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Whittier, Ca – Lynwood, Ca – july 1 2012 2:00am
A friend woke me up with a picture of a ufo flying near his house near the moon and got up to check from we live 20 miles apart and i noticed another 2 ufo align around the moon. they are just standing there and floating, Cant be no airplane or helicopter.
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Melbourne, Australia – June 30, 2012
A friend who works in the City of Melbourne heard the helicopter and wondering what it was about, and was surprised to see the helicopter checking out the UFO that was hovering nearby. He quickly took this picture from his iPhone, the the UFO just disappeared.
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Fresno, California – 4:45am 6-30-12UFO appears under Venus? object was seen in the eastern sky heading north. clear calm morning sony trv-103 set on night vision at about 20 times zoom.
Youtube video link:
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Duncan, Oklahoma. 735533 – june 29th. 2012 11:30p.m.
My girlfriend and I was outside her house in the backyard when we looked up and seen a hovering object in the sky. it had no noise to it at all and thought it was a firework at first but did not explode but still kept hovering for about 20 seconds. it looked like a ball and it was orange with white in it. when it vanished it slowly dimmed into a star looking object then couldnt see it anymore. didnt have my phone or camera on me at the time but i guarantee it was a u.f.o.
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Bristol, Whitehall – 28/6/2012 20:00
sat at home eating a meal and watching football, somthing caught my eye there were 5-6 white round objects. i grabbed a camera (nikon d3000) ran out of the front door and managed to get these three shots before they disapeared. you will need to zoom in but the objects are fairly central.

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Nottingham, England – 28/06/2012
I went outside for a smoke and was sitting on the garden swing when something caught my attention in the sky at about 10 oclock, hard to describe but it was like a dull flash in the cloud, at about 350 feet, quite faint, then nothing, i watched this area for about 3 minutes the i saw a dull light emerge from the same spot, travelling about 5 times faster than a normal plane, not sure of the size, all i could see was the light brightening to very bright white electric looking light,and going straight across the sky, it got brighter as it crossed the sky, then dimmed into the clouds, where i saw it brighten momentarily behind clouds and out of sight. I dont think it was a meteor, it was very low and flying level, no sound whatsoever, very strange.
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Click Read more to read the full post with all the UFO reports!
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Over La Habra, Ca – 6/28/12 2320 hours
Standing in my driveway talking to a neighbor, I/we saw what looked like an orange glowing fireball stationary in the north sky at about 60 degrees to horizontal and at a very high altitude. It remained in the same position, however it did vary in luminescence over a period of 60 seconds or so and without any noise whatsoever. It was roughly 50 times brighter that any other celestial body and was in the opposite position of the moon in the night sky. I did notice that the corona of the object appeared to “revolve” around the main body, as if it were spinning. It slowly began to wane in its brightness but I was able to see that it had not changed in position in the sky. It disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared. At times it had the appearance of a four pointed star as seen in many drawings and films.
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San Antonio, Texas – 6:00 pm June 27 2012
I was in my back yard when I saw a sphere object in the sky it was long really fast and disappeared in a blink of a eye
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Muscatine, Iowa – 27 June 2012 9:30 P.M
At around 9:30PM I went outside to play basketball. But when I got outside something caught my eye, I went around some trees to get a better look at it. What I saw was bright orange light moving across the sky rather quickly. I made no noise, and it didn’t even look solid- kind of like a fireball. Eventually it disappeared and I went back inside. About 15 minutes later I went back outside and I saw it again. Same thing as last time.
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Liverpool, UK – 26th June 2012, around 10:45
Spotted, what I thought was a crescent-shaped copper-coloured moon. I actually thought it was the moon, but there was something very strange about it. As I viewed the object, from my mother’s back garden, I was suddenly dumbfounded when I saw it being swallowed up, from the bottom of the crescent to its top point until it disappeared completely.
It scared the hell out of me, and I have never ever witnessed anything like that before in my life. It looked exactly like the moon, but it simply wasn’t. There were hardly any clouds in the sky that night, so what swallowed this object up is a complete mystery to me.
I have looked in the local newspapers we have here, in Liverpool, UK, to see if anyone else had spotted this strange object. I am not exactly sure at what time my sighting took place, but I would hazard a guess as to be around 10:45 pm.
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Palmares Costa Rica – 6/24/2012
last night (6/24/2012) around 9:30pm my wife say a bright light in the sky. She called for me and it looked like a giant light bulb in the sky! I never seen nothing like that before. The night was cloudy but I know there was something up there! It made no noise and looked like it was just floating there. then it slowly headed south then after 2 minutes turn west. I filmed the whole thing before it dissappeared behind the mountains. It was a weird experience witnessing this.
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Joshua tree, California – 6/23/12—9pm approxI saw what appeared to be a satalite crossing from east to west. I watched for about 3 min, then asked my friend if she saw it, she said yes and right then it flashed brightly and was gone It was not an airplane I’ve seen too many to not recognize it. It looked and traveled the same way a satalite does.I hope someone else saw it.
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Los Angeles California – 6/23/12 10:30pm

Saturday, june 23rd 2012 at 10:30pm glowing lights over northeast los angeles.
Youtube video link:
a chslm
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Forestville, NSW, Sydney, Australia – 15th June 2012 7pm
bright light near “the pointers” (2 stars that ‘point’ towards the southern cross). It was slightly brighter than the 2 stars, creating a triangle, then travelled towards the south east, then faded quite quickly once it had passed the pointer stars.
A few days later, similar activity in similar spot, managed to get my wife to see it too. It was way up in space, no doubt and was travelling to the south, but away from earth. Wasn’t as bright as the first sighting.
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Manitoba, Canada – June 2012

this was taken in manitoba canada by my wifes friend of a friend on facebook and i think it was worth sending to you.
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Australia – 04-17-2012 5pm
The luminescent UFO shadow was caught from an airplane flying over Australia 04-2012.
The cabin was undergoing turbulence, over 30 000 feet above the ground. The incredibly large, circular shadow, seems to be cast by an object much closer to the ground than the plane, but invisible to the human eye.
The shadow lit up the ground noticeably, which is the opposite of a shadow’s normal behavior.
Youtube video link:
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Budapest, Hungary – 2011 november
Last year I was taking shoots from my balcony and noticed something weird on the sky.
I am not sure if it is an ufo but it was standing still for few moments and then disappeared when I looked back.
Please see on the photo.
(I’ve cropped and blew up with photoshop on one of the image I attach.)
Looking forward to see what you think,

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Hinckley Lake, New York – August 7, 2011 9:30 PM
At my family’s summer house in Hinckley,New York one year we took our boat out on the lake at around dusk and saw about five little lights floating over a mountain. At first we thought they were planes until they went very fast around the mountain without making a sound. We couldn’t get a clear look at it and nobody had a camera. We still don’t know what it was.
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Oklahoma – 2011
object in upper picture pboble plane or helicopter let me know what u think.
Wichita, Kansas – summer 03′ 5:00 am
I awoke to notice my bedroom and bathroom was lit up with what seemed to look like a flouracent blue light. My husband and yr old son were also in bed with me. I looked at the clock and thought o my gosh i’ve slept my whole day away but then realized my husband would be gone for work if it was 5 pm. I instantly felt fear knowing this was something unatural. For some reason i looked out the window and saw a downcast of shadows from the trees in my yard and i could see my neighbors rooftops lit up. I panicked and something told me not to look up. I think it was fear of knowing what i would see. I cowererd back down into my bed and pulled the blankets over my head. I thought to myself it has to be 5 pm and so i pulled the blanket off from over my head and it was pitch black! confirming my fear that something i cant explain just happened to me. I never said nothing b4 because i heard storys about people dissappearing when they talk. I think thats why i didnt look up..for fear of if i knew something that i could disappear and i didnt want to know. I regret not looking, and I have a daughter who used to wake up vomitting alot in the early hours of the morning for no reason at all. No fever nothing. The dr said she was having motion sickness!?? How is that when your sleeping? I dont know if thats tied together or not all i know is that morning in a big city neighborhood I awoke to a very silent and Bright bedroom and fear kept my eyes from looking up. Im just a plain normal young woman who does not drink or use drugs but has experienced something unwordly and all i can do is share my encounter with you and i can feel better knowing that i have said something rather than nothing at all.
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Antarctica – 1998
I was doing some research in regards to information that I’ve read, so I decided to LOOK around in “Antarctica” and it looks like a UFO to me.
I pinned the location on Google Earth & I’ve attached the photo from Google Earth, which gives the Longitude & Latitude.
Note: Look at the DATE of the photo taken, YOU CAN’T DENY WHAT I’M SHOWING YOU.