Categories: LUFOS

Report UFO sighting #85

Your UFO reports: 22nd December – 29th December 2012
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !

Old town, Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania – December 28, 2012
At 10:00 PM, in a cloudy sky, there was a small whitesh-yelloish disk shaped, quite small, but visible, with tiny dimed head lights flying across the sky arom point A to point Z in a steaight line, then sunduenly the object disapperas and is on top of me?

I don;t know know what this was, but I have never seen anything like that before in my 47 year life.!!!

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Kaarst, Germany – 28.12.2012 22:35 and 23:22
At night I saw a red light that looked like a sunrise but it was a red ball in the size of a full moon that was floating in the sky. When it appeard a second time I could film with my mobile phone. The red ball suddenly disappeard!

Youtube video link:

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Woods Cross, Utah – 12-25-12 8:45 P.M.(MST)
A friend of my son called him and told him to go outside and look to the North. He then told me and my son, his friend, my wife, and I all went out and saw some sort of an object. It was difficult to judge the distance and altitude of the object. It was a bright white light which appeared to be hovering or floating and would move strangely side to side and up and down. The movement seemed very strange and appeared at time to be turning as the brightness of the light changed from time to time. I know multiple people saw this because we had people calling us and we were calling people all watching it up in the sky at the same time. It remained in about the same spot in the sky for a couple of hours. At one point we drove further North and East to try and help judge the distance and location. At one point while driving it completely disappeared from sight only to re-appear farther West than it was before. As we were returning home it was there again in about the same location as we initially saw it.

All i know is that it was very strange.

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Acacia St. corner to Mimosa St.,San Juan, Puerto Rico – Dec.25th/12:10 A.M.
Between 12:05 until 12:10 A.M., December 25th, 2012, a group of people standing beside a swimming pool and suddenly we saw a line of orange lights coming from the East. We got to see 9 or ten of the same shape, brightness and speed of those things. They were so near to each other that we realize that it weren’t small aircraft or helicopters. All objects except the last one flew the same path. They were flying toward us and when turned left the bright orange light faced North. It was a line of lights that appeared in two groups. We were so fascinated that did not think about filming the event with a cell phone.

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Gatineau, Quebec Canada – December 25 at approx 7:30 pm
This photo was taken December 25 at approx 7:30 pm, in Gatineau, Quebec Canada My son believes its a trick of the camera however I am not so sure. We were trying to get photos of Jupietr at the tme. Any ideas?

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Click Read more to read the full post with all the UFO reports!

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Kihei, lokelani intermediate school, Hawaii – 850pm 12 24 12
Saw a fire like object by the orange pulsating moving rather slow. In the course of a minute 30 it moved ascending from safeway to the sewage treatment plant untill it faded and disappeared in to the voggy cloud line. I only noticed this object whens it was by safeway so i dont know were is derived from. Would be curious if anyone else but me my wife and 6 other people at this gathering saw it. After posting on facebook someone replied it could have been a japanese lantern….. i dunno

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Columbia, TN – 12/24/2012 9PM
I was outside last night approximately 9PM viewing a low-level fog that was rolling in from the creek that surrounds my property in the countryside, where my house sits on top of a hill. I wanted to take some photos with my phone as the fog was so unique. After shooting several different shots I went inside to load them to my computer. While viewing them I noticed a tiny red dot in the center of one. When I zoomed in I saw a craft that had a row of individual red lights around the bottom with two red lights on top (and NO, it wasn’t Santa and his reindeer in anticipation of those remarks). Take a look.

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Gilbert, Arizona – 12/24/12 7:30pm
My Girlfriend and I were driving to a family Christmas eve party south on Country club drive in Gilbert/Chandler Arizona.
There was hardly any traffic out. It was around 7:30pm when I stopped between the intersection of Guadalupe and counter club when I notice about 6 to 10 glowing
orange like fireballs in the sky. I then immediately parked at Island Elementary and took some photos from my cell phone. I managed to capture video of this too.
I’m sure what it was, these lights were going on and off. I thought they were lanterns or flairs but could have also been jet propulsion engines burning, who knows? From what we saw they were certainly UFO’s.



Phoenix, Arizona – December 24th 2012 7:55pm
Moved from South and appeared to curve to the East then disappeared. SE Phoenix, Arizona December 24th, 2012 @ 7:55PM

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Fresno, California – 7.35pm 12/24/12
silent object heading east from north direction. partial over cast calm night. craft was seen very bright changed direction then vanished. NO blinking lights object was red and bright went behind tree and when i tried to look for it it turned in to a small white dot then vanished HERE IS THE UFO I FILMED ON XMAS EVE. it was big and bright red then it changed to white. then it went behind tree and the white light got smaller until this object vanished. i was telling some people to look at it, thats when it vanished lol.. that figures

Youtube video link:

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Crivitz, Wisconsin – December 23, 2012
this video is a little short, but it seems legit. more orbs. this time in Crivitz, Wisconsin on the 23rd of December.
it was uploaded by rawakefi.
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Grapevine, Texas – 12/23/12 3;20PM
I saw a strange object in sky….and pointed it out to my sister. I took the pics with phone camera. Then we see 2 fighter jets take off from Carswell AFB…chasing it and also a very large plane not a normal airliner. It was very strange indeed.


Lake Elsinore, CA – 8:30 pm on 12/21/2012
On Friday 02/21/12 at approximately 8:30pm my son who was home from college for the holiday, went out to his car to get his laundry, and a new neighbor who had been walking her dog pointed out some odd lights in the sky… He came back into the house and told me about the lights and I thought he was probably looking at a helicopter or an airplane, but I went out to take a look with him and here is what we saw. There were at least 4 objects in the night sky out over the hills north of where we live. Each object consisted of 3 circular lights (2 blue spheres & 1 red sphere)in a triangular pattern. From time to time there was thin oblong green or gold light that would seperate the blue from the red just before one of the objects would dart off or disappear. I had served in the U.S. Air Force and had seen many, many types of aircraft and these objects moved in a way I had never seen before. They not only rotated, but moved up, down, sideways, diagonally, in circles, etc and like I said, did so in a way that was unlike any aircraft I had ever seen. One second they looked to be hovering and a split second one of them would shoot off in one direction or another and be, in my estimation miles away from the others and then go back to where the other objects were or they would disappear altogether and then seemingly reappear a moment later. There was no sound and no clouds in that part of the sky. This went on for a good 10 minutes or more; and the neighbor who pointed the lights out in the first place along with her friend who was over helping her move in, my mother, my son and I all stood out in my front yard and watched them. My son used his cell phone and caught about 12 seconds of what we saw. I don’t know what we saw, but it was definitely something I could not identify. I have always been a skeptic about UFOs but I can’t explain what we saw?

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Lincoln county, Georgia – december 21,22 2012 5:00 am
I have been seeing a very bright ball and at times up to 3 of these objests. They are clearly hovering up and down and are moving. The balls of light usually stay around 5 miles away or so. But these nights they were very very close, to the point i was shaking and was in total fear. In no way were these objects stars or flying toys. They were no more than 200 feet above ground and a mile away. i am in a very secluded wooded area and it was very visible. this has been going on for some months now. But never this close. i noticed two cars on the highway had stopped and apparently in shock as well. please if anyone in lincoln county ga specifically highway 44 and 79…comment on anything you are seeing as well. i will have pictures and video available soon

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UFO – Ganado, Texas – 20-Dec-2012

A customer claims as he was working in Ganado, Texas on around the week of December 20, 2012; he saw & took a picture of a Strange Object that looked like a UFO. Look for yourself.

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Fresno, Ca – 12/10/2012, 8:40 P:M
Since I first uploaded the original video, I have been trying to find a way to be able to zoom in and share what these things really look like, and finally I got it, this clip shows pics and the original video up close with me explaining how and what I am doing on the screen, no tricks, as a matter of fact anyone can download the original clip and do it themselves, enjoy.

Youtube video link:



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Dakar Rally – December 2012
This is a video of pre-event promo and testing before the Dakar Rally, starting Jan 5. At the 51 sec, there is a motor bike jumping a dune in slow motion, and a few second later there is what appears to be a puff of smoke coming out of the bike, well that’s what i thought at first but after watching it several time, it’s very different than a puff of smoke, and it changes direction
in the upper right corner. Please have a look and let me know what you think.


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Field near Oudrup, Denmark – 23:45 PM, 2nd of December 2012
Bright circular object with a diameter of about 10 meter spotted hovering over a field in Nordjylland. It was hovering about 30 seconds and then taking off.

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Vanderbyl Highway – 25-10-2012 16h00

it was raining and i was taking a photo of the clouds and when i got home and looked at the pic i saw something and zoomed in i saw THIS

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Mediterranean – 2012
The Centro Ufologico Mediterraneo (C.UFO.M.), with headquarters in Italy, has posted on its youtube channel, ( CUFOMCHANNEL, a video about the many UFO sightings investigated by the Center during 2012. CUFOM ufologists have been considerably impressed by the great number of sightingsoccurred this year. The video has been prepared by the CUFOM president, Angelo Carannante, and a team of researchers; it consists of photos and clips and it is also possible to watch it on our website, sito, where you will also find two previews of sightings not yet made public. During 2012 UFO investigated by CUFOM took place not only in Italy, but also in Malta and New York. We hope that 2013 will be exciting and interesting as the last one.
The President of the Centro Ufologico Mediterraneo (CUFOM)
Dr. Angelo Carannante

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