Categories: DocumentariesUFO News

Sirius – Dr. Steven Greer, UFO’s, Extraterrestrials, Alternative Energy *RELEASED*

On Earth day, April 22, the documentary “Sirius” will be released by Dr. Steven Greer and Neverending Light Productions. Expecting to reveal a global truth. It is time for you to know!

A Documentary Film About UFO Will Feature Extraterrestrial Biological Entity

A documentary film on claims about UFOs sets to premiere soon and promises to offer proof of aliens such as a scientific presentation of a recovered alien body.

The first showing of the film will be on April 22 having a title “Sirius” which will feature claims from well-known UFO researcher, Steven Greer, who has been spending many years researching about UFOs and getting evidence about US cover-ups of the existence of extra-terrestrial life.

Although SETI fail to give solid evidence on the existence of alien life, Greer asked his donors for more funds for the comprehensive scientific testing of Extraterrestrial Biological Entity (EBE) that has been recovered dead.

This EBE alien being is reportedly very cute with only about half a foot long. It was reported that the dead EBE was not recovered in popular alien places such as Area 51 or Roswell, New Mexico but from Atacama Desert in Chile many years ago.

Greer said that with more funds, they might include the scientific testing of a possible EBE including MRI testing, DNA testing and isotope testing.

This description of the possible EBE raises several questions and among them are:

· Why the alien spacecraft is describe as big if the alien is apparently just half a foot?

· Why the news about this surface just now if it is true that the alien body was found years ago in a South American desert?

· Why it was not making a big news?

· Why scientific tests were not done years ago?

· Why this entire thing is being brought up when Greer is making an effort to raise funds to complete a movie?

Documentary about alien featuring an alien autopsy was already done in 1995 and broadcasted by Fox network titled “Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction.”

All the questions about Sirius and the existence of alien life will be answered when the film premieres.

Here’s a theatrical trailer:


This great documentary was just released yesterday. You can download it here!

Here are two previews:

“Change Doesn’t Come Easy” – an exclusive clip from SIRIUS featuring Dr. Steven Greer

“Absolute Proof” – an exclusive clip from SIRIUS

Yekra Player
Yekra is a revolutionary new distribution network for feature films.

“Sirius” is a feature length documentary that follows Dr. Steven Greer – an Emergency Medicine doctor turned UFO/ New Energy researcher – as he struggles to disclose top secret information about classified energy & propulsion techniques. Along the way, Dr. Greer investigates new technology and sheds light on criminal suppression. He accumulates over 100 Government, Military, and Intelligence Community witnesses who testify on record about their first-hand experiences with UFOs and with the cover-up.
In the course of his research Dr. Greer is asked to look at an amazing find: a humanoid specimen, 6 inches long from the Atacama Desert. Not until 2012 was he given permission to take bone samples and DNA from the specimen. At that same time a pre-eminent geneticist, hearing of this find, offered to do DNA testing. He enlisted an MD from the same university,- world renowned for his work with skeletal anomalies, to view the x-rays and CT scans. Their expertise along with Dr. Greer’s expansive knowledge of the subject bring more questions than answers. Where did this “Atacama Humanoid” come from? Are there others like it? What does it say about the origin of the human species?
While on this odyssey, the audience gains a whole new perspective on technology, human evolution, and clandestine organizations who have manipulated and controlled the public for centuries.

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  • looks like an excellent upcoming documentary. and a good title. SIRIUS (serious!) hope it comes here.

    • you could write to Neverending Light Productions, like it says up there,to see. it also says in the clip that it's coming to theaters and online.

  • Don't trust Greer, people. He is a cheerleader for the Reptilian ETs...has been for a long time. He's not looking out for the best interest of earth humans.

    • Just through watching the trailer you could tell something wasn't right? How do you know what's right and what isn't? I don't trust you anymore than I trust Greer. I think I'll watch the movie first and then decide. Idiots.

  • The only people who really believe that we are the only lifeform in existance,are the people who continue to deny it.IF you say something often enough,long enough,loud could actually fool yourself into belief.Anyhow,as my grandmother used to say;"Mark,if you keep making that goofy'll get stuck that way!"I know better,now,that just because it don't bite yer

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