Your UFO reports: 2nd June – 9th June 2012
Did you see a UFO? Report it using
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east towards Placentia/Yorba Linda, Ca – june 10, 2012/12:45am
While driving home me and my mother~in~law saw at the same time what looked like a missile with dark gray swirling clouds then quickly disappeared but then seen ten seconds later a long distance beyond the original sighting but smaller in size. Drove to higher ground (a hill) to find the moon to confirm that that’s not what we saw. Did anyone else see this sighting?
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Las Vegas, NV – 6/10/2012 04:17am
I was driving east early this morning and I saw a triangle formation of whitish-blue lights stationary in the north-eastern part of the Las Vegas valley. They were there pulsating when one by one they started to grow dim rapidly and just disappear. It looked just like triangle formations that other people have photographed or videotaped and posted on the internet. I was not able to pull over in time to take a photo with my cell phone.
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Bright babyblue light on the sky (unknown location) – June 9, 2012
What i saw last night June 9 2011 at 12:20 am was not a UFO at least this is what i think.
After midnight i went out on my balcony and i noticed something very different on the sky. It was kind of cloudy but the sky was not covered with clouds. I was looking towards NW, there were no planes flying at that time and there was no spot lights from the ground either. I saw two baby-blue bright spots on the dark night sky. The shape of the one was oval and the other one was almost next to the other but it had the shape of a straight line. They were not moving. I tried to find answers on the net but i can’t. Does anyone knows what i was looking at?
Sorry i have no pictures or video to share with you. Does anyone else have seen a thing like this? Can anyone explain to me what i was looking at?
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Myers Lake Canton, OH – 6/9/12 10:15-10:30
Group of 11 of us on our boats on Myers Lake. They looked like orange balls. Two of them appeared to be beside each other at the beginning of the sighting. Then one by one, approximately 6 others followed at a short distance and appeared to turn off to the north and disappear. We did not hear any noise or sounds coming from them. One of the individuals with us is a pilot and knew that they were not aircraft or drones. Amazing to watch….we were in awe! Last year close to this date, 4 of the individuals that were with us tonite,saw the same thing last year….there were only 5 at that sighting.
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Mount Vernon, Ohio – 6 – 8 – 2012
I was sitting outside on a bench at the Apt s of J.J. Ashburn Plaza ., It was clear out and not bad sitting out Weather a lil cool out., When out of no where came these Glowing Orange SHPEAR S.,THere were Two at First…then came the third one., I was in Disbelief at first., I didn t have my Cell to Document this., they looked like they were on Fire…just moving across the night Sky., And no sound.,There was A round medium Shpear following at the side But ! a distance away .,The First ! Two veered Right like they were going North east in the Sky…Then maybe 10 min s., went by and another went by., With the Bluish Grey Shpear Following at the side of them., They all went the same direction without a sound an No rumbling like a Jet would make., Just peaceful and No other sound s around But ! Dog s barking in the distance., First ! I thought it was something burning out falling to Earth., They just Glowed an went away in the Night Sky.,Around 1:30 A.M. and I waited to see If anymore would come by., Though none came along., I was in aw of it all.,Scared …But !! Very Surprised I would see that in my Life time., Had to see If anyone else had seen them., Thank s for letting me share My Miracle in Flight., Sincerly Your s : Ms.JaiJai A. Shoffstall…Mt.Vernon,Ohio,43050
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Click Read more to read the full post with all the UFO reports!
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Nigeria – Lagos, Ajah – 8th june – 6:45am
it was early in the morning i was at my balcony and i saw an object moving quietly in a straight line the sky was clear a little so i could see the oject clearly it was about 4000 feet frm the ground it had no wings like an aircraft or a dron it had no tail and it had no engine sound what so ever it was quiet this was for about 20 seconds and it disappeared into the sky this object was white like but no doubt it was not man made
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Rimrock, Arizona – 7-Jun 12:00 pm appx
I was standing on my front porch looking northward looking at two commercial planes heading westward when I noticed a very bright cylindrical or cigar shaped object heading eastward that looked to be in the same vicinity as the leading plane. I could without any doubt or hesitation, clearly make out at least two defining details of the planes(fuselage,Tail)which was a considerable distance from my location. The bright object which I could not clearly identify seemed as large if not larger than the approaching plane(s). I witnessed this for about 15 seconds and much to horror, as it seemed to be in the same vicinity as the first plane from my vantage point, it just dissapeared. This sent the hairs on my neck and arms to full attention. What I saw or witnessed did not look normal to me. When it vanished right in front of my eyes, I deemed this was DEFINITLY not normal in my perspective. I enjoy gazing mostly into the nightime sky and often wish to see something I cud not explain (UFO?). Honestly, I am intrigued with tv shows, movies and news reports of reported UFO sightings. I also expect that the majority of these sightings reported are hoax’s. Part of me wishes I hadn’t seen what I just saw because it truly spooked the crap out of me. I really can’t confirm or explain what I saw. I won’t forget though. My only regret is not having a chance to get a video or pic of this thing.
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Brooklyn Western sky – June 7th 2012 10:30 pm
In the western sky, I saw a triangular shaped object flashing in red and white and it was stationary and as a few people came and saw it with me, it moved a few degrees to the right, then stopped again. At one point, it appeared to turn into a triangle of white light and then back to a red ball with white light emanating on three sides. Very weird!
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Queensland, Australia – 6/6/12
my friend put this on fb during the Venus transition, i live on the west but she lives in the top east corner of Australia ( gold coast ) she put this up around 6.00am over there so 4.00am over here. i don’t think she realized what she had taken a photo of.
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Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, 15001 – June 6, 2012
i saw it i could t take my eyes off it but i got my phone out kind SLOW
Youtube video link:
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Singapore – 5 Jun 2012, 6pm
I saw two Singapore Jet Fighters chased a bright object near Jurong West at very low sky on 5 Jun 2012, 6pm. The fighters could not follow the object where the object was moving faster than the jet fighters. Afterwhich, more fighters were sent but the bright object just vanished vividly. This is real amazing.
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Norwood Edge – Tue, 5 Jun 2012 10:52:29 +0000
Get a load of this video I filmed whilst out for a walk with Kat around Norwood Edge.
Go to FULL screen to get the best view. Play it normal speed and watch carefully at bang on the 5 second mark. Something whizzes by from right to left at an upwards angle.
Now FREEZE the screen at bang on 5 seconds because it all happens in less than a second. Then DRAG the needle to forward the video frame by frame ( a tiny bit at a time) and you will see it slowly edge over…..what ever the hell that is!
Does anyone know how to zoom in on a video to get a close up and to increase and decrease contrast and brighness. We are looking north and the sun is reflecting off the object in the right place (light coming from the south.)
Video link:
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Dalwallinu, Western Australia – 4th June 2012, 5:43pmMe and my mate Tim were walking down the service station tonight at sunset and I was looking to the sky as usual. Unfortunately, it was partly cloudy, but in a break in the clouds directly above me, I saw a bright light floating there. Just a white light, with no other lights. It looked like a star.
Since I couldn’t see any other stars in the sky yet in this direction, I watched it for a second and thought I saw it move. I wasn’t sure straight away if it was the clouds moving or the object. I told my mate to look up, he saw the object too. We both stopped and stared.
The object slowly started moving across the sky. It then sped up a little and disappeared behind clouds. When it appeared again, it was fairly dim, but suddenly the brightness increased to something like the intensity of Venus, then faded again. Even though it was moving north, it was also making erratic east-west movements.
Tim then suggested, after watching the object move across the sky for 30 seconds, that I get my iPhone out and try record it. He also took out his phone (he was unable to record the object). Unfortunately I didn’t think of it sooner as I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.
It started moving to the north/northeast in an arc at a steady rate, most likely in excess of 1000kmph (guessing this speed, as it crossed the sky much faster than an aircraft does).
Unfortunately, I could only capture the object for a short time before it went out of view of my phones camera. The footage is taken approx. 30 seconds after the encounter started. I try to walk down the street to keep it in view as it was taking off, but I can’t see it on camera, only by eye. I also tried to get another local to observe the object as I approached him on the corner at the end of the clip. He unfortunately had his eyes to the ground and hadn’t seen it.
After returning from the shops, the same (or similar) object was crossing the sky coming back the opposite direction. from north to south. It was dark by now. We stood and watched the object disappear behind the clouds. It did not emerge on the other side.
The object was in our atmosphere since it was passing under the high Altocumulus cloud, but over the lower Cumulus. At the end of the video when the object disappears, it disappears INTO the cloud.
The object is above the power lines in the video. Please excuse the strong language in the clip… I was more than a little excited to see this, since it is my first definite sighting of a UFO.
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La Grange, KY (N38 degrees, 24 minutes, 58 seconds; W 85 degrees, 22 minutes, 14 seconds – 03 June 2012, 11:05 PM
Made observation of unusual object overhead with three other people. The night was clear with the moon cleary visible and a few high cirrus clouds.
My friend first called our attention to the object. The object appeared to be at approximately 3000-4000 feet altitude and was moving slowly from NNW to SSE. Object was dark but displayed very unusual lighting. Object appeared to be circular or possibly horse shoe shaped with a rounded leading edge facing forward along the route of flight.
The lighting was what drew our attention. The object displayed one large bright light on the bottom slightly to the left of the object’s centerline. Perpendicular to the large light were three small lights extending from the centerline towards the right side of the object. Finally, there were seven or eight small lights equally spaced along the leading edge of the object. None of the lights blinked or flashed and they were all a uniform pale yellowish/orange color.
We did not see any standard aircraft type lighting on the aircraft (navigation, tail or strobes/anti-collision) at any time.
The lights did flicker occasionally and finally went out altogether as the ojbect disappeared towards the southern horizon.
Total observation time was approximately 1-2 minutes.
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Parafield Gardens, SA, Australia – 2 Jun 2012 approx 1850
Formation of 5 very bright lights in a V pattern, travelling roughly west to east spotted almost directly overhead. Lights did not appear to directional as in aircraft landing lights which are visible front on but not side on. Travelled at a steady speed and disappeared out of sight but was still visible as five distinct lights. The object(s) took approximately five minutes to travel from overhead to out of sight on the horizon. There was no apparent sound, or vapour trail. I have considered the possibility it may have been ISS but believe its orbit is more inclined. It was really strange and I would like to know if other people saw this. Unfortuneately I did not have a camera at the ready to take any pics or video.
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Somerton, Somerset, UK – June 2 2012 23:10 hours
I had an interesting experience last night. This is a sequel to an incident which occurred in February of this year; it was an ordinary evening, nothing unusual, except the neighbour’s dog was barking, growling and howling more than its customary annoyance level; sort of the same level of yapping and snarling back in February. My interest was piqued…so I ventured out to the garage and back garden. And once again encountered this tall – If I had to guess – about 7’ 8” figure and what I would call an emaciated frame with an over accentuated human head with larger than normal eye sockets and limbs that seem to be too long for the torso and legs that seemed like sky scrapers. The body was slender, yet the skinny exterior was muscular from head to toes… I did not notice any toes; the fingers however, were spider like and from what I observed were four fingers and a short thumb. The strange thing is that on both occurrence that I have witnessed this human like person, I have experienced no fear or trepidation…as a matter of fact…I would say it is the most relieved and calm I have been in decades…almost a euphoric calm like meeting an old friend. This creature seemed much more wary and afraid of me than I of it. We exchanged glances and I felt this immediate calm. This being was bluer than grey in colour and what I can only explain as blotchy scales, although on the torso and legs the scales were big and were similar to the pattern of that of a Giraffe; which had the ability to blend into the surroundings. The scales on the breast, neck and head were geodesic in shape and quite delicate in design. The head was much longer and wider than that of a human, the bridge of the nose is more pronounced and lower profiled than that of a human with quite pronounced cheekbones that defined sunken eye sockets and what appeared to be the deepest darkest sapphire blue eyes I have ever seen; breath taking in their beauty. I noticed that the ears were nearly flat against the skull and what I can only say were Vulcan shaped. This creature’s face was beautiful. The forehead was slightly tilted back and more flat compared to a human and what I can only explain as thick scales covered the top of the head that was more reptilian in shape.
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Denver, Colorado evans and corona – Saturday june 2 nd around 630 pm
I was asked to show up to a friends bar b que around 6 pm on saturday, when i arrived the party was in the backyard and there were about fiffteen people in all just hanging out. The group is conversating and smoking cigs, nothing to out of the ordinary for a nice summer bbq. All of a sudden my buddy turns to me and goes do you see that large black dot, i instantly looked up and noticed a large black dot hovering in the sky right were the cloud line is ( cloudy denver day ). We noticed a second dot not as large hoovering diagnal to the larger dot at this time we announced it to the rest of the backyard. We all started to question what they were after about ten minutes we all realized the objects were not really moving but slowly making there way out of sight if that makes sense. At this time everyone in the backyard started pointing and out of nowhere it seems two more black dots showed up out of the clouds. So at this time there are now a total of 4 dots one in the middle a large weird shapped one and the three on the outside, when the newer dptsnshowed up it created a weird diamond shape. All of the objects were pretty far apart from eachother. We watched these things hoover for a good 18 to 22 minutes the smaller dots were the first to disapear but we watched the large black dot until it got to high and we could not longer see it. We talked about the incident for a good while when the owner of the house decides to call the non emergency police line. Once we get on the phone thebstart grilling us and asking a lot of questions about how the objects moved etc.. The dispatcher on the phone notified us that there were three more sightings within the hour about the same exact thing that we saw. All in all we can say it was unidentified, there were a total of about 15 people in our groupnthat all saw this not counting the other people that called the cops and reported the strange ness that we saw. Im writing because i cant find any info about the sighting online and thought that this site might have more imformation.
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Letterkenny, Ireland – 26th May 2012 about 10:20 pm
On 26th May 2012 about 10:20 pm I was outside at the back of the house when i saw a red light in the sky far away east. It was flying rather slow towards.
First I thought It was a helicopter as there is a hospiteal about a mile away and they fly there quite often. When the object slowly approached the red light was off and I realised there is no rotating turbine and the object had no wings like regular planes do. I was still standing and looking at it when it was getting closer. The object was not making any sound. When it was almost above the house I realized i have a mobile in my pocket. I get it and made a photo. There is a small ball pictured just above the rooftop. I have no idea how big the object could be or how far away as in perfect weather conditions its hard to say. The day was hot and the sky was perfect clear that evening.
After making a photo i went inside the house to grab the cam ( which was running all the time recording Eurovision) and came to the window at the front to check if i can see it, but it wasnt there. I was inside for few minutes then i went outside again (back) but it wasnt there either. I went inside again and out again and then i saw it at the side of the house, again with red light on, from here i have it on video. It was moving with the same speed all the time, it passed behind the other house and there i have it recorded as well until it reached the trees at the west. The best recording is the last 30 seconds.
From first second i saw it to the last moment it flown away passed about 7 min, thats based on camcorder recording( camera Canon HG20 was on almost all the time). From the moment i first saw it till it got close above the house must have passed about 1-2 min, 22:24pm recording starts.
Here are youtube links for both:
I was quite excited about it, my hands were shaking a bit, zoom was like 30-40x, also camera had difficulties to keep the focus steady. The sighting took place in Letterkenny, Co Donegal, Ireland. To my knowledge no one else have seen it, I checked the internet and have not found anything for those dates/ place.
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Lajas, Puerto Rico – april 7 2012 just taking picture from the mountains and betwen them i see various objects in the sky,in this picture are 2 objects (neeed to zoom).
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Rotterdam, Netherland, Europa – April 2012 he i have seen in Febr. somehing here in Rotterdam i do not now but later is saw a -for my idea- thing in a UFO-side that look like it but do not now wath it is
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Petts Wood, South-East London – 30/03/12 at about 8.30
My dad and I were walking out at night at a park, you could see the sky quite clearly. Suddenly, there was a bright light in the sky, brighter than the stars. We thought it was Saturn but that was behind us. My dad turned to look and as he did the light went out like a bulb. It was too high to be a street light and we couldn’t make out the shape of a plane in the sky. We thought it had gone when suddenly it reappeared like a bulb being turned back on. It stayed in the sky a few moments before dissappearing again and not returning. We had nothing with us to film it, but we saw it. I don’t know if it was connected, but before we saw the light we felt as if we were being watched.
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Lincoln, California from my driveway – unknown between 1-2 years ago exactly.
My mother and I pulled in to the driveway around 10 pm. I stepped out of the car, where 3 bright red lights caught my attention….. I spot something, about 500 ft in the sky. It was almost directly above me, I seen perfectly circular craft with 3 bright red lights….. In a triangular shape! It had about a 50 ft radius in each direction, & made absolutely no sound!!!! I continued to watch the craft fly in a straight line for about 300 yards, then it made a left turn….. It made this turn without banking, rotating or anything! I watched as it continued near the small town Lincoln airport, where it stopped near a stayed in place for 15-20 minutes. I proceeded to go in the house and speak with my mother about it, went back out front 2 minutes later…. To find it in the same place! I watched for another 15 minutes, in clear sight. I went to grab a smoke, came back out no more then 30 seconds later!!!! To find nothing, no lights, no craft, no trace….. Nothing!!!! I finally decided to look up UFO sightings in lincoln, Ca & found reports of almost exactly what I saw…. I don’t think to many people could’ve had a better view of this thing then me! I’ve drawn pictures, thinking of anything that could explain what i was seeing, came up with only 1 answer…. UFO!!!!
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Florida Panhandle (northwestern part of Florida) – 5/24/2009

I captured a weather satellite feed of what appears to be a large circular object.(Mother ship) During that time frame the state of fla had seen rain of biblical proportions. My guess is the large craft ionized the atmosphere and caused the rains. see the photo and it is date stamped from the national weather service.