It was to big, bright and fast for an airplane (and after maybe 3sec. the light disappeared) and it was to slow for a shooting star (and there was no tail).
When I told my friend he said, that he also saw this strange light…
Cebu City, Philippines – July 08, 2012 – 2:45pm to 3:00pm
I just want to report what my daughter and I saw this afternoon, I was flying my ar drone 2.0 in an open area near our house around 2:45 to 3:00pm Sunday, July 08, 2012. When I saw some shiny object hovering so high in the sky I can see the objects clearly because the background behind the objects was our ordinary blue sky and beside it was a very huge cloud, it was very sunny and cloudy Sunday afternoon so I was able to count the objects, based from what I saw it was 18 shiny objects up in the sky just hovering and they didn’t change formation, it stayed there for about more than 10-15 minutes. Unfortunately, I only have my iPhone 4s with me so I took a video of it using my iPhone 4s, but when I check it in my laptop I can only see one object, but I’m pretty sure it was 18 of them. I was the one who saw the objects first and then our 9 year old neighbor and my daughter saw it too, and then I called the attention of 2 other boys (aged 11-12 yrs old) who also live near our village to witness what I saw and they also saw it with their own eyes and we are all amazed of what we witnessed today. I’m informing you so that if there are any news that’s related to what we saw this afternoon I hope that you will let me know.
Highway 77 between Wynnewood and Pauls Valley, OK – 11:30pm July 7 2012
My friend and I were going to walmart after I had gotten off of work to go get my check cashed. We had to turn around and go get my ID and then we went back. We we coming home and as we rounded the big curve right after we got out of Pauls Valley city limits heading back towards Wynnewood and as we came upon a field right after we passed an old airplane hanger we saw a bright red light appear suddenly over the field as if it were hovering. Then very slowly it started to descend straight down (not angled like most aircrafts do) we were driving very slowly on the shoulder of the road watching all of this happen when all of a sudden it shot up in the air about 75 feet and then just disappeared.
Pascagoula, Mississippi – 07/07/2012 8:49 pm
I Saw 3 orange glowing lights resembling fireballs moving east over central Pascagoula, Ms at 8:49pm. They were probably 5 miles away at around 8-10,000 feet high. Visibility was nearly unlimited on this night. The three lights were probably 1500 to 2000 feet apart and seemed to be independent from one another. The lights appeared to be moving 100-150 knots comparing to small aircraft normally flying in area. The first of the three lights made a continuous rounded turn north and faded away. The other two lights followed. The third light remained glowing much longer than the first two lights. There was a helicopter 40 minutes later in the area and these lights were at least 20 times larger and brighter than the helicopter. The lights were also orange in color like a fireball and not white light from the helicopter.
Western Pacific Guam – July 7th 2012 8pm
I was outside of my house on 7/7/12 smoking a cig and noticed a orange Orb in the sky I was facing west. I’m a stargazer and it caught my attention, then I noticed it was moving towards the north. While watching 5-6 more orange ords started to appear out of nowhere with the orignal one. All moving at slow pace togather 3- top 3- bottom moving north on a gradual climb then they disappear. That was the 1st batch then another batch came and did the actions. Finally there was a lone straggler that ended the event in the same fashion the only thing different was it was solo. This happened for about 10-15min in total, I tired to take pictures but my BB smartphone sucks. I tried to call friends at the time it was happening but unable to get a second pair of eyes as conformation. This is my first sighting and I’m pretty blown away, it wasnt flairs or military something totally different.
Wadesville, Indiana – 7/6/2012 3am
3 star objects were seen to the East. They were to close to be stars. Each had 3 lights and stayed until daybreak. They may be weather balloons but remained to stationary for over an hour. I have seen them before and think some one needs to check this out. I have phoned chanel 14 in Evansville indiana.
41077 Felton Ct., Hemet, California – 7-6-2012 at 8:45pm
I walked into the back yard to see what looked like an orange glowing disc descending from the sky, I yelled for my husband and also the next door neighbors were outside. We all four witnessed the orange disc fly over, then hovered close enough where we could see the under lights of the craft and a square that we assumed was a door. It hovered for a few minutes then started moving in an ascending motion. It went higher and eventually looked like it “blinked” out of sight. It was larger than a commercial jet and very bright. Thank you
Key Wes, Florida – July 6, 2012 9:30
I saw 3 lights turn into 5 lights it was flying above the bushes the they stopped and turned at me then they flew towards the water and disappeared the lights were slight it made no noise at all.
Saylorville, Iowa – 7/5/12 5:20pm
Observed very shiny Cigar shaped craft going S-SW at approx 6000-8000 ft. roughly same speed as commercial jet. I couldn’t make out any sounds from the craft but at the time I had backround noise, which could have muffled any thing emitting from the object. Never seen such a thing in my life. Spent most my life in and around the military and their bases, was Airborne & sop’s in the late 70’s early 80’s. Unfortunately had no means available to record or take a still.
North Carolina, Cedar Point – July 6th @ 9:20
Just saw a mysterius sighting while walking around with my friends. it was this huge orange light and was going kinda fast but kinda slow. like to fast to be a ship but to slow to be a plane. While i was getting my phone out it desepeared in the middle of no where. And there is NO clouds out, Amazing starry night………….
Tucson, Arizona – 11 pm, July 6, 2012
The southern tip of constellation Draco had a bright ligh just under it. Just watching the night sky for a few moments, I realized the object became brighter.. and brighter in a mater of seconds.. then it began to fade away as if it were becoming very small or off into the immediate distance in a straight line directly away from sight not deviating up down left or right. I was amazed to see this celestial event… was this a star exploding? If so it was massive in proportion, the glow of the object was twice as big as anything in the sky for a brief moment. I am at not conclusion as to what that could have been. My guess is that it was massive.. could have been the risidual visual aftermath of a hyper drive..
New Freedom, PA near the New Freedom Carnival – July 5, 2012 @ 9:42 p.m. EST
My friend and I were walking around the carnival when off in the South distance we saw two red-orange lights fading away a good distance apart from each other. I wanted to take a picture, so we walked to the edge of the carnival when suddenly a third appeared out of nowhere, traveled northeast, stopped at a certain point, and then traveled directly south to follow the others. Immediately a fourth bright dark red-orange light materialized very close to us, flew northeast, stopped at the same point as the other, and flew directly south from there. All of this occurred within 5 minutes or less. All of the lights faded away quickly, but materialized instantly. I believe they fall under the “fireball” sightings.
Youtube video link:
Fort Lauderdale, Florida at home – july 4 2012 about 930 to 10 00pm
I live in ft,lauderdale fla. On July 4 2012 at around 9 30 or 10 00 pm. My wife and I noticed a bright redish-orange colored orb looking llight, with a much smaller one trailing behind the first one. I first notices them coming from the south going at the speed of a normal airplaine,but when it got east of me IT STOPPED IN MID AIR. 3or 4 min later it cont heading north and stopped again. a few min later i noticed it blink or flicker about 3 times and so did the small one, then they both dissappeared. so did I. rigth into my house because that was enough evidents for me ….ufo s exist and i was afraid
Berwick, Pennsylvania – july 4 th 9:15
was sitting outsite watching fireworks when i seen a red or orange ball floating from east to west..i first thought it was a firework going up and ready to explode but it was traveling horizantaly from east to west about 1000 ft up..not moving too fast and NO SOUND..was not a plane or helicopter..did anyone else see this ? almost looked like a ball of fire
Westfield, PA – July 4 2012 10:00-10:30
This is a green flashing light during a thunder storm. I was filming the lightning when I seen it go though the sky. It was traveling in a straight line and going east.
Polk County, Tennessee – July 4th 2012
Tweed Heads/ Coolangatta, Australia – 04/07/12 5.50am
Bright solid white ball, Moving from the horizon over the top of us, as bright as venus at the time. Made a few turns (half figure 8) faster then its continuous speed in a straight line over about a minute then continued towards the sunrise till it vanished.
Iran – Tuesday – 2012 03 July
amazing ufo with star cover :
me and my friends last night was in sea side , and i was looking to sky there was some stars in sky and i was watching them suddenly i saw one of the stars is moving it moved and stop then i call my friends to focus on stars the specific thing start to moving again , it moved so fast but it was looks like other stars with this different that it moved , after 5 mins it disappear and many of people saw it
Canada, Quebec, Estrie, Valcourt, looking EAST – July 2 2012 17:30 E.S.T.
looking east through window, I saw a light flying toward the south.
Its speed was constant, as well as its trajectory. From the distance, The light was looking like it was oval, more like cigar shaped
Waretown, NJ 08758 – 6/29/2012, 1:25 a.m.
During a lightning storm, this video was recorded on my camera through my screen door. I didn’t notice the UFO until later. It was illuminated by the lightning. My house is 1/4 mile south of Oyster Creek Nuclear Plant.
Video link:
I witnessed a Matt Black Delta / triangle shaped object over victoria park London.
It was a hot windy day. I first noticed the object in the distance, floating in the sky. I initially thought it was a helicopter, but as I looked on, I quickly realised that this was not the case.
I was able to take pictures of the object which I compiled into a video slideshsow.
You can access it here –
I have recieved several messages on my YT page as well as from members of UFO forums claiming this object is some kind of a makeshift balloon or modified bin-liner or hoax, to which I pose the following questions –
1. Please provide an example image that matches what you are describing? If somebody has created such an object, there is bound to be examples of it on the internet.
2. What is the gold coloured thing (Vid timeline – 1:52) doing perched on a bin-liner/bag/balloon?
Compare its size to that of the black object it appears to be sitting on. Why does it not cause a depression?
How does an empty rubbish bag with no internal supporting framework other than the wind blowing it manage to hold up the gold coloured object?
As of the time of writing this report; I am yet to receieve a single response to these questions.
It involved a set of lights acting strangely in the night sky over Erskineville rail station Sydney.
I witnessed the strange lights perform very odd aerial movements and then vanish before my eyes.
I put together a slideshow consisting of images, video and text describing my experience that warm January evening.
to access visit this link –
Youtube video link:
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