Bugarach, France – December 8th
These UFOs were filmed in Bugarach (a town in France). The video was shot in night mode, so the greenish film. The author of the video says that the UFOs were white, red, yellow, green & blue.
Eastside of fallbrook, Ca – Dec 7 approx 9pm
Was in front of my house smoking a cigarette. My yard lit up bright in front of me, i could see my shadow and shadows of trees from behind me. (was like a car was right behind me with the headlighys on) i turned around and seen a bright ball of light goin straight down, then it just disappeared, probably like 30 ft abpve the ground. Scared the hell outta me.
Milan, Italy – december 5th at 14:10h
Hey, just found this one spotted yesterday over milan.
HD video.
647 Morlando Dr, Endicott, NY 13760 – December 4, 2012 approx 7:45 to 8:00 PM
I came around the corner of my home and noticed what appeared to be a fireball crossing the sky from SE to NW moving quite rapidly. I live next to a small airport and thought it was a plane landing until I realized that it looked like it was on fire (glowing yellow/orange). I hurried to the end of the driveway to watch this thing in case it was going to land on someone’s house and cause a fire. As I stood there watching it it suddenly stopped and hovered over the intersection and changed shape. I then went to a neighbor to get someone else to see this and explained what I had witnessed. As we stood there watching this object it abruptly flew directly north and disappeared. This thing was approximately 100 feet off the ground and had no noise to it at all. Has anyone else reported a simular incident. I have no pictures.
Flint, MI – Dec 4,2012 @ 2:30 pm
Kissimmee, Florida – December 4th 2012 6:40pm
Youtube video link:
Sydney nsw malabar headland, Australia – 3rd dec at 3.15am
Cairns nth Queensland, Australia – 2/12/12 2345hrs
Now I’ve Caught something on tape that looks similar to what I saw before.
The quality is not the best, but clearly there is a group of what I beleve to be real Ufo’s passing by In the far distance.
I placed it on youtube, tryed to make the few seconds it lasts interesting:
here’s the link
Red Rock elementry school, Las Vegas, NV 89107 – 1968 11.30 am
there was a tower in the play ground that stood about 15 foot tall from there in those days you could see nelis airforce base runway the ufo fell from the sky much like a leaf falls from a tree. there was 6 or 7 of my 6 grade friend standing on top of this tower that seen this thing land on top of sheep mt.the mt. is around 90 miles from where we where this ship was probably 300 to 1/2mile long it was huge at that time nelis was developing the f111s fighter bombers and they were crashing around the area regularly. it took maybe 15 to 20 min. for the air base which we could see the runway had taxied 6 f 111s up ready to fly we were on recess at the time about a 1/2 hour or 20 minates the base launched one of the fighter bombers the others remained on the run way the fighter flew towards the saucer with its wings back once it reached the ufo the plane fliped its wings out to bomber postion we did not see the ufo shoot or fire on the f111 but all of a sudden the plane was ingulfed in flames it looked like a meteor flying around above the ufo it looked like it was going to kamikazie the thing before it crashed on top of sheep mt busting to pieces right away black helicopters surrounded the plane and landed there where about 4 huey helicopter that started buzzing arounnd the ufo it looked like they where shooting.about that time the teacher came up and told us recess was over we told her what we had saw she saw the plane burning on top of the mt. as we walked over and got into line to go back to class the ufo and the hueys flew behind the mt out of sight that was at 11.30 am when we got back in the classroom a couple of hueys where flying real low to the ground right out side of the school.that was approximently 11.45am there was so many hueys flying around the las vegas valley they dissmissed school for the day when we came outside the class there where 100s of hueys flying in groups of 5 or 6 all over the valley.when i got home and told my mother she said she had seen it on the news and they said that the jet had a dash board fire and the piolit had landed the plne and personly put the fire out himself. i have no idea if he bailed out or not it happened so fast but i know he didnt put the fire out. over the years i have looked for infomation on this event but have been unable to find any.
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