it, or whoever was in that thing is now dead.
then it just stopped again, dead still for a sec, and it started hovering around, every time it moved, the light lit up. after about 20 sec of hovering, it went down and we didnt see it anymore
if someone knows what this was, id like to know.
i was allways sceptic about sightings.. but after seeing this thing, me and my girlfriend were really amazed.
its maybe a military project? but belgium is in so much financial problems that it probably isnt doing any projects..
and im not really living in an area with allot of airstrips, just allot of fields.
it didnt came to my mind to film it so i have no video material or something available sorry. i can only explain what i saw.
i was so amazed by its speed that i had to share it. the hovering is pretty normal, but the acceleration without ANY noise … damn, it still amazes me when i think of it, theres no words for that fast movement
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Turkey – 2012, March 30th
The observation took place at 30th of March 2012, just before the sun down around 18:40 at Etiler Region, Istanbul, Turkey. Clouds were high. I have been watching birds with my 2 years old daughter. She recognized the object that was moving at a stable speed. I opened the window to check if I can hear any noise. The object moved out from my sight gliding with in silence. Then I understood that it was not a chopper or plane. It was about 1 – 1.5 km. away and 1- 0.8 km. higher then where I was. It is pity that I could only shot a picture with my mobile phone.
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Chillioroya, Cusco-Peru – March 22-23, 2012
We were at a farm in Chillioroya, Cusco-Peru, the wind was blowing so hard, the mining company in the area issued a yellow alert, the light behind the mountains were amazing, we were out when we saw 3 big golden ships hovering over the area, their lights and the drawings they made was very meaningful to us, the sky was full of lights, I felt like being somewhere out in the cosmos, the ships were there in different shapes, sizes and ways.
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Los Angeles, California – 3/11/2012
This object appears to be cylindrical and metallic. I summon these UFOS by calling on the name Yahweh the biblical creator of all things.
Youtube video link:
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Bangalore, India – 03 Feb 2012, 10:10PM
Me along with friends noticed UFO between 10:00 to 10:30PM on 03 Feb 2012. Firstly thought it as some object flying and upon observing , could see a oval object, emitting flames/light downwords and moving fast in a big circumference. UFO was noticed thrice, first at 10:10PM, 10:20PM and last at 10:30PM which was more closer. Just took a snap from the mobile camera. Image is not so good as it was night and mobile camera did not had enough zoom.
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Wilkes Barre twp, P.A. 18702 – 6 months ago 9:30 P.M.
My wife and I saw an orange orb hoovering over our back yard. The orange light was so bright, it could be seen for miles. My wife saw it through a second floor window.She thought our barn was on fire perhaps. When we ran out of the house at first I thought it was plane or meteor on fire, but then I realized it wasn’t moving. It was straight over our heads only about 100′ high.It must have spotted us because it began to dim out as to not be seen I got a good look at it for about 10 seconds. When it was dimmed down it looked like an 8′ round see through balloon.I can still see some kind of energy inside of it but very dim. During all this time I was trying to get a picture of it with my cell.Unfortunitly it was a new cell phone and I was not quite framilure with it yet. After this 10 second pause,it moved away from us traveling west very quickly, faster than a plane, seaming to stay at the same elevation until it was gone.I did get a picture of it when it was moving away but accedently closed my phone and the picture didn’t save. At this point when it was moving, it was very bright and orange but not as bright as when we first saw it.I kind of have a big back yard and neighboring houses are elderly people and a bit of a distance from my home.I still thought somebody had to have seen it besides me. I evan watched the news closely in the days that followed but nothing.I also spoke to the local police that night to tell them what I saw in case of other witnesses. I’m glad they didn’t lock me up for being crazy, but I had to know.A month later my daughter told me someone posted on facebook seeing the same thing in my area on perhaps a different night.It took me a week to figure out why it stoped over my yard. We had a huge party prior to this and I installed many, many solar lights for this occassion.To be honest, I went overboard with lighting.I evan remember saying that you could probably see these lights from space, of course joking. But no I realise that this distict lighting pattern must have drawn it in for a closer look.Of that I’m certain.I think now it was some kind of scout unit doing some investigating.By the way I am a 43 year old sheet metal/construction business owner and have a tape measure eye to help put things in better perspective. It’s been about 6 months since this I still think about it.I didn’t know where else to report something like this until today. I hope I get some kind of a response from this because I would really like some answers.
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Los Angeles, CA – 10.22.2009
Youtube video link:
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Mathias, WV (Hardy County) – 9pm late July 2005
I went on a trip to Hardy County WV, I guess it was July or August 2005. We were staying with some friends in a cabin style house at the top of a great big hill, very mountainous area.. I was on the back deck about 9pm, smoking a ciggarette just star gazing, the air was so clear and your up higher in altitude so the stars were really catching my eye, they were very bright. Then I started watching what looked exactly like a star move in a straight line and then begin to change directions in NO-TIME FLAT, just one second one way…one second the other. It was literally zigzagging in between other stars. I mean at that far away the speed must have been AMAZING!! I thought that was great, turns I counted 28 of those things that night. Same color as any other star, same size… I mean going completely across the sky at times just to turn around. I had this crazy feeling they we’re just doing it to see if anone was paying attention, just a private show for those who were. There were times that night where I would see 2 or 3 of these at a time.
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Meraux, LA – 1995
I don’t remember the exact date, but i reported it to the personel at belle chase air force base, my husbamd and i were tenents at st. Bernard manor,a retirement home.we wewe walking home from mc. Donalds. When we saw it. It was rectangular and flying very low and passed over us and over the manor very when they came to a city they turned off all lights and shut down the engines. We thought it was going to land on top of the manor, but it cleared the manor and shot off so fast that we could not see what direction it went in, i imediately called the air force base and reported it and asked if we had anything like that in the air, they denied having anything like it and said they would investigate, but i never heard anything back from them. A few years later i read that a woman in slidell, la. Saw what she described as the same thing we saw.has anyone else seen an object like i described, if so please e-mail me and tell me about it, and report it.
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  • all more<br />proof of higher intelligences invading our skies daily evidence is overwhelming excellent photography.

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