Categories: LUFOS

Report UFO sighting #67

Your UFO reports: 11th August – 25th August 2012
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !

Czech Republic, Mladá Boleslav – 24.8.2012 15:17
Youtube video link:
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Yuma, AZ – 08/23/2012–7:45pm

I looked up from playing soccer & I seen a bright light it only moved a little when it disapeard fast & didnt see it again i asked my friends if they did and they told me no but im sure oof what i saw dont know what it was but i know it was a bright circle light not big but not small neather
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Down Town Portland by The internatinal school for children (waterfront area) – 8-23-12/8:43PM
this object was up above the waterfront area near The riverplace hotel. It caught the corner of my eye because the lights were a dull orange and the triangle formation was slowly doing 360’s while going the same direction. there was no noise coming from the craft and this thing was enourmous. in the picture i attached appears the two lights the 3rd light is being block by the street light. sorry for quality of picture it was taken with crappy cam while driving

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Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia – 19/08/2012 at 6:30pm
I was looking at Saturn and Mars through my telescope when a bright light/star moved across the field of view from left to right on a horizontal plain. I proceeded to follow it with my telescope as it moved at a rapid speed. It then returned across the same field of view from right to left, of which I followed it again across the night sky until it disappeared in the vicinity of Mars & Saturn (As viewed through my telescope.)
What is this phenomenon?
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Gembrook road, Gembrook, Victoria – 19/08/2012
I was outside looking at the southern sky when i noticed what appeared to be a satellite moving across the sky. Which is not unusual to see. However. What caught my attention was the sudden and extremely fast change of course. Satellites dont move this quickly, Nasa you can shove that excuse up your ass. The object moved from one end of the sky (west) to the other side (north east) in less than 5 seconds before a pulse of light sent it flying out of the atmosphere in a northerly direction. I am not in anyway suggesting this is extraterrestrial. But answer me this. Unless the military have devised an aircraft capable of more than the speed of light, what the hell did i see!!? There is alot of something going on that our “superiors” arent telling the general public. For what? “not to cause public uproar”? What so hiding the truth only for us “commoners” to eventually find out anyways will make it easier for you? Governments should be afraid of the people. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. i will use every power in my grasp to find out what i saw

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Ruislip, London, England – Sunday 19th August, 10:25pm and 11:33pm

The skies were totally clear, was one of the hottest weekends so far so no clouds whatsoever. Sky was a navy/dark blue almost black, every gold spec in the sky was visible. Was staring at the sky as I watered the plants in the garden, staring at all of the gold specs in the sky. Suddenly noticed an M shaped formation (but imagine the legs of the ‘M’ have been pulled out so the M is wide at the bottom) consisting of fairly dim gold/white dot lights flying together in unison. For a second I thought nothing of it until I saw a trapezium shaped object that the lights were coming from. The object was transparent black, very flat, but easily distinguishable in the clear night sky.

The UFO was flying very low, at a fairly slow speed and glided without making a single sound. The lights stayed lit i.e. didnt flash or dim etc. There were two lights at the bottom of the M that were slightly ‘stray’ as they moved slightly eratically and werent in line with the M.

The craft was a smokey transparent black colour. Although see-through the object was very substantial and i could differentiate the shape and edges of the craft clearly from the night sky. It flew very low but the front was at an upward slant. It carried on in its direction until it quite literally faded out. The craft was not a helicopter/plane as i had seen about 8 of them that night, and the craft didnt have flashing bright lights/blue red etc as planes do.

The second sighting came on the same night around an hour later. After watching the sky from different parts of the garden i moved back to the same area as the previous sighting. At about 11:33pm (same clear sky etc as before) was a boomerang (imagine a wide C shape) shaped formation of 50-60 dot gold/white lights flying together in unison. From where I stood the size of this formation was bigger than the size of a roof of a five bedroomed house. I can only describe the speed as faster than a bird flying in the sky, but slow enough to be visible for those 5 seconds. The UFO’s flew in total unison, even during the sudden swerving manouvere, and must have flown about 3-4 times faster than an airplane. They glided through the sky moving slightly up and down playfully as they did (their movements werent in a ‘restricted’ fashion like normal aircraft) This sighting’s aircrafts flew faster than the trapezium shaped UFO sighting.

I managed to take a photograph of the second sighting (boomerang shaped) with my iPhone camera but the camera didnt pick up the lights.

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Click Read more to read the full post with all the UFO reports!

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Anahiem, CA – August 18,2012 7:30-12:00
Above the hiton hotel it was taking off two heli were following it but then heli just dissapeared and then the UFO just flew away

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Schewcksville, PA – 8/17/2012 just before sunset
Friday Night 8/17/2012 Philadelphia Folk Festival on Old Poole Farm in Schwenksville just before sunset (exact time unknown). My son and I were listening to an Irish/Celtic band called Comas at the Main Stage (they have 5). My son hits me, points left and says “Look at that.” I am confused as to exactly what direction I am looking (definitely south, probably west – leaning to east). Just over the tree line was an orange/red orb. Definitely much bigger than a star – probably at least a hundred times bigger than a star. Imagine a watch battery, cut into quarters and that was the size in our view. It hovers, then it moves parallel to the left. Then it arcs up and to the right. It hovers. Then it arcs down and to the right. Then it zooms directly left to its original spot that we saw it. Then it shoots diagonally to the right. It continues this unusual pattern for the next 5 minutes. Then another orange/red orb appears below and to the left of the first one. It moves to the right and the both of them disappear below the tree line not to show up again.

In order to validate this, I tapped the shoulder of the guy next to me on the hill and asked him and his date to look up. They definitely saw it move, but declined to acknowledge anything and responded by whispering something in each other’s ear. Probably something about this nutcase next to them!

The two appeared again within 5 minutes and then disappeared. My son Devin and I couldn’t imagine that anybody else could not have seen this.

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Kervenheim, Germany – 08 /17/ 2012 21:21
Yesterday I witnessed a UFO over my house
I was in my open-air bath and watched the sky, as directly above me, out of nowhere, a large luminous object appeared. It flashed brightly, almost white, with blue and red components. The flashing lights forms first an elliptical shape with two center of light. Due to the extremely short flashing time, the perspective, and because of the extreme brightness the form was difficult to evaluate. Between the lightning flashes time passed about 1-2 seconds in a most regular interval. Outside the flash time, it was completely invisible, though the sky had only slight high cirrus clouds. A normal flying object with manmade lights should be visible, under this type of light condition. Within the limits of the flashing light it first appeared quite large and immediately it flew silently at a constant level in a southerly direction. It definitely was neither a well-known flying object nor a natural phenomenon. As it moved away, I ran into the house, grabbed the video cam and was able to film it, just before it disappeared behind the rooftops.

Youtube video link:

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Las cruces, New Mexico – Aug 15 2012 8 pm
Bright translucent orb.

Video link:

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Yuma, Arizona – august 15th at approx. 8:30
hovering over yuma marine base, stayed there over 20 mins

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Aigues-Mortes, France – 15.08.2012
A new intersting video from France:

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Spokane, WA – 8-15-12 around 7:00 PM
I just saw a wonderful display of orbs here in Spokane, WA 8-15-12 around 6:45-7:30 PM local time. Was up at Manito park looking at the Rose garden and in a very nice state of mind, and happened to look up in the sky and saw 3 bright globe like lights way up in the sky. I am probably not the best at gauging distance however I want to say like 1000 feet? Anyway, they were moving very slowly to the west. I hopped on my bike and peddled back to the house to see if I could get some pix, unfortunately all I had charged and ready to shoot with was a Canon 10D. I took several shots as they were still showing up in the sky, so I think all in all there were more than 3 orbs total, perhaps 5 or so.

These were shot with a Canon 28-135 zoom, the first few were at wide angle as in my excitement I had the lens set to 45mm fl (equivalent) and only the last few shots were at 200mm telephoto equiv – however when I blew the photos up in GIMP the orbs definitely show a kind of halo around them – not like balloons or certainly not airplanes or satellites as the sun was still out, low in the west.

These are honest straight shots – no photoshop work! I have a graphic design background so it would be easy for me to fake this, however I have no interest in faking anything. Thanks for looking!


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Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada – AUG 14/12 @ 9:26-9:28
West to east in the sky over Coquitlam through Port Coquitlam over the golden ears mountain. No sound White Orb slow at first then as it traveled east speed increased. Did anyone else see this ?

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33rd Av n and 4th St n, Florida – 08-13-2012 12:05PM
2 silver color orbs, 1 orb was at about 500 feet in the air and the other was about 1000 feet or higher up in the air. i don’t think it was an
unidentified flying object. i believe it to be a real alien space craft.
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Jonesboro, Il – august 13 between 1030-11

i stepped outside to smoke looked up into the sky and saw a red flashing light. About 2 minutes later i saw it moving upwards. At this point i was freaking so i yelled for my boyfriend to come out. On his way outside i half explained. There was an airplane traveling from west to east so he laughed it off. I told him it was on the other side of the tree in our yard. He walked down the yard and saw what i was talking about. It was now traveling in a northward direction and suddenly swooped around and to the west n then to the south. It was larger than an airplane two red large blinking lights and moved faster than anything ive ever seen!!!!!!!!!! All the sudden 2 more joined this one from each side of it from what seemed out of nowhere but i was so focused on the first one to kno exactly where they came from. They joied a v formation headed south with unexplainable speed. In the distance they stopped and just hovered for about 10 minutes n which i was still freakin out and went in the house

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Quincy, Massachusetts – 8/13/12 at 9pm

I have never beleives in aliens or UFOs but i just saw them im freaking out. They have been outside for the past hous re appearing and disappearing moving up and down and spinning around changing between red green and white i cant give an exact location i have just moved from ireland all i know is that i am in quincy stayong with my mom and they were in the distance moving closer and farther within seconds
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Winter haven, Florida (Polk county) – August 13, 2012 at 4:48am

I woke to go to the bathroom at this time. I have 2 small windows in the bathroom which gives a view straight up to the sky. As I look at the window 3 lights , 2 were bright the third was faint color brightness got my attention . They were bright green with a hint of yellow in the middle. It lasted about 2-3 minutes in same spot then dissipated. That’s all.
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Dallas, Texas – 8-11-2012 after dark

A friend took this photo from her backyard in Carrolton/Dallas Texas area, she didnt want to report it but I’m curious if this for real or not.
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Vacaville, Ca – 8/10/2012-8/13/2012
taken in my back yard the last 3 days I have about 2 hrs of Video. still going thought. this has been going on for over a week now….


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Sliema, Malta – 10th august 2012 about 11pm
Five orange dots flying slowly from North to Sliema (Malta) without any noise and fly away to the sea offshore… observation during about one hour. Before they go away (in two groups 3 and 2) these 5 dots meeting in circle close to the sea level.

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Port St. Lucie Florida – August 5,2012 @ approximately 9:30 pm
August 5th @ approximately 9:30 pm I saw a triangle in the sky. At the points of the triangle there were lights that I could see with the naked eye. The lights were flashing changing from white green and red. Thought this was not a plain or helicopter or a constellation. It was not in the spot before. I have seen others UFO sightings in the same place. On another occasion I saw an orb like vessel hovering with a beam of light coming straight done from it. Also on a few occasions in this same region I here a whirring like something is callabrating or spinning. It wakes me up and causes me to look up in the sky. It is always around 3-3:30 in the a.m.. One time I picked up the camera and took a picture and I was able to get the lights a little but in the morning I looked at my pictures and saw a alien figure in one of the pictures. I have shone the phot to some without saying anything and ask if they see anything. Some of my friends saw the being immediately and some did not see it at all. I have tried to share this before but never heard from anyone.

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Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada – 08/01/12 about 9pm
I saw this near our house, as did our family, please someone help me out with what it might have been. There is some description on my video too to describe it:

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Palm Bay, Florida – 7/20/2012 1230 am
Floating in the sky, no noise, “HUGE” disk shape, lights all were all atound disk, with two lights in center. location between Palm Bay Fl and Malabar along the coast line.

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Rhine Valley, Germany near Eisenberg

I’m not saying that this is a UFO. I just don’t know what it is? I can’t figure out what that object at the top of the photo? I’m guessing that there’s a simple answer.

If you happen to know what this is or how it could have been created by the lights or the camera please let me know. I know that this photo is blurred. What I don’t know is what the object above the church steeple is?

This is the original photo, not modified. The sky was cloud free until a storm that was far off to the other side of the Rhine Valley beyond BASF moved in later on that evening.

The odd thing is that the planets and the stars are not the same shape as the object so that rules out the potential of it being a plane, planet or the moon.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Katy, Texas – May/17/2012

It was about 9:30pm on a Thursday night, I was meeting up at a friends house close to West Little York and Barker Cypress road in Katy,Tx. I was a little early waiting for a couple other people to show up so we can go out to a certain club in Houston, as I parked my car in front of his house I saw a man and a woman in the middle of the street, at first I did not pay them any mind at all. I walked to my friends door, as I was was walking up the driveway, the man in the street which was my friends neighbor yelled out “Hey bro, do you see those crazy lights in the sky”? I turned around because i didn’t hear him clearly and said “huh”? He repeated “Look at these crazy lights in the sky”, from my angle I could not see anything so I walked out in the middle of the street, I look into the sky and took an overwhelming gasp of air! I did not expect to see anything what I saw, it look like maybe 9 or more huge bright white lights in the sky moving in silence and in sync like a “swarm of bees“. I asked the man and the woman next to me, “what the hell is that!?” And how long has it been in the sky? He told me it started out above his house about 15 minutes ago, he said they were way closer and lower at the time, he also said than he ran inside and called the “Air Traffic Control” to inform them these phenomenons above his house, they asked for his location and tapped into there system to check if they can pick up anything on radar, he said he stayed on the phone with them while they looked. He was looking right at them while they told him that they could not pick up anything on there radar. He said he told them “Sir or Mam I am looking at them as we speak!” Eventually the call was disconnected with no result, no help.

What I saw was incredible, and nothing of this world, these objects were moving in sync at moments almost like it was a routine, they would make themselves into a huge disc shape and move around each other like it was maybe a huge UFO, but I knew for sure it was not because eventually it would break formation and “swarm like bees” again, than the objects would make a straight up and down line than flash and rotate, than break formation and swarm like bees again, it was incredible. Judging how high they were in the sky, for me to even be able to see them at the size they were, it had to be as big as an aircraft or bigger! The movement was almost to fast for the human eye can catch, in the unedited video you will see more action when the video in slowed all the way down, but even when it is slowed down so much, the speed of these objects are so fast, when played normal you miss about 4 otherUFO’s in the top left hand corner of the screen and a couple more lower to the ground in the bottom right hand corner if you look closely. In my first Iphone video I got the most amazing detailed undeniable footage you will ever see, it was 2:24 long and I spoke through the whole video breaking down what I was seeing play by play.

I was excited yet very very nervous, I told the neighbors I would be back and ran to knock on my friends door, I knocked very loud almost like a police knock, he came to the door. I yelled “Bro come outside, come here and look in the sky!” I pointed and said “What the hell is that!?” My friend to one step closer, looked at the intimidating objects in the sky moving at amazing speed covering the sky, he said ” what the….” than actually ran back inside of his house! lol.. Honestly I do not blame him, I was crazy staying outside that long looking at these things, but I was so fascinated I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. So I finally went inside, I was very nervous from what I just saw, I actually thought about making a fool out of myself and calling the news, my friend and my father talked me out of it and asked me to just hold on to the video I recorded and worry about it later. I was thinking to myself, should I still go out tonight after what I just saw? What if there’s more? What if they mean business? Etc…. My friend asked me if I got video, I said proudly, “yes I got the best video footage!” he said “let me see”, so I gave him my phone and I played the video and it was like 4 seconds! I was like what the hell happened! Than I though about it, I uploaded a whole bunch of music in my “8 gig” Iphone earlier that day, the Iphone did not have even enough memory to hold a 2 min video! I screamed “NO!” In panic, my friend said, “do you think you are still out there?” I said excitedly I don’t know lets go! I have to get video!” He responded jokingly “hell no, I am not about to get abducted!” I giggled for a second a saw that he was dead serious, he was not gonna go out there with me, so I ran back out by myself. I saw the two neighbors still in the street, I screamed “Are they still out there!?” he said “yes” and pointed in the direction of the action, I pulled my camera out and got the best footage I could without knowing how much my Iphone could hold, the video you see today was nothing compared to what I saw. But yet the video is “amazing” I did not know how good it was until I slowed it down and zoomed in, so much action popped up in the video when I slowed it down and zoomed in. The picture you see when it is sideways was actually taken when it was doing the huge disc shape rotation around each other making itself look like a huge ship, it was really maybe 9 or more doing it at this time, but as you can see in the picture you see maybe 4, this is how fast they were moving! They camera could not catch even a portion of its movement. In conclusion to this event, I just want to see I was very hesitant of putting this video out from what people would think, but as I thought about it I said I have to put it out. You have to let people develop there own opinions about you, I have no control over what you think about me if I released it or not, just know as your brother, I have no reason to lie about this, there were 4 people who saw what I saw. And to answer a question that is probably lingering in your mind, no I was not drunk, tipsy, high or whatever! I was absolutely sober and conscious in every way. I keep getting asked, what do I think these UFO’s are? This is what I will state, if you believe in God which I very much so do. You believe God Almighty is the Lord of Worlds, the Lord of all creations, the Lord of all living things and all creation, than you have to believe the God got something to do with the UFO’S right? And on that note, research and seek what God has to say about these objects, if you seek God you will find your answer. Read, research, don’t believe what you hear without researching yourself, we as people should be more wise nowadays to not believe what we just “hear” or see on TV, research the truth in everything. Thank you for reading:)

Youtube video link:

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Allenstown, New Hampshire – feb – july
i’ve been watching these things in my sky for a while now. i’ve noticed three different shapes up in high orbit are the dots shapped objects. then a two point object in a mid to low range. and finally the creapy one is the black triangle very low. sounds crazy but when i use my mind to try and talk to them they responed by makeing very fast movments up down side to side. its fucked up i don’t know what to do if you have any constructive advice let me know.
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Adachi-ku, Tokyo – 10/16/2011 around 7:00PM
This sighting happened almost a year ago. I never felt the need to share it, as I know that there are already many videos just like mine out there, but today I watched the video again and noticed that the center of the light looked kind of strange. Now, I would love to have someone out there analyse it to see what it looked like up close. It’s a high definition video, but I’ve only been able to watch it on a little iPhone screen.

My video can be found on YouTube link below. There is a full description with it.

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 Dayton, Ohio – sept 2011 9:20 pm

on the night in question[can”t remember exact date know}.i was preparing to watch the space station to fly over done seen it maybe four or five times.out of the corner of my eye i kept seeing a bright light. at first i thought it was the spacestation the corodinets and the diretions the t.v gave out were wrong. that”s when i started to pay attention to what was up there got my binoculars to look i seen a bright whight light a center like the ring of saturn and on top a blue light like aflood light. it stayed stationary in one spot i would say 45 to 60 minutes. in the mean time no sound no movement clear skys very high i”ll guess like 70,000ft.felt like it was a solid entity.then i told myself start looking for spacestation at time and direction.that was stated by t.v news. to see if anything happens to object.saw station moving very fast and it was much higher like miles higher.after the staton passed my attention went back to the lights it appeared to me it releash it”s brakes and started to move or the earth started to move.because it moved west and i fowllowed it with landmarks[tree branchs clothslines rooftops]went over horizon like a bright iknow our space missions are being observed. by an intelligent entities.

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Kentlyn, Campbelltown nsw – some years unknown ..about 5pm
at the time we rented a house with a front verandah…one afternoon just as sun was setting i was called to the front of the sky was a round silver disc, standing on an angle, so you were looking at it flat on was silver metallic…and showed up well as the setting suns rays were on it..probably the reason is was visible- suddenly it zipped straight up at very high speed and vanished.

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North Sea – 19 September 1952

1952 Nato Operation Mainbrace in the North Sea
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Youtube WW2 documentary

I was just watching a WW2 documentary where they have changed the footage into color. When something caught my eye in one of the shots.
Now i am not sure if its a balloon or not, Maybe you guys can find out.
But here is the link and the time in the footage i took the screen captures from. If this has been explained before, i apologize in advance for wasting your time.

1:43:19 to 1:43:23 D day. top right corner of frame.


Your opinion?
  • Fake (0)
  • Real (0)
  • Not Alien (0)

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  • Sr. KIM-Gost Coast,Queensland, Austrália 19/08/2012,. Meu nome - Haroldo - também vi a mesma luz no mesmo dia a olho nú aqui no Brasil-Rio de Janeiro-Niterói. Olhei para o céu, como faço sempre e vi uma luz alaranjada que percorreu de Saturno para marte, quando ambos estavam alinhados lado a lado, e esta luz percorreu horizontalmente pela parte de baixo, não houve tempo de pegar o meu binólulos,

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