Categories: AliensN. America

A Man Reported His Grey Alien Encounter To Mutual UFO Network

A man from Riverside County, California claimed to have seen 15 dark gray entities, around 3-4 feet in height after he woke up. This strange report was filed in Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database of reported out of this world experience on April 21, 2013.
He said that he was sleeping in his bedroom when he felt something or someone was looking at him. He claimed that his room had lights left open, so he can clearly see everything around the room. As he opened his eyes, he saw 3-4 feet, dark grey entities at the side of his bed.
The witness said that one looked malevolent which was doing a one-handed stand, the other one was just sitting on the floor. The others were standing looking at the witness and looked scared just like the witness felt on them during that moment.
The witness described that the entities had humanoid bodies and very slim with proportional bodies and heads. It seemed that they did not have noses and mouths because their faces were flat. The witness did not see any genitals. Their eyes were very dark.
The witness said that he ran outside and went to his daughter’s room. He decided to check the entities after two minutes on his room but they were gone.
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  • After first reading about abductions and the descriptions of "Greys" I have been haunted by a story a girl at school told me when we were about 10, long before publicity about aliens etc and we had no knowledge or interest in UFOS. She told me she was afraid of a strange looking person with big black eyes who came into her room one night and I realized years later that she had perfectly

  • eerie stuff why didnt they try too subdue him or maybe they were returning him ? maybe it was a dream ?

  • If they "look" malevolent, that's your subconscious telling you that they are. Listen to it. Many believe that they seek to blend with us to create a better them (not a better us) because they can no longer procreate other than cloning. That means they will want our planet, too.

  • I would like to know the mans age. Near Riverside around the Mormon Rocks, there have been unusual sighting for years. One of the strangest sightings, abductions was the Hopkensville Kentucky that were "little green men jumping around fast" --

  • In that area some years ago, may be 20 years a "thing" passed over from the southern hemisphere and passed Riverside, San Bernardino then went up to Washington and then up past Alaska. In the atmosphere and not burning but making a loud noise and looking like a rocket. Over one million people saw this, I was one along with my friends 12 of them. It left the atmosphere and in the

  • It´s possible this man has had this experience, but always at night. Here in Argentina these cases are called VISITANTES DE DORMITORIOS and are comun, in some cases a person could be abducted from the bedroom and take by aliens to the ufo.

  • everyone who is interested in alien abductions needs to read Stan Romanek's books, i highly recommend them.

  • its obvious that our grey skinned friends are just as frightened by us as we are of them perhaps they think we'll attack them because we are so much taller and perhaps maybe stronge physically stronger.

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