Categories: LUFOS

Report UFO sighting #50

Your UFO reports: 14th April – 21st April 2012
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !
Central coast -over Elizabeth bay – 21/04/12
Around 11pm i was in bed and noticed a rather bright star out my front window, much brighter then others which caught my eye as we were looking at mars and Venus earlier on in night out in the backyard so I knew it could not of been them. I continued to watch while speaking with my partner and slowly it grew brighter and then started erratic and extreme movements. At this point I informed my partner and we both then spent at least 30mins watching the object dart around, change speeds and flash different colours.
We both were in amazement and tried to debunk it. Someone with a LED light hover toy? but the height it was at seems unlikely and likewise for a kite. My partner suggested a small meteorite burning up moving head on (as we could not see a tail) but it went on for far too long and movements eventually didn’t fit.
This was witnessed from Lake Munmorah looking south west over Elizabeth Bay. If I was to guess it would of been positioned over the power station.
I did try to record but my iPhone did not pick up anything.

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HWY-290 15 miles east of Giddings, TX – 4/21/2012 at 9:37pm
I witnessed approx. 12 yellow-ish orange rounds flying orbs heading south with my father while in the car heading west. The orbs were in a straight line expect the last 4 that moved in a organized wave pattern.

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Ontario/Glendale/Burbank California – 19 APR 12 9 pm-1130 pm
I don’t know what this was. I was driving home this evening from Ontario, CA towards Burbank on the 210 West/134 West when I saw a bright object in the sky through the upper right hand side of my windshield. No matter which direction I went, I still saw it in the same place. It appeared stationary. I initially thought maybe it was a plane or even Venus. I drove past the Ontario airport and it still remained in the sky in the same place and appeared to be changing color and shape, but I couldn’t photograph it while driving. Skeptical, I kept driving and it seemed to position itself in the same part of the sky over the freeway as I drove. I got closer towards Glendale and it appeared to get closer. This is approximately 35-40 miles from Ontario to Glendale.
I went into the grocery store to shop around 9:30 PM after suddenly feeling as if I needed juice from Whole foods. I often do this, but not at this time of night especially when I had no intention of going there because I was tired. AFter purchasing my groceres at Whole foods in Glendale, I came out into the parking lot to get into my car and saw the object again in the same field of my vision, but much clearer this time. I felt like it was trying to get my attention so I began photographing it with my iphone. Just remarkable! With each successive photo, it changed shape and characteristics. It never moved from its position in the sky.
When I began driving towards Burbank it seemed to move away in the sky. I could see it the whole time I was driving home except when obscured by trees or buildings. I noticed there were a lot of police cars out tonight too. It’s Thursday and not a holiday which was weird. I also heard several helicopters out that were flying away from the Burbank airport as I got closer to home. I live near the Burbank airport. I went up to my condo and opened the window after getting home. Unfortunately, my good camera with the zoom lense was dead, so my iphone was all I had to take pics with. I took some pics from my window as the object hovered over the Burbank airport for quite some time. Planes did not seem to be landing, but were off in the distance. The object seemed to be “showing off.” Every photo I took revealed that the object had changed in shape and characteristics. It seemed to want to be noticed and hovered there for about an hour or so. I went downstairs and walked to the closest open area on Magnolia where it passes over the I-5. The object began to get farther away and went North West in the sky until I could barely see it. That was around 11:30-11:45 this evening.
Any other reports about this or know what it is? I actually hope it’s not one of ours:)
The second picture with file name APR 19 2 shows a sliver of light, however, when you zoom in, it looks like there is an object around it in the sky that is hardly seen against the sky. It looks like a disc.
The last photo shows the object morphed into a ball. I have seen these objects before on your site…
I have more photos as well as the object morphed into different shapes. Or it looked like there was an object there that I couldn’t really see as it was darkened against the dark, night sky. It appeared as if the object was partially hidden against the night sky. If that was the case, it was moving some light around the objects periphy or something to make it appear as if it was morphing into different objects…not sure.


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Click Read more to read the full post with all the UFO reports!

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Marseille, France – 18/04/2012
A new footage from France / Marseille ,18/04/2012 zoom x300
Video link:

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Pleasant Lake Indiana – April 18th 2012
My in laws and there grandson saw three triangle shape objects in the sky may 18th. You need to get ahold of them it was unbelievable what they had seen! They said it was getting dark out and my father in law went outside to walk the dog and seen 3 objects in the sky he called on his phone to have his grandson that lives with them come outside and see it cause he didn’t think anyone would believe him. Grandson came out and seen them too. Then the had his wife come out to see them too. She came out but 2 of the had spon off and disappeared. But she did see 1 of them. I asked if they took a picture of it and she said they were so shocked they didn’t think to do that. She said it was a perfect triangle thethe lights were re was 3 bright lights in the shape of a triangle and the light was orange color. I asked if they reported it they said no but someone else had to see it too!

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Inner city San Antonio – 04-18-2012 9:30-10:00 pm cdt
I live in the inner city of San Antonio,Texas near downtown. Last night I was sitting outside looking up and a object was moving from south to north. What I found really telling the Object was triangle in shape and 3 red lights or fire. At first I thought it was a plane, then I noticed that there were no clouds and the object was moving quickly but it seem the 3 reddish points were fuzzy. It took about 12 seconds to travel from as far as I can see looking south and moving north.

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1/2 mile north of Nogales International Airport. We were walking east Lado de Loma Road near #237 – 4/17/12, Just after sunset
At first I thought it was a shooting star because it had a long sparkly tail but it was too straight for that. It started out on the north part of the sky and was heading south fast. It was not quite overhead. It had two green circles of light with no beams of light coming from them that were perpendicular to my line of vision. I called to my husband to look up and see it. By that time, it had moved past the 1/2 way point in the sky. As it neared the Mexico boarder, it disapeared.

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Caloundra/Sunshinecoast, Australia – 17/4/12
I just saw a very bright light go over head very very fast,it had no trail with it which would suggest it was a comet,so i am hoping it could have been a ufo yours truely
Update: Just watched video of 7th april on your website via youtube seoul sth korea i saw the same type of object flashing past the plane to-night must have been an ufo

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On east side, by Saguaro Nat’l monument, Arizona – April 17,2012 – Between 7:30 -7:40 PM
At family’s home on dark terrace, I noticed what I thought was a falling star, but it was bigger and had a long trail of light. It crossed the sky from the East and went Southward. Amazingly fast. The light never dimmed, nor did the trail of light diminish. Time approximately between 7:30 PM and 7:42 or so. We speculated that if it was a comet it was HUGE, falling stars seem to ‘die’ out very quickly…this one did not! I hope someone else reports it! Called Davis Montham, they asked me to call the Public Affairs department in the morning. KVOA had no reports but were interested. Mt. Lemmon Sky Center was closed, as was Kitt Peak. My sister-in-law and I were astonished! Please let me know if YOU know something! Color me curious!

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Las vegas neveada, tenaya and Twain – 16.Apr.2012
was in my back yard and i happened to look up and saw this where looking thing.. it was like in the shape of a steathbomber it had 4 red lights then it looked like one turned off next thing you know it like hovers past me like a good couple miles away. and at that moment it passed by it sounder like a jet engine taking off

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Tijuana, Mexico – 4-16-2012
onthe 13th of april 2012 i took a picture of a flying object doing weird movements and on the picture u can see a fliying bird like creature with someone on it witha bow and arow and it shot something like a flame at the flying object and out of the object u can see someone with a crown over his head had oval eyes and around him were lots of human like biengs with oval shaped eyes and all were like in a state of shock this has been going on since the 13th of april till last night 4-16-2012

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Roseville, CA – 4/16/12 at 10:00pm
I looked west up to the sky and noticed a very bright star. After awhile I thought it might be a planet because it was so bright. After watching it for a few minutes, I noticed it was moving although very slow. At firtt it was a bright single light but as it moved towards the east I began to see a triangle shape. I did not see the typical air craft lights but it seem there were lights along the edge forming a wedge shape. I watched it for over 20 minutes and it moved forwards and then back but it did not make any turns. It just seemed to drift backwards. It did this several times and finally went into a cloud bank. I could still see the lights glowing through the clouds until if simply faded and was gone.

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Sydney Airport – 16th April 2012, 6.00pm
Myself and my wife were in a plane bound for Hobart Tas about 6.00 pm and as the plane got higher during take off we saw 4 stationary lights in a large sqauare formation above Sydney airport. One light actually followed the the plane to Hobart.
Placitas, NM – Midnight April 15, 2012
At approximately midnight Sunday night/Monday morning I was walking outside in my secluded area when I noticed a flame-like glow in the distance. When the motion lights turned on the glow immediately dimmed and an aircraft ascended into the sky, with absolutely no sound whatsoever. It slowly began to make its way toward Santa Fe, NM flashing red and white lights with a beam of light flashing toward the ground every few seconds. It seemed more like a vertical aircraft, unlike any man-made aircraft. Shortly after, 2-3 red star-like objects appeared behind it like a unit. I was completely overcome with fear.

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Truro, Nova Scotia – April 14th 2012 btween 11 and 11:1 5 pm
I love looking at the stars and the other night me and my husband were out in th e back yard sky watching , looking for satilites, shooting stars etc. we were out for about an hour when He said OMG look at that, i looked up and we both watched this thing go across the sky like it was just gliding, there was no sound at all. and it was moving fast it is hard to decribe but i will do my best . it looked as tho it was like a rod and on either end had a amberish white color bright light. you couldnt see a rod between it but these lights loooked like they were attached to something . and right behind it was another just like it . they both glided across the sky without sound and they were low like a low flying plane . I love that my Husband seen it because he is a skeptic. and he kept saying well it isnt a plane, it isnt a meteor, it isnt a helicopter. We dont know what it was . maybe military i have no idea but I know what i think it is . if u have heard of a u.f.o that looks like this or have seen a video i would love to see it . I have never seen anything even close to this in my life ever.Thanks!

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Regina, Sask, Canada – April, 14th 2012
There where four orbs in the sky that were all flying north over the City. All with red dime tinges to them!

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Leh Ladakh, India – 04-13-2012 12:49 AM
Vimana UFO Photographed in Leh Ladakh, India member misterbumps provided one of the most amazing and clearest daytime UFO photographs ever was taken recently in the Leh Ladakh region of India. The Vimana/UFO was snapped accidentially as the photographer did not see the actual object at the time, however it showed up clearly on the photo. The black and white photograph was the only picture where it was actually visible. Subsequent color photos failed to show the Vimana/UFO perhaps this may be indictave of a highly reflectice surface on the craft, or it can take on the color of it’s surroundings for stealth purposes. At this point speculation is rampant, could the craft be from the a Vimana from the legendary Shambhala? JayRodney, one of the members on the forum who works in the engineering field has one possible approximation of the of the object in 3d. What it suggested about the possible shape of the craft was very intriguing. As the model demonstrated it would be at home in both the sky as well as in water. Very natural lines and curves make this a cross between UFO, whale and shark. A US based aero-space engineer was contacted for evaluation of the photograph and he concluded there is, to his knowledge, no man-made aircraft of that apparent shape. Close by is the Old Manali village. Manali is named after the Hindu lawgiver Manu. The word Manali is regarded as the changed name of “Manu-Alaya” which literally means “the abode of Manu”. Legend has it that sage Manu stepped off his ark in Manali to recreate human life after a great flood had deluged the world. Manali is also often referred to as the “Valley of the Gods”. The Old Manali village has an ancient temple dedicated to sage Manu.
All photos are used with permission from the author.Read the original source and comments at

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Portland, Oregon – April 13th 2012
I was out on my balcony talking with my step sister about the recent death of my mother when we noticed 5 large orange balls of light in the sky. They moved slightly up and down… We thought we were seeing things because of the heavy conversation we were having… Maybe a more intense sign from mom ( she’s been showing me lots of those lately) 🙂 then we noticed more and more appearing. I decided to wake up my boyfriend in hopes he could experience this as well. Someone else to see this so I knew I wasn’t crazy . We came back out and they were still there. We ran downstairs to the street … Hard to say but there was 8-10 at this point…. My sis called at the neighbors… There are UFOs up there… They Replied… Were watching … We were all in amazement … Then they all vanished at the same time. Hard to tell how long they were there…. Time is a crazy thing for me now…. I was able to snap a photo when we first saw them from the balcony …. My old I phone isn’t great with photos… No orange at all but interesting what showed up. Oh and I live only blocks from where neill was who posted earlier at laurelhurst park

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Mississippi – 4/07/2012
My iPhone doesnt zoom in so i took Pictures then zoomed in & screenshot them…
Video link:

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From School car park New Plymouth New Zealand – Thursday 29 of March 2012 4.57pm
Went to pick up my daughter from school noticed an object sitting in the distance it didn’t appear to be moving took my mobile phone out and took a picture by the time I went to take another the object was gone. I could hear no noise and though I searched the sky after it disappeared there was no sign so what ever it was it moved pretty fast. The phone I used for the photo is only a 3MP cheap android so it hasn’t got a great zoom etc.

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Northwich/Hartford UK – 27/03/2012
I was getting out my car after visiting the gym and the supermarket after work it was about 9.30pm in the evening. The sky was clear the stars and the moon were out I parked round the back of my house unloaded the car had my gym bags and shopping bags in hand glanced up at the sky which was amazingly clear and there is no light at the rear of my house it is pitch black. I looked up at the sky and something came into my line of sight. The only way I can describe it is a flying triangle shaped object drifting past with a single light on every point making it a clear visible triangle shape. Also the darkness of this object and shape could be seen against the night sky, it drifting over without any sound at all. The whole experience was very strange, there were planes flying in various directions at cruising altitude speed approximately 30 thousand feet up; there was no sound coming from the plane engines as they were so high. I saw it for a few seconds in the clear night sky, then it went hazy as the lights were barely visible until it disappeared, the only way I can describe it is it faded out an vanished in clear site as I dropped everything out my hands and my bag from my shoulder and tried pulling out my Blackberry to take a picture I don’t know why I attempted this as there is no way a photo would have come out it was just a quick reaction. It looked like it cloaked and the only thing I can say is that it vanished! Very strange, but exciting. I don’t know what it was I can only speculate, but there’s nothing I can relate it to or associate it with. There was no sound, you couldn’t even hear the planes at cruising altitude they were so high; it was strangely silent that’s the weird thing. It definitely was some kind of craft as it looked mechanical and constructed, but no sound. It was a triangle shape with one orange light on every point to the triangle shape. I don’t know what it was, all I know is that I saw a flying triangle shape about a couple of thousand feet high fly from left to right not very fast either until it vanished. I am not sure at all what it was, I could not even hazard a guess! From where I was stood there was a three story town house in front of me, it looked to be just left of the ridge line drifting over to the right. I don’t know the size probably about the same size as a large commercial airliner at that altitude; I really don’t know. Because of the dark and the amount of time I saw it, there was no time to judge it with objects in fixed positions on the ground, that coupled with the night it was literally there then it wasn’t. It wasn’t enough to see it for a few seconds my mind was left without an answer or conclusion there was no time to figure it out. Very strange indeed.

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Sierra Prietta Ridge (5 miles west of Prescott) – August 13/14, 2011
This is the description of an event which took place quite some time ago, though still vivid. I have not considered reporting it until now, because of lack of physical proof. I believe it to be a close encounter of the first kind. My sister and I were watching a meteor shower, and thankfully gazing to the southwest, when we saw 3 bright orange lights, which appeared orb-like, that lit up systematically, then faded. These three objects were equidistant from each other. This event happened the next night, when we took my friend to the same location. We had a camera with us that time, however, the event happened quickly and without much prior expectation. The second time, however, the objects were closer to us and the three flashes happened twice. I believe I should report it for data on hot spots, as I believe the Copper Basin Arizona area to be one. Additionally, I haven’t been able to find information on what this was. I believe it to be an extraterrestrial object, however, most sightings normally incur some more explicative sign, such as a hovering craft, though I have read much of glowing orbs.

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Empire, Louisiana, USA – March 2006
Turned the camera up to catch a shot of a shrimp boat’s rigging and this was in the picture. Not sure what it is. My initial thought was gnats but there weren’t any that day.
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