Categories: LUFOS

Report UFO sighting #69

Your UFO reports: 1st September – 8th September 2012
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !

i57 highway near St. Peters – 9:30pm 9/9/2012
We are driving back from Dallas to Chicago n have never seen anything like what we just saw. There was a UFO above us coming toward our direction. I asked my boyfriend n his mother if that was a plane they said no,, its not. I said what is it?? It was round with flashing lights , white, blue, red, green n moved pretty fast past us going southin Illinois. I got chills. Did anyone else see this??
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Santa Rosa, California – 8-Sep-2012 8:00 PM
A long quickly moving unidentified object darting from South to North over Anandel park. I viewed this 100 yard long thin cigar shaped object move silently at about 1000 ft alt which seemed dark and had no visible lighting however, at this time of the evening objects in the sky are visible to the naked eye. Coincidentally, 2 helicopters were flying in the area 5 minutes later. I managed to view said object through binoculars for only a short period of time because the object was moving quite quickly. Has anyone else seen this?
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Lower Saucon township, Pa – Sept. 8, 2012 @ 3am
On the left side of the moon last night there were two stationary bright lights with a third light moving around them. The third light consistently moved away from or towards the stationary light. This was visible to the naked eye until cloud cover blocked the view.

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Ventura above the Crowne plaza hotell, California – Sept 7 2012 9p
There was a blue light dancing around the sky for an hr and we filmed it. We also have 9 other videos with aliens and ufos from vegas on may 26

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Battle Ground Lake, Washington – 9-7-12 12:30am
I saw a large unusual half shaped sphear moveing threw the tree line witch appared to be looking for something this object seemed make a colulm that appqred threw the trees but there was no visual sorce how the light was coming from the object yet clearly this colum of light was very clear to see in the trees as the object moved threw the night sky the object seemed have two sides to it, one that
Was bright and there less lit with small lights in a unusal pattern to it
As I watched this object I heared no sound other
then woodland animals that seemes to be in stress over what was going on in the sky. The event went on for more then two hours at times this object came closer to me then moved away I shined a light at it and appared to come closer as if the light from the flashlight and some what in my drection. I ALL MY YEARS i never seen any thing like this but to me this is unexplaned how any object thi large and unusal to give me a ancer to what I was seeing . All I can say is I cant explane what this objuct was I only hope other had a better vew of it and sew more clearly to what seen because a good part of my vew was blocked by trees all thow this thing was so bright the trees did little to stop the light coming from this event It was to bad that the other campers around me where sleeping and only hoped someon anyone that have woke even to use the bathroom, so I could have pointed out what I saw for no other reason to give some reason other explaintion to this strange light or object that moved so quit thew the night sky .
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Click Read more to read the full post with all the UFO reports!

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Houston, Texas – September 7, 2012 3:30 am
There was bright light…illuminated different colors. I had been drinking, in all fairness so it took me several minutes to wake someone up to confirm or explain was I was seeing. My son believes as I do that it was not explainable. It stayed in the same spot even when my son left for school at 6:30.

Caught it on video for 30 minutes, but all you can see is blinking and that it stays in the same spot the entire clip.

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between Rosamond and Mojave, Ca. on Sierra hwy. – 09/06/2012
Driving back home with my sister Jane on sierra hwy. We heard a very loud boom, we first thought we had blowout… ,wjere still rolling…..we looked all around us but sa&fw; nothing but josha trees & dirt.. in all my 52 years i have never such a strange boom???

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West Chester PA Route 3 heading west – 9/5/2012 7:45pm EST
We saw a triangular shape in the Western Sky over West Chester PA.
Very bright. Next to big puffy grey clouds.
Sorry no picture. Anywone else see this?

Michelle and Halle
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San Diego, California – 9/4/2012 5:40am
I’ve been searching the internet to see if anyone reported anything close to what I saw in San Diego, California at 5:40am on September 4, 2012. There were a few fireball sightings reported the night before, but none matched my description, in that it was a fast moving spherical white light ‘without’ a train or tail.
I reported it as a fireball, but after reading other people’s sightings of fireballs, my sighting didn’t exactly match any of their sightings. I also reported it on the UFO website out of Texas, when I searched the internet and found an exact version of my sighting; it was located in Arlington, Texas earlier this year.
This is my version:
I was the only witness. It was dark and I was driving north. I live about 2 miles from the beach. The bright white sphere of light moved north to south, traveling from the top of my windshield downward, then disappeared before the horizon. It was as big or bigger than a standard street light on the corner of the block. It moved as fast as a falling star, which is what I initially thought it was. The falling stars I’ve seen have never scared me; I gasped for a breath in that split second when it appeared and disappeared. It’s difficult to determine how close it was to me, but it appeared closer than any celestial body I’ve seen.

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Westminster, Ca – 9/3/12 4:40am
I just got back from a bike ride went in the pool to cool off. I always stare at the stars. I then I noticed at about Orion’s belt that one of the stars was moving east I lost sight of it at about Polaris. I know the names because of a app I just bought for stars. I know it wasnt a shooting star. It took about 1 min for it to get to where I lost sight of it.

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Mason Lake – Mason County WA State – 9-2-12 @ 2110 hours
Large yellow orange ball @ high altitude proceeded in NE direction over Mason Lake and appeared to stop for a short moment and then left in a North West direction at a 45 degree direction until it went out of sight. No nav lights were observed. No sound was heard.

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Denver, Colorado – Aug 21 830pm
We were out on patio bbq ing and while I was inside my wife saw a wierd colored object coming in and out of the clouds right over the house. I grabbed my phone and took this picture. I could not see it with my naked eye when I took the picture. It wasnt till I zoomed in to the picture that I saw this ship. YOU NEED TO ZOOM THE PICTURE TO SEE IT

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Kernville, California – 04/06/2012 1730hrs.
This incident deals with a military aircraft, possibly a Hornet as well, is what I saw was a jet banking left after flying by me and another person in front of me below radar maybe. As this aircraft banked turning on the after burners, was in my 1100 hrs position, sudenly being draged or moved quickly to the 1700hr positiion bellying towards a mountain, after burners full throttle and I putmy eyes back on the road, waiting and hoping not to hear a boom. I was driveing north on 521, the Kern River Hwy., looking for a short cut back to Fresno Ca., returning from Loan Pine California. I have noclue what happeneed and saw no other aircraft of any kind, but this pattern of flight is of no possibility unless something moved this aircraft… Do an EEG Lie Detecter if you like, this event is unexplainable and something else moved this aircraft. Thank you and this is the first I’ve ever sent any information to any one… Good luck and have a great Labor Day…

Charles Brian
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Chicago IL, over lake Michigan – jun-july morning
I caught this UFO sighting while watching channel 5 news over lake Michigan in Chicago I do not remember the exact date and time but it was sometime this summer 2012.

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Outside Olney, Il – may-present
Have been seeing objects move across the sky all summer. yellow, white, and orange orbs slowly moving across the sky. I have been flashed with my friend in a cornfield by 2 perfectly rectangular flood lights, the only way to describe them, that appeared and disappeared in a matter of 20 secs. Have seen a “star” force fall vertically down into the middle of the field and it completely vanishes. The pics I am sending you is of something that followed me for several hours the very first week I started seeing stuff. I finally grew enough courage to stop and park for a couple hours while this object keeping its distance was right there. I told them from the start that I was not going to take pictures hoping to have more of a one on one experience. Until about 430 am (sun has not risen) and I see it flare into a big bright orb, I am able to take 2 pictures of it with my camera phone. It is obviously not a car, or tractor. It was not moving or it would have smeared. Then it just vanishes leaving me alone. If I could get some other explanation I would love to hear it. But everything that has happened after that, I know for a fact that I have been personally dealing with a u.f.o.

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Kent, UK – Tue 27 Sep 2011 13:24:44 BST
Brief footage capturing some unusual aerial activity. Must be viewed in HD – preferably with software that can advance frame by frame as the phenomena are quite rapid.

The person filming is trying to track something that doesn’t appear normally on the film. Watch for an odd contrail-like streak that coalesces into a more tangible object before moving out of sight behind the roof. Closer inspection shows two of these objects, and the contrail-like streak seems to run between the two objects The second object appears once at the very left of the screen before going out of shot and is subsequently visible just beneath the security camera as the other darts off behind the roof.
Also, toward the end of the clip, a white sphere seems to descend quickly before going out of shot as he stops filming.

Youtube link:

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Paris, France – july 1955
a Sunday morning in the summer of 1955
Market Avenue d’Italie, Paris 13th
I was 11 and I was with my mother and my older brother (25 years old at the time and force pilot air) in a cloudless blue sky, a group of about eight shiny metal disks in a stationary position has attracted the attention of my brother and all those present around us in this open-air market. disks were at an altitude high enough and were strictly immobile despite a slight breeze. my brother immediately said he could not act in weather balloons. The sighting lasted about 1/4 hour, then the disks have disappeared within a fraction of a second leaving the spectators stunned.
this was my only observation I now 68 years old and she remained very vivid in my mind.
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