Major Jesse Marcel exposed the Roswell cover-up, revealing strange, unbreakable debris. Was it extraterrestrial? Uncover… Read More
Nick Pope reveals shocking UFO secrets, government cover-ups, and the potential reality of alien contact.… Read More
The Battle of LA, Roswell, and Rendlesham Forest—real UFOs or secret experiments? Explore the theories… Read More
Was the Area 51 caller on Art Bell’s show a real whistleblower or a hoax?… Read More
Richard Dolan uncovers USO hotspots, military encounters, and theories on mysterious objects emerging from our… Read More
Dr. Steven Greer accuses Luis Elizondo of spreading UFO disinformation to push a hidden agenda.… Read More
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wow props to kctv news for giving this story a good amount of air time - im noticing the media is starting to warm up to ufos - and it seems like more and more people are starting to think as individuals and ackowledging these anomalies - <br /><br />the world can never be to prepaired<br /><br />- matt_bpd
for some reason im starting to think some of these ufo's are government hoaxes, if u know what i mean. i saw a ufo once so idk
I live in ocean city, n.j. Atlantic city is about eight miles north of me, there is a orb just like the one in mo over Atlantic city I noticed it on 5/25/2012 !!! I was going to look for it tonight, wouldn't you know it's cloudy.
My wife and I saw something in the sky over Durham, NC on May 22 or 23rd. It seemed to blinking more than most stars do, including white bursts.<br /><br />I thought it was a star until I saw this video.
These things are not new. I've been seeing them for six years. Everywhere I go. It's not just in missouri, you can see them everywhere. Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, etc. I total about six of them in the sky now. When I first noticed them there was usually only two.
Same over Kiev UA time to time.<br />It's 3-colored, red to blue to white (mixed).
people are begging to not even call the airforce and gov on these things,,they are useless to investigate ufos,,the public needs a professional body to have technical equipment like radar and hi powered scopes to see these things clearly.the goverment dismisses these are wont even go out to look or investigate them,,which brings you to think they already know what they are,,they are ships from