Major Jesse Marcel exposed the Roswell cover-up, revealing strange, unbreakable debris. Was it extraterrestrial? Uncover… Read More
Nick Pope reveals shocking UFO secrets, government cover-ups, and the potential reality of alien contact.… Read More
The Battle of LA, Roswell, and Rendlesham Forest—real UFOs or secret experiments? Explore the theories… Read More
Was the Area 51 caller on Art Bell’s show a real whistleblower or a hoax?… Read More
Richard Dolan uncovers USO hotspots, military encounters, and theories on mysterious objects emerging from our… Read More
Dr. Steven Greer accuses Luis Elizondo of spreading UFO disinformation to push a hidden agenda.… Read More
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this is just sad, the government considering it a waste of time to take increasing ufo sightings seriously. by the way, :47 is the Pleiades constellation coming into view! lets see, our government has no interest in money for health care and hospitals, education, help for the homeless and this ufo subject. what's next?
i agree with anonymous comment so matter of fact & true power to you my ufo friend
I'm an amateur astronomer and have had some interest in UFOs for a few years. I'm crowding 60 and I'd like to make the following points;<br /><br />1. We have more to fear from ourselves than them. One person is intelligent, the masses are irrational and panic easy. Unfortuantle the mass rules. If the aliens sre that advanced I'm sure we'd be humberger by now if they wished.<
Yeah, who cares about beings not from this Earth anyway, we have other things to think about, like making money for instance, because then if anything happens we could always bribe them right? Brilliant!
Canada has not given up. If you believe that you will not ask questions. But they are stumped.
Canada does not need to worry. I'm sure the nations she's friendly with have shared at least some of their secrets. Makes sense to me as Canada has been military test area for years. I'm really sorry if you don't believe me but it's true and much of it is public knowledge.
I think some people just come on here to click on 'fake' for the sake of it !