sw Green bay, Wisconsin – 9/29/12 11:55 pm
not an jet or airplane,moving at a fast pace just above 3 story warehouses in the south ashwaubenon area 2 ufos spotted both were a white light (no other colors)oblong very large no sound from them i was driving my car & pulled off the the road to observe them.only lasted maybe 30-45 seconds & they were gone has there been any other sightings 9/29/12-9/30/12 in ne wisconsin
It was I would estimate the size of a small plane given the distance to the clouds, however due to is brightness and unclear physical shape I really can’t be sure.
I suppose its possible it could be an extremely bright flare, but there was no smoke and it wasn’t just moving down it was also moving sideways, and while there is a large amount of military air traffic in Tokyo I don’t think they would drop flares over residential areas.
I wondered also if it was something reflecting the setting sun being blown in the wind .. but its movements seems to distinct and control.
So.. I guess, unidentified and flying some kind of object.
Youtube video link:
Scottsdale, Arizona – 09/24/12 1:30am
no sighting but a loud noise a deep groaning trumpet like noise coming from a long distance that reminded me other posts on the net about these kind of noises might be related to ufo sightings.
Belfast, Ireland – 3.30pm 24/7/2012
After being told to keep an eye out for small white shinning objects above my part of belfast I took the advice, and in the space of one week I caught these to really mind boggling objects rite above our estate.
I have absolutely no idea what they are, they look like saucers painted white, like the disc on the uss enterprise in startreck,NO JOKE,and really look human made but I could be way wrong.
NYC – September 24, 2012
UFO streaks out from behind cloud, diamond shaped object flies overhead, wild cosmic gumdrop with sweet-tarts candy color scheme.
Here is link – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YihpuKZzrI4
here is the link to my video on youtube :
Metro Pl. & Frantz Rd. Dublin Ohio – 09/22 ; 9:50 pm
I saw the mechanics of two and how their energies relayed to one another. I saw the mechanics of one. I saw the fuselage of both. They streamed in red, opened like shutters, exposed an orange barrel like sphere. The sphere changed in degrees of Orange depending on how close to another sphere they were. I observed two of the twenty or so up close. When one approached the other it turned a darker orange, the other much paler until its top fra yed releasing something not visible before regaining its shape. The one approaching backed off at the same time. Then I saw a white panel turn, and expand before contracting and returning to its original invisible position. Then the bottom did the same. Then the red closed like shutters and it moved to a new place and started to ascend. I saw the hydrolics and all. Very bizarre. No way its man made. Hoax? Who has the money or time?
beach at Cape Meares, Oregon – 9/22/12 at about 2245
Playing on the beach at night with my family. looked up, inland over the little town and saw a stationary bright orange starburst shape. very pretty, very bright,and much too large to be a star,but it was twinkly There was a light cloud cover so light may have been refracting from that. it remained there for a couple minutes the suddenly shrunk in place to nothing and trailed upwards at the end. all 4 in my family saw this. we asked others at the camp fire down the beach from us. they all saw this also.
United Kingdom – 21&22/09/2012
I am submitting a double sighting to you that we had in The East Midlands UK, Namely Toton, Nottingham and Sawley, Long Eaton Nottingham on 2 consecutive days.
Pics are bad and video too but I know there is technology for you to zoom in better than my awful Iphone can!
I look forward to hearing from you.
21/09/2012 – Weather clear, no cloud, cold. Dark. On returning from Willington in Derbys/Leics? At approx 10pm as we were driving past Radcliffe-On-Trent Power station, (we spotted the objects from the dual carriage way leading up to the Castle Donnington/M1/Sawley roundabout and then observed them a little better at Sawley. We observed them for approximately 5 miles before we got to Sawley), we saw 3 objects. 2 bright white lights both spherical in shape and the main object had 4/5 round bright white lights connected horizontally. These objects appeared to be hovering around or very close to the cooling towers at the power station. The biggest object was moving slowly and silently and then descended very slowly to about 50-60 feet above the ground. As we were trying to film through bushes, it was hard to be precise but it appeared to land. One of the smaller objets was moving slowly near the cooling tower about 150 feet in the air and the other singular object hovered above the large one. – We were totally captivated! When I was trying to film this amazing event I just felt like I couldn’t hold the camera up I just wanted to watch with my eyes, i felt so in awe!! 3 of us saw this event. All deciding it was too strange to be anything what we know of. The objects were too close to the cooling towers to be aircraft. We ruled that out quite quickly as this sighting was under the approach towards East Midlands Airport. These objects mad no noise at all and moved slowly were able to stop and hover and descend.
More to follow on separate sighting submission as witnessed a mass sighting the following day in the same location.
22/09/12 – Approx 6pm. Weather cool, smoggy/cloud. Total daylight. After driving from dropping my daughter off at grandparents I headed home to Toton, from Stapleford in Nottingham. As I hit the top of the hill to go in to Toton, Stapleford Lane, I could see 2 very dull grey spherical objects hovering to the left of the cooling towers at Radcliffe-On-Trent Power Station! One large and one smaller. The large one seemed to be stationary and the smaller one which was above the larger one was moving very slowly in a straight line, right behind the cooling towers and then hovering in between two of the cooling towers. At this point the large object proceeded to move. They moved in straight lines. I rang my cousin who saw the objects with me the night before and asked me to collect her to go and see if they were still there. It took me approx 6 minutes to fetch her and get back to the position at the top of Stapleford Lane. Both objects were still in view and had continued at the same altitude almost along the flight path in to East Midlands airport. They were too low to be aircraft, they were too close to the cooling towers, they were spherical and grey in shape and were able to move slowly and stop in mid-air then continue to move without gaining or loosing altitude. We called over 2 girls walking up the road. The two objects got to a tree line south west of the control tower, (from our positioning), at EMA. In front of our eyes another grey sphere just appeared and joined the larger one whilst the smaller flew off to the south and just vanished. The other 2 stopped and hovered above the tree line for a few seconds then descended in to the tree line. Seconds later THREE ascended from the tree line where the TWO had landed. 1 flew to where the one disappeared and 1 of the others descended back in to the tree line. The other continued to ascend & descend in to the tree line for about 15 mins. Another sphere then just materialised from thin air to the left of the cooling towers again, then moving to the tree line. We saw 1 vanish and reappear from near the cooling towers to then materialize near the tree line.
I will forward the videos from the night before in a separate email.
I hope to hear from you soon. These sightings are becoming really frequent. I will also forward you a sighting I had from the beginning of the year, that another UFO agency came to the conclusion it MAY have been a drone, lets see what you think too.
Here is the footage from the 1st sighting. Rubbish video on iphone and you cannot zoom on it. The best bit seems to be at the end where there is a part where you can see two of the objects. Sorry the footage is awful!! I will forward the other one too but I don’t know if you will even be able to see anything from it??
I apologise now for any swearing, it was a bizarre sighting!!!!
Video link:
Here is other footage but as you can see most of it is of my shadow as I was just soooo compelled to stare!!
Sorry again – Iphone has a lot to answer for!!! And rugged terrain!!
Here is a link to my Faceook photo album with the rest of my pictures.
Tujunga, California – july /2000
I saw this along time ago but i just cant shake the feeling of actually seeing a bright light i cant explain! my brother woke me up in the middle of the night had to be at least 2 or 3 am and said liz you have studied and followed aliens for years and i said yeah but i am sleeping now. he said well there is one i the sky in the backyard. and to sastify him i said ok i will be there in a minute. so he went back outside and as i was approaching the back door i saw a bright white i mean white light almost neon white and as i exited the back door the light stopped and i looked up and i saw something move away and disappear into the night sky. my brother was pretty spooked but i was excited. so every night since i look up hoping to catch a glimpse of an actual ufo. i know in my heart that we could not just be here and the universe out there and be alone…..
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what the F*@#, The news would never show this due to the freaking comments with every other word being F*#K. just saying.
Be affraid,,,,Very Affraid