The Battle of LA, Roswell, and Rendlesham Forest—real UFOs or secret experiments? Explore the theories… Read More
Was the Area 51 caller on Art Bell’s show a real whistleblower or a hoax?… Read More
Richard Dolan uncovers USO hotspots, military encounters, and theories on mysterious objects emerging from our… Read More
Dr. Steven Greer accuses Luis Elizondo of spreading UFO disinformation to push a hidden agenda.… Read More
Did the U.S. take alien bodies from Brazil? Explore James Fox’s documentary revealing UFO secrets… Read More
The Pentagon investigates Jake Barber’s claims on UFO tech recovery, raising questions about transparency and… Read More
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sigh/////<br /><br />why even bother with this crap.
Seems as though Mr. anonymous doesn't know why.<br />Might be a bug watcher or tree hugger instead.<br />Why would we not want to know our origin is also a good question. I still not sure Darwin had it right either. Thanks lou. Did you see the other two zipping cross the screen? PROSPECTOR.
seems as though mr anonymous gets all exited about a light in the sky.<br /><br />small things amuse small minds.<br /><br />might be a a retard of recovering from severe head trauma, either way.. this has nothing to do with discovering answers as to our origins.. <br /><br />its a light, get over it.
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im bothering to comment janet, because i was enticed here in the hope of seeing something interesting, instead all i see is another inconclusive video of an unspectacular light..<br /><br />yaaawwnnn.<br /><br />im so sorry if my criticism displeases you.. not.<br />
so they travel here just to act like a tennis ball clever aliens ????
This is spy armada from the sky lead by Lieutenant General Isa Alaihisallam (Jesus) son of Mary, will be coming to conquer the earth (Armageddon War)..Allah give to all Jewish and Christians enough time!..enough is enough! To all my brothers and sister!! please come back to ISLAM!!!! only ISLAM the truth religion!
This and many other posts prove just how far the quality of posters has fallen in the last 18 months.
theres only one god and its not in an old book its inside u should be called is lame or is limp 77 virgins thats like god thinking with his penis
Anyone who does not understand the importance of this video should spend some time viewing all videos found on the same YouTube channel. Infinite number of flying objects over Earth, all invisible to the naked eye.
or not...
Looks like a satellite as it's travelling too slow.
its people like you that keep us primative cant think out side the square so can any of you desproof it ah??? its a big never ending universe you people still need a goverment to tell you how to run your own lives cause you cant think for yourselfs and u say theres no live any where eles get abrain
how can people be so damn @@@#@.if anything is out there we as people will know.damn the government when it comes to something like that.they outh to take them {Fers} away.