Categories: LUFOS

Report UFO sighting #63

Your UFO reports: 14th July- 21st July 2012

Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !
Santa Monica Mountains, California – July 21st, 2012 @ around 1:30 am
My friend and I were sitting on the deck just when we saw what we thought was a normal plane flying to the south of us. It seemed like any other plane flying to the airport, paralleling the coastline. All of the sudden, the lights turned off and it instantly dissapeared without a dim or flash! Just gone! We couldn’t believe it. We could clearly see the outlines of the mountains, so we can’t rule out that it flew behind the ridge. We are having a difficult time trying to explain this. We both saw the exact same thing though. Additionally, it appeared to be blinking like a regular aircraft. We were wondering if anyone else has experienced this. Thank you.
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Russel, PA over Sleepy Moon Farm – 7/21/12 9:45
Around 9:45 tonight three of us saw two orange, pulsing lights coming from the South West heading North East, one after the other. They seemed to be rising into the sky on the same path. They went through the clouds above them and disappeared. Then a few minutes later another orange, pulsing light came from the same place and started the same path. We flashed a flash light at it and it appeared to move closer to us and come down a bit. When we stopped it started again towards the North East and appeared to move faster away from us until it disappeared.

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Click Read more to read the full post with all the UFO reports!

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New Egypt, New Jersey – 7/21/12………… 7:10 PM.
I was out in my yard just after 7:00 PM. on Saturday July 21, 2012 taking pictures of my Dodge Ram pickup. It was a sunny clear day with temps around 80 degrees. Maguire – Fort Dix Air Force Base here in New Jersey is ONLY about 8 miles away from my house so I’m use to seeing planes and helicopters flying over every day. As I was taking pictures, I never saw or heard anything in the sky. I didn’t even notice a bird or a turkey buzzard flying around at the time. After I was finished taking the pics with my Nikon Coolpix L110 I came into the house and uploaded the photos. After I looking at the pictures of my truck, I noticed that one of the pics had a black dot in the sky. I zoomed in on the photo and noticed a soda can like shape but from the angle in looked much bigger than a soda can, maybe 8′ – 20′ in size would be my guess? depending on how far away the object really was.
I know the object was NOT there when I took the photos.
I took (3) photos in a row and the weird thing is, the object is NOT in the 2nd photo. That makes me think I captured a real ufo!
In the 3rd photo the object is next to my neighbors house…
The ufo was moving right to left in the sky.
Photo #1 was takin @ 7:10. Photo #2 was takin @ 7:10. Photo #3 was taken @ 7:11…..PM.

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South Reno, Nv – 7/20 10:45 pm
I was staring at the night sky, when I saw what seemed to be a classic V shaped UFO. There were no lights, just a solid mass of grey beaming across the night sky. It made no sound, and was moving very fast. Comparably bigger in size to the airplanes that flew by that same night.

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Los Angeles, CA (near echo park) – July 20, 2012- around 8:23 PM
So around 8:23 PM my sister was taking a shower and decided to look out the window. She saw a redish- orange light in th sky and supposed it was a helicopter or something, but within a few seconds, the aircraft did a quick zig-zag and disappeared completely at a high speed. That minute she yelled to my mom and I, and as I went outside, it was too late.

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Fresno, California – 20 July
object seen 3am camera zoomed in at about 10 times. clear calm night only witness

Youtube video link:

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Borger, Texas – July 19, 2012, Apprx 5:35 AM CDT
Still in awe… object travelling from SW to NE what I thought might be the ISS, a satellite or a plane initially. Single solid light or possibly a reflection from rising sun. No blinking lights or noise at all. The ISS or a satellite will follow a certain trajectory but this did not as it veered strangely from side to side. It was at a somewhat low altitude maybe 10 to 15 thousand feet. The way it moved through the sky tells me again that this was not the ISS, satellite or an aircraft. If it was an aircraft by chance then that was one drunk pilot. Again no flashing lights whatsoever. Then a nice shooting star to top it off. 110 percent sober by the way. Never seen anything like it in my lifetime. Wow!
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Pleasant Lane, P Section, Palm Coast, FL 32164 – 07/19/12 @ 10:07pm
Silent small triangle shape just above tree line descending out of sight beyond tree line. Absolutely silent aquamarine glowing color.

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Foreman Arlansas – July 18. 2012
I took these pictures at 5.38 am . I have showed them to several people at fist they would laught when I told them I saw something , till I showed them the pictures ! I am not able to down load these pictures from my IPhone to this web sight ? But if you want to see them you have my email address !
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Devon, England – 18th March 8.30 to 9.30 + Mothering Sunday
Devon/Exeter is a hotbed for Ufo sightings and landings i suspect the Michael and Mary Ley lines plus others are a large contributing factor and the presence of portals. No SETI no NASA save yourself a lot of money you dont need all that billions of pounds worth of equipment AND YOU KNOW IT,you can fool somw of the people some of the time but i think you lot ought to pack it in now. The craft and beings are interdimensional i have seen them and saw my first ufo landing. THEY DO NOT LIVE BILLIONS OF LIGHT YEARS AWAY PLEASE STOP THIS NONSENSE,they blip through portals through parallel universal corridors, guaranteed some may travel a long way but many HAVE NEVER LEFT EARTH OR OUR SEAS so lets cut the crap. The ones i have seen are humanoids with wrap around glasses i have recently seen i think the same clan 4 to 5 craft in Avebury. They are very bright white lights that then appear as they top the trees in a uniformed circle over a couple of miles become very colourful balls of light thats their headlight like on a car they sit or stand up either side of this light. I home in with the cam and then take shots off the cam and blow them up and you can see them all some look like they are in fancy dress like masquerade masks. They must be the same fleet as their craft are extraordinary. They are elaborate they have carvings and gargoyle like decor they look like they are made of stone and appear to almost be horse show shape at times like gateways its like something out of the Mayan jungle decor or aztecs. One woman looks like Lara Croft staring back at me in a black shiny jumpsuit another a blonde haired guy had like a venetian mask on. I also made out like preying mantas type things in the same craft!! I had these lights appearing around this particular area in devon they positioned themselves equal distance apart i knew something was on its way and from the direction of the Orion Belt a light travelled at a steep angle coming down followed by another and another they were joined it was on big craft nose diving our way it did not slow down it was going the same speed as travelling when landing hiw do they do that! 300 yards away all was dark then a series white lights moved around in the darkness poised with cam all of a sudden a huge pink rectangle like a massive tv sceen appeared in the darkness with a blue square in the bottom righthand corner weird. I froze its so different to see one land i had no idea i was going to panic and screamed for my friend as she ran up the pink square switched off all went dark accept for a little ewd light in the darkness no bigger than a bicycle reflector. They were there for a few hours ww hid in the house too scared to look out but a drone noise was going on for hours. Ofcourse now i could kick myself for being a chicken but we were surrounded it was not comforting but iam still so so annoyed with myself but you dont know if they were goodies or baddies thats thw thing but hey i bet they are far more friendlier than our Psychopathic New World Order Government and the Blairs and Peter Powells of the world!!

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West Oakland view of the Southern Sky – 7/18/2012 11:45
There was a sudden flash in the low sky, which from our vantage point was approx.. above perhaps San Jose or mabye as far as Monterrey. A small distance from the flash a long craft of some sort seemed to just enter the sky out of nowhere, and began moving very fast. It had a light that pulsed around it, and it moved in a sort of rhythm with the pulse as if it was being powered by it somehow. It was bearing quickly on what appeared to be a standard plane of some sort. When it seemed as if the two were going to collide, (and I understand that our sense of depth and perception is misleading from the ground, nevertheless..) IT STOPPED ON A DIME AND CUT A 90 degree angle followed by another cut and seemed to go around the commercial plane effortlessley. It was breathtaking from our sight. The plane even appeared to change its course but I am sure if that was the case their will be some sort of report to follow this one. Regardless, it was witnessed by about a dozen of us on the ground. I have no pictures to provide proof and I assure everybody out there that none of us are on drugs or have been drinking, but I really dont care what people think, I know what I saw and I have never heard of an aircraft that can make the type of cut this thing did so fluidly with grace, and as crazy as this may sound, a motion that was almost bird like. Peace be with all of you. I Beleive.
Matt Schwartz live from West Oakland
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Barstow, Texas – 17. jul
Me and another guy was at work in barstow,tx on a drilling rig he saw it first I didnt think it was anything at first till it got closer and the lights that were on it shined down and hit some fog and shined back on it and it was huge it was oval kind of like a skateboard it had had three lights in the front and three in the back

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Portland, Oregon – 7/17/12 10:35 pm
I saw a bright light in the sky it was red very bright was moving slow from north to south I went in to get. Wife came back out about 30 seconds latter and it was very high with no light floating the. It changed direction towards te east and was gone

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Whitworth, Lancashire, UK – 2012-07-16 at 22:15
Orange light caught my through the window of my living room,there where plenty of cloud cover. This almost bright orange globe came from the west heading towards the north really fluid motion kinda gliding, I ran outside to get a better look as it were really close. I was totally shocked watching this thing as it made no noise totally silent,I would guess it was about the size of a van,watched for about a further 300yrds as it stopped it’s curve to north an the thing just hightailed at a rapid speed seem to in a dead straight course as it vanished. I use to work as ground crew at Manchester so I what navigation an anti collision light,which this had none of

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Waverley Pretoria, South Africa – 16/7/2012 6am
i took 2 photos of the crescent moon this morning when i showed it to my lady this evening i noticed a flaming fruit loop shape on the right side of the moon and ont the other photo that was taken first there are 2 round shapes to the left side


Poland – 16/07/2012
UFO at 13s.

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Mandaue, Cebu City Philippines – July 15 2012
Just outside my window my mom and sister spotted a bright light w/ unusual movements.. They’ve thought it could’ve been a plane but it’s not moving and it’s way to bright.. There are some series of flashing lights coming towards the brightest one and sometimes they’re going away as well…What do you think? Could that be a plane, parole, fireflies(lol)…We couldn’t identify it so the term UFO might be suited for this thing…

Please check my video footage in youtube…

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exit on i5 to Albany, Oregon at 76 gas station – july 15th
I took this picture at a gas station called 76 on the exit on i5 to albany oregon and when i was there i wanted to take an hdr picture of the big sign and once i took the picture i looked at my camera and noticed a ufo on the top right of the picture so i cropped the ufo…i put the color saturation on this picture higher and by looking at the ufo it looks shinny brown tan color with exhaust coming from the bottom right of the ufo..i did not see it coming do to how fast ufos go but i saw it on my camera..cant seem to remember the time i took this picture but i do remember taking it july 15th 2012 and im guessing it was around 3:00pm or 4:00pm

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Anderson Ferry Rd. Mount Joy, Pennsylvania – 7/9-7/13 10:00 pm-11:30 pm
The lights I had seen were red on either side, blinking at the same time and teal green in the middle blinking alternatly. It seemed as though the lights “touched” one another. I had seen this for several nites in a row when i mentioned it to a friend, the said that they had seen the same thing being chased by a helicopter. My friend also mentioned it made no noise while it passed overhead, and was moving at a verry high rate of speed.

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Gozo and Malta – 12 July 2012
Several hundred people, including 2 relatives from different places and who do not know each other, witnessed 3 lights flying close to each other uncharacteristic of aircraft flypaths. They say the lights then slowed, before suddenly shot off at a tangent skyward at incredible speed and sudden acceleration.


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Leverett, MA – July 8th, 2012 at about 730pm
It was still daylight and in a clearing between trees, viewed in the clear sky a white orb like thing traveling in a straight line. Size of a volley ball, no color, just translucent light, perfect orb, hard to tell how high it was, but pretty high up. Moved as fast as a house fly I guess. Very weird, not saying its aliens, perhaps ball lightning or some other odd thing.

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Hollywood, California – Sun, July 8, 2012
I was driving east and saw what looked like several flares falling in the sky. Got out to look and there seemed to be an array of red and green “lanternish” objects flying about 100 yards above where I was. They seemed to have intelligent lights that were blinking. They moved in zig-zag, erratic patterns. Then they started to disappear one-by-one. The crafts made no sound.

I was fortunate to have my Canon 300HS digital camera with me. Once I got the photos on the computer, I was shocked to see these objects closer up. There was a whole fleet of them. They were triangular in shape and clearly opaque–perhaps metallic.Some had a boomerang shape.

YouTube video link:

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Stockbridge, Ga on top of trees – 6:00 am, 07/04/12

I didnt really seee it but my friend showed me the pic that is below. It is 100% real i dont kno what it is but looks like a ufo.

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Cincinnati, O.H. – July 1, 2012
I, and a friend, and her date were outside and noticed a strange orange light in the sky. At first glance we thought it was a star. But the color was not the same and it looked to be in line next to Venus. Then it seamed to be moving closer to us. From southwest direction to North East direction downward towards us.

As it came closer to us one orange light, became 2 lights, and it made no sound. We could see it was just above one tree line and it stopped and hovered for about 5 minutes and again made no sound.

Then the lights went out. And when it did we saw a greenish sort of glow and it then simply moved very slowly drifted East, above my home. Just slightly below a higher than another tree level

We all knew this was a ufo and was seriously in a state of shock for all of us…

Then it moved back into a South East direction. As it moved, it was as if it had a device that made it just disappear from the outside inward. Like an invisible what some call a cloaking device. this whole event took about 15 to 20 minutes as far as I know.

The object pattern seamed move in a square pattern in a saucer shape. Nothing like what at least we know of, that could move like this. The image is so imprinted in my mind where I had to draw it as to not to forget what I saw. I just keep thinking that I cannot believe I would of ever seen anything like this in my entire life. I, my friend , and her date are still in shock, and it was so close to us. I felt as tho we were being observed. At that point I went straight into the house. I am now petrified to even look up at the stars and feel the same. My friend feels the same.

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Avebury, Wiltshire, UK – SAT 9TH JUNE 2012 11PM

Standing in stone circle brilliant white light shot along the sky above us slowed down stopped and started went above tree line highish,colours in centre of white light moving around inside like a huge plasma ball other white lights started to place themselves far back around the perimeter of the circle counted 4 all in perfect distance from eachother. Knew they were around as the farm animals got real noisy.Basically we were surrounded there was three of us. So homed in on them with cam bearing in mind they cloak themselves to invisibility taking on the surroundings this is why you only see the so called head light so they could be massive and hold many people some sit just like in an aeroplane in rows as if they are on a day out to earth! Well not so strange, look at what Richard Bransen is up to now! Why cant it be in the reverse with our galactic neighbours. And hey they have never hurt me yet! So listen up The Global ‘Delete’ Government and Military you and your false flag UFO Invasion on the closing ceremony at the Olympic Games 2012 ‘ you can fool some of the people some of the time’ and yes you have techno that even surprises yourselves but i dont think you should take the good Aliens name in vain you are asking for real trouble so leave the people alone you do not own this planet its free so bug off we dont need fossil fuels!


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Boynton beach, Florida – 25-May-2012

this is not the only time i have seen u f o s but the last time i was alone so i didnot want to report it and look like a lier.for now we will go with the more recent and the one with 5 witnesses all veterens.

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Aberdare, South Wales, UK – 16/04/2012. roughly about 8,9 pm
I seen a triangular shapped massive moving thing I have no way to describe it other than the red lights it just flew straight over my town it seems crazy cause it was so big but its like no one knew about it they must of seen it but no one has spoke of it and its a small town where I live I no I might sound like a loon but I know what I saw I am only ninteen I don’t know what to thing I know it would be stupid to think where alone but with no big proof along with this siteing I seen I dunno what to belive anymore I seen the same thing on ufo hunter the phoenix lights it was exact shap of the thing that was on there only the lights didn’t branch off and fly everywhere there was roughly 10 to 12 big red light purpentuing down each side and 6 8 lights agross the botttom of the triangle
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Chehalis, Wa 98532 @ 51 s.w. Saunders way – approx. march @ 11pm
Me and my boyfriend Matt seen a light speed across the sky, we’ve seen three since we’ve lived here, two years now. I’ve also seen one hovering over centralia Wa. in July or Aug of 2009.

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Harlow, Essex, England – 27/09/2009
An event happened in 2009 that has stayed with me… My 3 children were playing in the garden while i was cooking dinner. All of a sudden my oldest child came running into the kitchen screaming,”Daddy, there’s’s something above our house!” I rushed out into the garden and looked up.I could not beleive what i was looking at. Two disc shaped objects moving very fast in a zig zag manner. What was strange was that they were going up and down, and so remained above my house. I rushed inside to try and grab my video camera. When i got back outside i could not see the objects. My children said, “They just shot straight up in the sky and vanished!” I left the camera outside and returned to the kitchen. After about a minute the lights flickered and my ears started to pop. I was drawn outside and looked up. I saw nothing at first, Then suddenly a black dot appeared in the sky. Very high, as high as you could see. I turned on my camera and started to focus on the black hole. It looked like a sort of huge plughole as inside the blackness a grey circle was spinning. Then two bright dots came out and,this was the scary part.T hey plummented towards us very fast until we could see they were the same two discs we had seen before. At this point my children became very scared and i told them to go inside. I Filmed the dics the best i could, but this time they were moving much faster and it was hard to keep them in focus. Add to the effect that i was shaking like a leaf! They remained in view for a few minutes and then i noticed the black dot re-appear high above them and then in a split second they shot straight up towards the black hole and vanished inside. Then the black dot just disappeared. I stood there for a moment still filming when i noticed all the dogs in the neighbourhood were barking like crazy! When i went back indoors me and my children watched the footage i had filmed. We could not believe what we were watching. You Could Clearly see the disc shaped objects and even the black hole. Suddenly there was a knock at the front door. It was my next door neighbour. She had witnessed the strange sighting too and had heard us all screaming in the garden. I showed her the footage. She was shocked. To cut a long story short. I contacted the local newspaper who sent someone round. After they had viewed the footage they contacted the local TV station who sent 3 people round. After they had viewed the footage they interviwed me on film ME and asked if they could take my footage away with them and have their experts look at it. I was reluctent to give it to them as it was the only copy. They said they would return it. I decided to give it to them. They said i would be contacted soon and that i would receive my footage back once the program had aired. After 3 weeks of hearing nothing i contacted the TV station and they said that they hadn’t finished examining the footage. Another 3 weeks went by and then i received my footage back. BUT IT WASN’T MY FOOTAGE! It had gone out of focus! I contacted the TV station and they said that maybe during the testing something may have damaged it and that they were sorry. I asked when the program was going to air and they told me they had decided not to show it. No reason was given. But they asked if i had anymore copies. They already knew that i didn’t, which was odd. What was even more strange was i kept seeing this black car parked at the top of my road. For a few days it was there. Even the neighbours wondered whoose it was. Then i came home and saw a smart dressed man knocking at my house. I stayed in my car and saw him get into that black car. It drove off and then i went inside. The next day the car was back. I was a nervous wreck now! Then the day after it was gone and i haven’t seen it since. After this strange event i felt i was “changed” in some way and a series of events have transpired that have indeed changed my life. I kept having this recurring dream that seemed to suggest to me to do something. That something turned out to be writing a song and making a film about what had happened. Both are called “DREAMLAND”
Ps: The photo’s don’t do it justice but the video does.
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