Your UFO reports: 12th May – 19th May 2012
Did you see a UFO? Report it using
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Cleveland, Ohio – May 20th about 2:45 AM
I was returning to Chicago from DC on the Amtrak train. It stopped in Cleveland about 2:30 AM or so at a station. While it sat, I looked out the window and saw a number of UFOs or orbs circling around the spire of the tower on the Key building. They moved freely about as if drawing energy from the pulsating light. Some disappeared but then came back. At one time, I counted about 7. I did some research and found that this building has had the same kind of sightings in the past. In fact, it was featured on a TV news program.
I watched it for 15 minutes until the train left. I took a picture with my cell phone but couldn’t make them out. However, they were real white orbs and not reflections, birds or lanterns.
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Libertyville, IL – 5/19/2012 11:15pm
While driving home from work on route 176 I saw a black triangular craft in the sky like a low flying plane. with a row of orange lights on 2 sides. It stayed for a few seconds and was gone. In the same place a few weeks prior i saw what i thought to be a comet around the same time.
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St.Cloud, Florida USA – May 18, 2012 9:15pmSaw a strange light just under cloud canopy before storm. You’ll see the light that appears to be approx 800ft-1000ft (in my guesstimation) disappear and reappear. Watch for the other fast moving lights above it toward beginning of video. Shot with an iPhone 4s. Only stopped shooting because my phone ran out of memory, but once the camera stopped filming the light vanished and I looked for it for another 5min.
Youtube video link:
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Salem, Alabama – May 18, 2012 9:45 p.m.
Saw a sphere shaped ball of bluish light. Light seemed to rotate around the sphere from right to left. No more than 40 ft off the ground. It flew IN FRONT of an AT&T tower which was on 30 ft from my position.
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Fairfax, Virginia – 5/18/12 9:50P.M
While passing by George Mason Field House on 123 we witnessed two red/orange lights hovering in the sky in the distance. They were side by side, and slowly started to fade. The first one disappeared almost instantly after hovering for 30 seconds while the other one remained for another minute and then disappeared as well. Both lights faded after remaining in the sky parallel to each other. Interesting.
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Click Read more to read the full post with all the UFO reports!
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ISS – 18/05/2012
Youtube video link:
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Belo Horizonte – 16/05/2012 19:30 The next day the CEASA, Belo Horizonte, 040 was on the highway when I saw this bright light and stop. At first I thought it would be a star, but after the light was increasing, then leaned against the car and started shooting my cellphone, the zoom was given after at home with the program Camtasia Studio 7 I downloaded the image to get closer. Then the light faded, walking lightly until it disappears. It was amateur and shake because my son could not stop rocking the car trying to get out of the seat.
I do not know what it is, but it was quite unlike anything I’ve ever seen.
Youtube video link:
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St albans, UK – 16/5/12 1700
I am an idependant scientist researching magnetic fields from space.
My colleagues and I have a methodology where we can focus magnetic fields from heavenly bodies into a magnetic image and analyse them.
This weekend we detected magnetic fields from dozens of targets that appeared to be taking up geostationary orbital positions and forming into groups. The numbers are increasing every day.
There are two bands at different elevations in the sky one 55-65 dergrees (the earth horizontal being 90 degress off the vertical plane) and one at 37 to 47 degrees. Analysis of the magnetism suggests the fields originate from a source of technological engineering. We have nothing up there like this,we are worried
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Wadebridge, Cornwall – 16th May 2012
Driving back from Wadebridge to Tintagel in Cornwall. Two photos of the same shot, the second one is an inverted photo.
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Oklahoma city, OK – 5/15/12 9:00pm
At approximately 9 o’clock a bright light with what looked almost like fire trailing behind it swoop low over the airport an shoot off out of sight.It was moving so incredibly fast that it was gone in an instant. It swooped in a diving maneuver low over the will rogers airport and then disappeared into the distance and now there are fighter jets an other militar planes flying all over. so far I’ve counted at least 10 different military jets flying around the airport almost like there searching for something.
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Midland Texas – Tuesday May 15 2012

this came in over the horizon at an amazing speed, it slowed down and seemed to hover over the town. there was no tail associate with it, more like flames uniformly coming out of a perfect circle. It picked up speed after about 30 seconds and sped off. on the way it was dropping lava like objects. what confuses me is that in the third picture, its perfectly round and as is what it released.
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backyard of my Huntington Beach home on the streets of Magnolia and Garfield – may 14 2012
both my step father and i are big aviation buffs and we were sitting in the backyard of our house relaxing in the jacuzzi talking about life and all that great father son stuff like we have done for several nights before and like i said earlier we both love aviation and have had years of interest and knowledge of all types of aircraft, my step father can tell you every jet, plane, blimp you name it and as we were sitting there my father was looking up to the sky and he said i quote “what the hell is that”? and as i catch a glimpse of what he was talking about i saw with my own two brown eyes an aircraft of some sort it was about 3000 feet up moving smoothly and silently through the night sky at approximately 1130 pm, it had three (3) white glowing circles underneath that we could clearly make out yet i must admit that the object itself was shadowy even the glowing circles underneath seemed as though it had a slight haze keeping its true size and shape hard to calculate… my heart kinda stopped for a few seconds as my brain was running wild with thoughts of what it really was that i saw it was heading in a south east direction very rapidly it literally took only six to seven seconds to cross the sky and we have clear visibility. the atmospheric conditions for the evening was not perfect but was clear enough to see what we saw.
this was the pattern we saw from the bottom typical triangular ufo… ive only seen this stuff on tv so far and i honest to god always said to myself that i will believe it when i see it and well i can only hope to see it again to try and figure this one out for myselfe….
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los angeles el sereno 90032 – May 14, 2012 approximately noon -1:00pm
Okay, my name is Moses Avina, me and my friend rick are working a fees blocks away from my house, we do construction work, were working on the side of the house, building a wood deck, when I notice these red tail hawks circling above us, slowly climbing then tucking their wings back and diving at an incredible speed, then I’m looking for the other hawk, when I spot it pretty far away, but as it passes,I notice far behind there appeared a light, blinking on and off, or sort of “sparkling”, . I was facing North, which wood be in the direction of mount Wilson. I know there are light towers on mount Wilson, but what I saw was much higher, this light was just stationary, then another flashing light appeared directtly below it, and to the right, I call my buddy rick to see. If he Dee’s what I’m seeing, he confirms it, and then we both seen the lower blinking object starts to move upper and to the left in a diagonal direction (moving up, from right to left), it then approaches the other stationary blinking light, and continues upwards,to the left and stays there for about? Maybe 10/20minutes? But then after staring at the sky now for about 30 minutes to say 45 minutes, we both started to se all these “spirally” much smaller and fast moving lights really bright all around the two bigger lights. So we sort of kept looking for them every 15 minutes or so, and it was hard to look up in the sky, it was starting to get really hot, sweat is dripping in our eyes, and after about maybe 2-3 hours, they were gone. I describe these things I saw as “lights” because that’s what they looked like, they were really high up, and really far, and I didn’t see any solid shape or anything, just a bright almost white strobe light effect. So this is what we saw that afternoon, I know what I saw, just wondering if anyone saw anything similar? Honestly, this has been bugging me, hope to hear from women’s, thanx!
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Maricopa AZ – May 13 2012
Red ball sighted south of maricopa headed east looked like it was slightly flickering. It stayed in the sky traveling east close to a minute. Then when it got further east it got smaller as if it was traveling southeast then vanished. It was traveling faster than an airplane would but slower than a shooting star.
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Rugby, Warickshire, uk – 13 may 2012 around 2am ish
It was a clear nite so went out side to have a little star gaze looking up at the stars and one got my attention it was moving in an eastly direction first I thought maybe its a satelight but then it adjusted course slightly right then left it looked like any other star but this one was moving and it was definatly in space it even passed over a comercial jet which was at its peak altitude the jet passed horrizontal to its flight path and I know all jets have to first fly to london to be cleared to leave the uk, so I’m guessin the distence of the ufo in space and its adjustments in direction would of been taking it off course 2 to 5 miles and it changed course twice and I watched it till it disapeared off the horrizon the direction the sun rises maybe it was a satelight only I didn’t know they could change direction that fast from when I noticed it till it disapeard ide say took 2 minutes satelight or ufo was still amazing to me because I seen it with my own eyesm
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Farmington, Connecticut westfarms mall area – 5/12/12 9:30pmHi there- so I don’t know if this warrants news or not, but this past Saturday night me and many other people in the Farmington/new Britain area saw multiple UFOs or something of that nature in the sky for hours- I caught it on video. I’m a skeptic myself but no one can explain what they are, no flight patterns etc. I didn’t realize other people had seen it until I received emails about my YouTube video that many people witnessed the same thing. You have to watch the video in 720p and full screen to see, but it is worth it. Thanks!
Youtube video link:
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London, UK – 11/05/2012 at 15:28
Last friday 11/05/2012 at 15:28 I filmed UFO over London.
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Heilbronn, Germany – May, 9th 2012 8.45pmI’ve filmed this video with my camera, but not really sure if it is an ufo/iac. Here’s the YouTube-link to my video: Let me know what you think about it. Thank you.
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between Oakland and Berkeley California – May 6, 2012, time 08:50 PM – 09:00 PM Pacific Time
I’ve not the type of person to be into UFOs. Most of my life I’ve always held the opinion that the laws of physics would make traveling the vast distances of space to other planets in craft impractical. Then I thought *if* a civilization survives to the level of technology required to do such an incredible feat they would not bother coming here.
That all changed on Sunday May 6, 2012. Immediately after my sighting I filed this MUFON report:
Since the initial night I have worked really hard to try and recreate in 3D what my family and myself saw that evening. The pictures I’m attaching represent my best attempt and incidentally my first use of the 3D program Blender. Please understand the rendering could be A LOT better.
Here’s the expanded version of my story.
Date May 6, 2012, time 08:50 PM – 09:00 PM Pacific Time
“we went for a nice sunset hike at the reservoir. we decided to go out to dinner in berkeley. i took a slightly different way to get to highway 24 than normal, it was a bit faster and i never went that way before, i was like on automatic pilot. this new shortcut saved about 4 minutes. we when through the Caldecott tunnel and everything was just like any of the countless times before we’ve had a sunday out. immediately on the other side of the tunnel we all see two giant super bright orange/red orbs in the sky in front of us, coming in our direction. my 19 year old son instantly knows these are not helicopters and he alerts me to that. i look at them and i’m saying WTF. WTF. WTF. my wife is thinking those are very weird flying lights. my thoughts are “ok, these cannot be planes because they are moving too slow and planes just don’t fly like this. must be a helicopter, i’ll look for aviation lights, because by law there must be aviation ligh! ts. no, WTF this thing is completely glowing orange/red and it’s pretty big. meanwhile my wife is started to get upset with me because my driving is now erratic as i’m being completely transfixed by what i’m trying to understand. i’m searching my memory banks, balloon? no. blimp? definitely not. chinese lantern? no these things are big.” then they are right overhead and i’m leaning over the steering wheel looking up and swerving on the road and my wife is now seriously freaked out and yelling at me. then i see the body of first one. the edges are what’s glowing orange/red it has a diamond shaped metallic body and it looks big. so does the other one, there are two of these. as the first one passes and i make the mental connection that this is some type unidentified of craft, my entire body gets goose pimples and i get them even now writing this. i’m saying holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, this is real, that is a real UFO. holy s! hit. my wife yells get on the road, look out! now it’s behin! d us and i can’t afford to look backwards to see it or else we are definitely going to crash. i yell to my to look at it and remember everything he sees.”
Here’s the path it took:
I’m asking for your help in understanding this because it has haunted me ever since.
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Cumberland, Wisconsin USA – May 2 2012 11:30 pm
I was driving home from a friends house when i noticed some blinding flashing lights in the sky. (I know they were not airplanes because i see them all the time) At first it was just three rotating lights then it appeared that by the dozens little white orbs were coming in and out of the three rotating orbs. I sat and marveled at it for probably 5 minutes. In a blink of an eye they were gone just as quickly as they came. I have always been a believer of ET’s but this just furthers my beilefs!
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Sutton coldfield, UK – 23.04.2012 time : 2.15- 2.30 am
It was gone past midnight whilst I was immersed watching a late night movie, Bridget’ Jones Diary. It was a rather cloudy night, however my gaze turned towards the sky and at the corner of my eye I saw the intense bright moon casting its luminescence hiding behind the clouds , suddenly the next minute I glimpse at and I just saw it just moved . That’s when I paid attention for I assumed this is rather bizarre ,more so strange for the moon to move at that velocity , subsequently as I observed the cloudy night sky ; There was a white globe of light which one could visually measure it to the size of the moon around the Maney hill area where I live . I was entranced and mesmerised as it started moving in a random yet circular fashion. I wasn’t convinced so I looked more closely to find 4 to 5 more globes of white light similar to the size and shape moving in a random pattern. I ran upstairs to wake my husband up ,for this wasn’t a visual hallucination as I don’t drink , it was fascinating as he too witnessed it and presumed they were laser beams …. I wasn’t convinced at the explanation as I seen laser beam displays, besides I questioned him “who would have a laser display at 2.30 am in the middle of the night”. Besides if the light is reflecting from below one can visualise the path or beam from below. There wasn’t any trace of torch or laser light shining from below as it was above the clouds and very high . He them assumed it was perhaps solar flares and is the aurora borealis. I disagreed as the pattern had no resemblance to that of a veil of northern lights , it was just pure white globes of light , which one can purely mistake it for a moon hiding above the clouds . My hubby tried to capture it on camera, as we couldn’t capture the image we concluded that the digital camera was inappropriate and didn’t work for night vision images. Consequently I just watched intently and the pattern repeated itself once more and the globes of light disappeared, eventually the globe of light moved in the opposite direction of our house and vanished.
The next morning I posted a query in our local Sutton Coldfield observer if anyone had witnessed anything or perhaps experienced what I had visualised for indeed it was rather strange and mysterious phenomenon. There were no replies as it was late Sunday night and not many people would be awake when Monday commences as the working week.
I am very analytical and believe in the rules of science, nevertheless still pondering if it were a natural phenomenon … Not sure. I am convinced that this is not a prank. From my understanding of physics the incident light whilst shining from below wouldn’t reflect in such an intensity , more so from above no way was it a real image . The globes of light were too bright and too large… It doesn’t sound logical at all. Either it is perhaps a military operation or something that cannot be elucidated. Rather unfortunate that the images we captured are not lucid. Furthermore as I was flabbergasted during the incident consequently my adrenalin pumping impeded my ability to reflect or perhaps act logically to record the occurrence on an iphone was indeed an utter failure. Nonetheless I am convinced what I witnessed from the inception of my peripheral vision was not an illusion or a visual hallucination. It will be etched as a memory in my subliminal system … That I am affirmative!!! Thanks
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Puchong nearby KL (Kuala Lumpur) – Tuesday, 20 March, 2012

I’m Anu from Malaysia, staying at Puchong nearby KL (Kuala Lumpur)
I’m not a scientist nor a reseacher, I’ve heard people talking about UFO and aliens and I found them interesting
I’ve read about them on the net including your awesome sites, they are amazing and interesting, glad to know you
Recently I came across an unidentified object captured on a photo when i was trying to capture birds photo from my house at Puchong. It is blur, I did not notice the object on the sky, I snapped the birds twice, both photos with just a few milliseconds interval, I did not check it on the camera display immediately after it was shot, I noticed it only after I transferred the pictures to my netbook on the same day.
It is my first experience, what shocked me is the object was captured only in one of the photo, the second shot. For me it doesn’t look like a bird nor an airplane. I couldn’t find it in anywhere on the remaining photos to say it could be scratches on my camera lens. The object is slightly slanting, there is no airport nearby, confirmed it is not an airplane
I took the pictures alone, no witness, I got share this with my family members, they too agree with me it is not a bird or an airplane, I don’t want to conclude this an UFO without professionals advice. I need some experts to verify and confirm before I report. Appreciate your help and reply
Attached both photos and details you may require for investigation :-
Filename:P1030753 first shot, P1030754 second shot (object), real original photo (NOT EDITED)
Time : Tuesday, 20 March, 2012, 9:45:32 AM MYT milliseconds doesn’t show in the picture, MYT
Location : Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia
Captured with Panasonic DMC-FX9, 5.1V, 6.0 megapixels bought more than 5 years ago
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Snowbird, Utah – 01-11-12 at 12:25am
While working on a TV show in Snowbird, Utah, I shot the following video from the balcony of my hotel.
It was approx. 12:30 am and I was preparing on our Tech. room the camera package for the next day.
I stepped outside on the balcony to complete one of my tasks, when I saw a “single” light moving up in the sky in front of me.
The building was facing a mountain but the visibility outside was minimal.
I couldn’t distinguish objects because of the cloudy/foggy weather, nor understand exactly what I was observing at.
The light was moving slowly from left to right with a 10-15 degree inclination upwards. It traveled for 30 to 45 seconds, and then stopped suddenly.
The light gradually multiplied to 8 distinct lights. That’s when I ran inside, grabbed a camera and start shooting.
What you will see in the clip above, is the original uncut, unmodified footage from that night.
The video was shoot with a $50000 camera with a Fujinon lens 22X HD.
I showed this material for 5 months to professionals working in different fields, including Pilots, Video engeneers and locals form that specific area.
They all had very interesting explanations…
Youtube video link:
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N42°48’20” W88°15’20” (accurate to around a dozen seconds), Wisconsin – SORRY: *Either* 10/3/04 or 10/2/05 at 2330Two excerpts of Facebook entries of mine with most of the details:
….OK, OK…I’ll admit the encounter here (there’s no fear of being ridiculed): On either 10/03/04 or 10/2/05 at right around 2330, I had a *rather* inexplicable sighting. Of course I should have written down the date then, but I *do* remember it being the very last day of the baseball season (how oddly comical)…it took place in rural-ish Waterford, WI, very near a subdivision called ‘Buena Park’ …I was sitting on the front porch (oriented roughly ESE) doing nothing of any real note, when there was an *incredibly* bright flash…I say ‘bright’ but not ‘brilliant’, the flash was very much in the yellow of the spectrum…the weather at the time was of no note: high 50’s, no real cloud cover…the flash came from ~45° from my orientation, and caused me to rise to see what possibly could have caused it…now admittedly, the first flash was only seen through some maple tree branches and in something of my peripheral vision…but the *second* flash floored me…I say ‘first’ and ‘second’ because I waited afterward for an *hour* for another…but no, none………..OK, I’ve just *now* taken the time to figure the (decently accurate enough) location: ***N42°48’20” by W88°15’20”)***–these are accurate to *at most* a dozen seconds…if anyone knows of a database that collects information on CE’s or unexplained sightings or *dispels* the controversy regarding such things, I’d appreciate a link (my encounter should be logged)…as stated, I saw nothing of real particular note from the first flash, but the flash was so bright, so un-meteorological, that I rose and positioned myself and stared long at the position I had (peripherally) seen it arise from…and around 20/25 seconds later there was another flash, same intensity, same (primarily) *yellow* frequencies, and from exactly the location I had my attention fixed upon…I estimate the flash was around a quarter mile from me (that having been taken into account when I figured the aforementioned coordinates)…the flash was so bright that it slightly “burned” into my corneas, and thus into my consciousness, and thus into my long-term memory…if one can imagine the letter “C” perfectly imaged against itself, id est, the line of symmetry running vertically (and *nearly* touching) to its right…the C’s were very much fattened (so to speak)–because that’s what the yellow flash was, the mirrored C’s *themselves*…as I said, they did not touch…a thin line of [???] separated their extremities…but as I waited and waited there for another it occurred to me: initially I (peripherally) saw ingress, and then after positioning myself, I saw egress…nothing ever moved…it was FLASH, and FLASH…with the C’s obviously being the expended energy…and THE AREA *BETWEEN* THE C’s being the entity/craft/whatever…I’ll listen to anyone’s hypothesis regarding my encounter, or gladly use anyone’s web-links wherein I can log this…it still seems powerful to me that there were two flashes–not one, and not three…I hope I was descriptive enough here…I’ll comment upon it again if requested…whatever happened, happened…if it’s explicable, then fine………but…………..
Jason Scott Klepp …what I saw I consider to not have been an “object”, but rather the energy emanating *from* the unknown object…and since I saw it twice, and not once or three times…and since I was there 30 minutes before the 2 flashes, and 30 minutes after the 2 flashes (which essentially ensures me there were only 2 flashes)–I truly consider the flashes to have been *INGRESS/EGRESS*…of what? Who can say?…