Categories: LUFOS

Report UFO sighting #98

Your UFO reports: 23rd March – 30th March 2013
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !

Yuba City, California – 3-31-13 8:14pm
I went outside to smoke a cigarett,took twwo drags looking north and one glowing orange light apeared traveling to me then verd east,then a second then a third then a forth.yelled at my wife seen naighbors across way looking.THen the forth one shut off its light and you could see the disc shaped object better with it dark.The last one with no lights went southeast the others seemed east bound.My wife got camerea video of it but it did not do it justice.
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Santiago, Chile – 31-Mar-2013
UFO Sighting During Government Flight Test Above Chile – FindingUFO [HD]

FindingUFO Team
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Miami, Fl(Westside of North Miami) – March 29,2013 10:20pm EST

I walked outside my house to go pick up my bestfriend when I said an red/yellow flashing item in the sky. First I thought it was an asteroid and watched to see if it was flying downward but it flew east, stopped, flew west and stayed for a minute. I got to take a picture but it look like an orange ball in the picture. I should’ve recorded it but I was scared so I got in my car and was driving, ended up driving under it and when I looked back I couldn’t see it because of the trees around my neighborhood so I drove all the way around and went back on the backstreet where my house was and I saw two this time. They were about 25 feet apart and just sitting there. Then they both moved in sequence for a minute and stopped. I called my bestfriend and told her what I saw “of course she didn’t believe me” so I rushed to her house which was about 5-8 mins away. When I picked her up, we drove on the mainstreet and saw both but one was just a little above the trees and the other one was in the sky but not that high(if there was an 15 story building, those on the 10-11 floor will see it right by their window), so we turned on the backstreet and the 1st one was no where to be found. We saw the 2nd and we was driving towards it so she can see it up close as I did before and we were almost close to it when it zipped away. just like that, we saw it then we didn’t.

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Gainsvile, Florida – 3/29/13 830pm-900pm
Last night a small group of Us watched as seven or eight red ufos surounded by red luminisent looking flames flying very low over our heads under aparent inteligent control. The flew silent single file from the north west to south east. A few stoping to pause for a moment. They then began one by one to arrange them selves in the south eastern sky forming a patern shape or symbol. As more continued to join the formation they all paused stationary for a few minits. Then they all slowly broke formation and began to fly south east again. Finally they all vanished one by one. IT was a clear night and they seemed to dissapear or become invisible. They did not fly far out of sight or behind clouds. IT seems to me they wanted to be seen and make them selves known. They are similar to the white light orbs but with an aura like flames around them. Seen near University and main street in gainsvile florida.

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Yonkers, NY Over the Hudson River near Buena Vista Ave. – 3/28/13

The formation of those UFOs seem oddly similar to ones I’ve seen flying over the Hudson River by Yonkers, NY on the 29th of March. It was around 6-7 p.m., that I was standing on the emergency exit platform on the 3rd floor of my home, I saw two obsidian obelisk-shaped UFO’s flying at high speeds from the direction of the George Washington Bridge over the Hudson River in a northeast flight path. It disappeared behind a large factory building where the two flew behind and never came out the other end. What caught my attention about the pic is the weird side-by-side parallel formation they’re in.. The same formation the UFOs I’ve seen were in. Unfortunately, there’s no visible shape in the Battle Ground picture of the UFOs.Which maybe due to the darkness of the night sky. Here’s a depiction of what I believe they may look like during broad daylight.
Oh and the ones I saw were silent as well and they flew across horizontally from my point of view so I honestly did not see the lights under them. Creepy stuff..

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Middle Tennessee, North – 03/28/13 06:40 am
This morning, Thursday, March 28, 2013, before day break, the sky was gray with a dense,smooth cloud cover, no breaks in the clouds. I walked to my car and a bright ball of light caught my eye. The ball was the size of a mid size car. It “peeked” in and out of the cloud cover 4 times. Then, all of a sudden I could see the outline of a triangle with curved tips and it had a light at each tip. I was seeing this thru the clouds (like a sheet in front of lights). The thing was huge!! If it would have came down to ground level it would have covered a huge parking lot! It moved very slowly from right to left and turned. Sorry to say I was frozen, no pics or film. I could not move and kept blinking. No, not crazy but I saw the biggest UFO craft! When I opened up it is EXACTLY like the one in the picture that is a black triangle with the lights only the one I saw only had three, one in each tip. It just slowly faded back into the clouds and at no time did I hear any noise whatsoever! This was way away from the flight paths too, they are way over to the East and can view every plane coming into and from BNA.
This was so awesome and scary at the same time! You know I will be checking everyday now for a repeater!! Look up folks, they are there!

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Southern Corbin, Kentucky – 3-27-13 7:20am
i was on my way way to school, i was on the bus, as i looked out my window i saw a flash of redish white in the sky. i jump to the other side and watch the ufo fly off. im convinced it wasnt a helicopter or plane because it was only the size of a littler car ( estimate) and it deffinatly wasnt a bloon for it was going to fast.

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Bathurst NSW, Australia – 27/3/13 at 9pm
Took this photo of a beautiful full moon above a lamp post while walking downstairs to the car park after work. Didn’t see anything strange but this photo is showing something very suspicious above the moon.

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Sweden – 2012
Flying saucer flying over heads during Grand Cherokee Jeep test.
Check where the original video comes from and you’ll notice this is 100% real footage!

Youtube video link:

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St Mary’s lighthouse Whitley Bay Tyne and Wear, UK – 16/10/08 12.00
I took these shots of my dog and only when I downloaded pics on pc that I noticed the round silver object near the lighthouse this was back in oct 2008, in one shot its stationary and another shot it looks like its moving as its blurred all pics had the same settings 1/160 sec at f/8.0 iso 200 focal length 43.0mm using a canon 350d 18-55mm lens till this day I can’t explain what it is in the photo hope you can help I also included a photo I have adjusted contrast and levels which brings out the shape better


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  • alan/ i have photos of that exact silver ball object over the hudson river nyc. it was there and in a moment gone. i never saw it leave, just disappeared.

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