Categories: LUFOS

Report UFO sighting #114

Your UFO reports: 13th July – 20th July 2013
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !
Zurich, Switzerland – 20.07.2013 10:25 pm
Yesterday evening I had with six other witnesses a fascinating UFO sighting in front of my balcony in Zurich, Switzerland. The sighting lasted about 20 minutes. I have now put the film on Youtube

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Bell Gardens, CA – July 19, 2013 around 9:25pm
I cant believe that now im one of those people you see on TV talking about UFOs but here i am.

I was in my backyard in Bell Gardens, CA 90201 (LA County) enjoying a cool summer night when i noticed an orange orb in the sky moving slowly north towards downtown LA from Long Beach. I live under the landing pattern for LAX so i didnt think much else about it. I continued doing whatever it was i was doing when i looked up and it was still there. At this point there are 2 jets going directly over me on decent. I thought to myself that its weird that ball is there it almost looks like one of the jets was going to hit it when it moved over right and hovered as the jet went by. The ball was orange and glowing kind of…it wasnt a steady lighf yet it didnt appear to have any rhythm to it. Thats when i saw red and blue lights in the form of a triangle underneath it flash twice. I yelled for my step daughter to come outside. She did and saw it slowly hovering. Then it descended about 300-500ft (hard to tell exactly) and the red and blue lights lit up again. There was low cloud cover so all of the city lights made the sky appear pinkish and when it descended you could clearly and I mean clearly see a black triangular shaped hovering object. I looked at my step daughter amd before i could say anything she said “Did you just see what i did?” Where i replied “My brain will not allow me to believe what my eyes just showed it!” She ran into grab my camera and as she did it slowly disappeared into the night.

I know how this sounds…trust me im still having a time with it. But to further add to my suspicion, right after that all of the planes stopped flying over my house. A couple of minutes later 2 military jets were circling the same area where we had just seen the UFO. They continued makung passes for about 5 minutes then left. A few minutes after that the jets started landing again.
Now as I said before, jets fly over my house 24 hours a day. What i saw Friday night was no jet. The ball was too big and it did not seem to be a steady nor a flashing light.
Sorry i dont have pictures but if anyone was able to get some id love to talk to you!

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Melbourne, Australia – 5.30pm 18/07/2013
Hovered for 5 min then disappears

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Sunshine North, Australia – 17/7/13 10.45pm
while walking my dog I decided to video a plane flying past about 10.45pm 17/7/13 towards the east from Sunshine North in Victoria.

When I replayed it, I noticed something else zipping past the aeroplane in the video,don’t know what that was.

Youtube video link:

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Costa Mesa, California – 7-16-13, 5:52 AM
I was up after watching a great iss flyover wich was about 5:12am.i thought i would snap off a bunch of photos of the backyard afterwards using my canon sd1200is, in manual mode, with a delayed flash. So after i was done i noticed a object in the sky on one of the photos. After zooming in on the object, a neon looking bird, i noticed it was flying to a waiting friend(pic#2)who was there first(pic#1).in pic#3 they met up and flew off together pic #4.i took 12 pictures in the same minute to give you an idea of there speed. The timestamp is off by one hour as i didnt have daylight savings switched on or change the time on the camera. I didnt see the objects with my eye however i was just snapping pretty quick. These are original photos and i dont know if they are ufos aliens or entities but they move and seem to communicate with each other. I hope to catch one soon with my butterfly net, ha ha.



Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada – July 15th, 2013 at 9:30 PM
I was with my friend working on his son’s bicycle. We had stopped because it was getting a little dark to work, but the night sky was a beautiful blue color. We looked up to the west and saw an object coming in very high up, certainly a few kilometers it seemed. There were bright red lights, like eyes glowing like heat of hot burning coals, attached to a small black object. We had both never seen anything like this before. At first we thought it was a plane circling to land at PEARSON International Airport in Toronto, as this is a normal flight path when the wind is from the west. But no it just started to descend slowly down.

My friend took out his phone to take a video but then the lights went out, and the evening sky was too dark to take a video.

The black oject came down slower and slower, and grew in size. It was almost floating you could say. You could see the shape taking form as it appeared to be almost “baseball diamond shape”. We followed it down past the roof tops of the surrounding house as it seemed to land North of about 3 to 4 Kilometers from Elgin Mills, just west of Yonge Street in northern Richmond Hill.

I would like to know if anybody else was looking at the wonderful sky that evening.

My friend drove off in his car to locate the landing zone. But called me back with no success.

Please let me know and God Bless.

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Portland, OR – 7/15/13 9:40- 10:04PM
I was at home on my computer and felt compelled to go do some sky watching since it was such a beautiful clear night. So I walked down to this abandon school near by that had a field that was right for viewing. When I got there at 9:40pm (when I took the first pic) I noticed what I thought was a very bright star in the sky and I took a pic. It was dusk and there were not yet any other stars visible. After taking the pic I went and sat down facing the direction of the “star”. I live in SE Portland and was facing downtown or west. When I sat down some near by power lines lined up with my view of this star. After sitting there for a couple minutes I noticed that the star was moving relative to the power lines in the foreground. Within the short amount of time I was sitting there it had dropped below one of the power lines. As I continued to watch I realized that it was moving very slowly away from me to the west to fast to be a star as I took note of the growing number of visible stars overhead and they were fixed in place compared to this object. And moving to slowly to be a plane, which I saw many flying by at the time (PDX airport is very close by)I did think that it might be a planes head lights but the plane would have to of been flying slowly backwards and there were no flashing red or green wing lights. It was solid white in color. There was a 24min period from the time I first saw it until it disappeared over the horizon to the west.

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Wauwatosa, WI – 7/12/13 5:25pm
My sister and I had been sitting outside in front of the house talking for a while, I went into the house to get something to drink and feed the dog. When I returned she was looking up in the sky to the north of us with a confused look on her face. I asked what was wrong and she pointed out what she thought was a balloon and said she had been watching it and was waiting for it to pop. When I looked up, I saw a white orb with blurry edges, the sky immediately around the orb looked pixelated, like it was emitting some sort of energy from it. The orb slowly ascended, then hovered in the same spot for about three minutes and all of the sudden shot off to the east towards downtown Milwaukee and Lake Michigan. It was amazing…I have never seen anything like it.
p.s. The black dot in the upper right is a water spot on my camera lens.


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Melbourne city viewed from Taylors Hill, Australia – 10-11 July 2013
ORB UFOs spotted over the skies of Melbourne heading northerly. peak number of sightings between 6-7pm.
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Claysburg, Pennsylvania – July 1st 2013 6:15 pm

I love to take picture’s of the cloud’s. When I took this picture I did not see the little black dot in the picture at about 12 o’clock. If you zoom in on the dot it appear’s to be some kind of craft. I thought maybe someone could look at it and tell me what it is.

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Opgrimbie, Belgium – 16th June 2013 11:30PM
I was watching out my window and I saw a light(color like streetlights) that wasn’t usually there, it appeared to be surrounded by some stuff but that might just be the clouds. The light was too bright(it pretty much was a bit brighter than the streetlights) to be the moon, at first it didn’t seem to be moving but over the course of 10-20 minutes it slowly moved out of sight.

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Salt Lake City, Utah – 14/06/2013
A man records a UFO his neigbours notified him about which was hovering low in the skies above Salt Lake City, the object appears to be a solid steady light which is to the left of the moon in the video. So what do you think of this sighting?

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Come, Perth wa Australia – 3:00am early 2013 exact date Unknown
early on a late summers day i was woken by a strange light when i looked out the window there was a UFO it looked like a oval inside a square. there are no photos all i know it was in the direction of kings park, Perth Wa Australia

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  • dragonflies or nighttime-type bugs, depending on where you live. i'm sure california has many nocturnal creatures.

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