Place: Iedoun / City: Irbid: / Country: Jordan – 12:40 AM (GMT +3), 8/4/2013 (MM/DD/Y)
Today, me and my friend we were sitting on the the roof of 5 floors building and then i noticed 3 red objects moving slowly in the sky far away and they were moving slowly (definitely not a helicopters due to the height and not a flankers because they were moving towards the sky in slow way and in strange way, you can see the attached photo ‘Exponential.png’ for the exponential equation graph because illustrates the way they were moving towards the sky) towards the sky.
We didn’t have any professional camera that moment so we took 2 photos via my friends iPhone.
I edited one of the photos to highlights the UFOs in the sky, you can see the attached photo ‘UFO.jpg’.
Note: i was in Iraq during the 3rd Gulf war in 2003 and i’ve seen different types of aircrafts (military and civil).
I used my nickname because i work in university as instructor and people in the Middle East are pretty judgmental and don’t accept the concept of UFOs.
Meyers Lake Canton, Ohio – 8/3/13 approx 10Pm
While sitting with friend on porch a orange orb approached from the east heading west changed dirction to south ascended out of sight.No noise associated with it. Approx 15 min later appeared again ecactly as previously stated. June Of 2011 we witnessed similar evet though at that time there were five orbs.. This time we snappef a pic with cellphone!
Orange County, CA. – August 2 2013, 10:30 pm
Video link:
Antwerp, Belgium – august 1st 2013
I saw at least 3 of these bright oranhe orbs, managed to film 2 of them.
This is one of the three i saw, i also zoom out so you can see the streetlights and know that it’s flying and not just some orange light captured in the dark.
This was filmed last night, august 1st 2013 around 1 O’clock
Liberty Hill, Texas – 8/1/2013 10:20 pm
I was watching the stars, laying on my trampoline. Most stars are about the size of a pin hole. Suddenly a big flash of light, about the size of a quarter in comparison to the pin hole sized stars showed up. It was so fast I almost tried to convince myself that it didn’t just happen. It was like a flash light turned on and off quickly. But it was a very distinct flash of light- the edges were not lighter than the center- the entire circle was full of bright light. I am wondering if you know what this could be.
Chicago, IL (South Loop) – 8/1/2013
Around 9 PM, I looked out my window (which faces toward Lake Michigan) and saw a bright, flickering orb over Lake Michigan. It must’ve been close to one of the Michigan harbors, if not right over it (I often see large transport boats go back and forth from this port). It flickered green/red/white/yellow for about 5 minutes, didn’t move at all. And then it just sort of quickly dimmed down to a tiny point and then was gone. Shortly after, a lot of planes began flying around the area (not the commercial planes flying into O’Hare). Was just curious if anyone else got a closer look or know what that was.
South Venice, Florida – 8-1-13 Friday Night at almost exactly midnight
I was smoking a cigarette with a friend of mine outside his south venice home when we both heard a loud engine sound. when we realized that we were both hearing it and it was also not stopping, actually getting louder, we tryed to figure out where it was comming from. The sound kept intensifying and we thought it was a place making a very low landing at our towns small airport. But when we looked around we couldnt spot any aircrafts in the sky, we had a clear view of the sky with no trees blocking our view. When the sound started to reverberate, with a feeling of that like a lightning strike, we realized that it was comming from a very small light in the sky, airplane lights from a very high altitude. Compared to other night flying plane lights that i have seen, it was clear that it was very far awya. What really suprized us what the speed at which this light was moving across the horizon. We noticed after it flew over us that the sound started to disipate and die down, even after we could no longer see it. The sound lasted for 4 to 5 minutes. I have lived in the area for almost a decade and have never experienced a sound like this before.
The light was moving north from the south.
The sound was like a vroomvroom, vroomvroom, sounded like a machine, also like a very loud hum. As i mentioned before it was clear that the plane was very far away from us and just does not make sence for it to have been so loud.
I dont think that this could have been a UFO, but it does lie within the realm of possiblility. It could have been some sort of experimental aircraft because it was obviously moving at a very great speed.
Did anybody else in the area hear it?
Gravesend, Kent, UK – 1st August2013 – 2205 hrs
I was sitting in my garden on the night of 1st August 2013 when I noticed a bright orange – red object approaching from a southerly direction. It appeared to be emitting five/six beams of orange shafts of light in an outward and downward direction from it’s main body.
The object passed directly overhead and was in my view for approximately 20 seconds. It was completely silent and did not ressemble a conventional aircraft.
It appeared to be travelling at very fast speed although it was hard to estimate it’s height.
I am sure the object must have been observed by others as it was so bright.
Slidell, LA – Jul 31, 2013, 8:40 pm
3 separate orangish, red flying objects making no noise, dimming and brighting. Looked liked huge flares.
Moving fast and cut lights off and contiued flying in darkness. Could not identify the crafts.
Ripley, Derbyshire, UK – 31/07/13 03,05
I got up at my usual time of 03.00 and went to turn on the tv which was a window at the back of it, as I bent down I saw the crescent moon so took a quick look at it. As I was looking I noticed a very big and very, very bright star. It immediately made me look closer through the window and then I realised it was moving east/north east. I ran outside to see the big bright star like object heading to the right hand side of the moon but looked lower around the height of a high plane at 30,000 feet or more. It had speed-ed up from when I first saw it through the window when it was moving at a steady 500 mph or there a bouts. As I watched from my yard, the object sped up until all of a sudden it took off and within two seconds you could see the object go to a tiny dot and then gone. The speed this must have taken was above anything possible that I could imagine.
I have no idea what it was and have since looked up where the ISS was at the time, but it was no where near the path I saw, so what was it? Ive no idea but it was amazing.
La Habra, Ca. 90631 – 7/30/13 about 10pm
was doing my usual 930 to10pm star gazing and satallite counts when a very bright tringle of 3 lights went directly over my head. Not nearly up as high as satallites, it was still up a long way. Never have i had anything like this happen. Scared me real good. Ran in and yelled at wife to come quick. That was it, one minute later and nothing moving. These were moving due north from due south. Most satallites do the same between 9 and 10 pm nightly.
Penarth, Wales, UK – 30/07/2013 22.20pm
a large bright orange orb about 6000ft up travelling about 800 mph travelling from west to east anyone see it as my wife and i very confused.
Des Moines U.S – 30th July 2013
Des Moines is the latest town in the U.S thats had a UFO appearence, one of many, and this footage taken in the early hours of the morning shows a group of bright lights flying in formation over the city. Sources discription: Just about 9 pm on July 30th 2013 I spotted couple of stationary lights over East Des Moines, IA. Thinking nothing about it, but couple helicopters didn’t pay much attention Suddenly lights start to flicker like fireballs and objects started to climb higher in the sky as they vanished, I never saw anything like it before. Few minutes later more lights appeared creating a formation / group of lights that is when I started to record this sighting.
Youtube video link:
Antwerp, Belgium – July 30th 2013
This is the night i saw the most UFO’s so far.
It was one amazing experience.
I’ve put the best footage i shot that night into one video.
There’s also another video on my channel from the same night where i film more than 10 UFO’s within 40 minutes of non stop filming, maybe a bit boring to watch, but it shows the activity over here is huge.
I hope you enjoy it.
Effingham IL. – July 29th around midnite
Wildwood, New Jersey – July 12, 2013 6:07PM
Rio Ric, Arizona – july 12 5:00 AM
I Saw lights above my house ran in to get my cammra and took a picture and then went in to get binos and they were gone
Taylors hill, Australia – 9th July 2013 12.02am
Anyway. I live in a cul-de-sac. I live right at the end of the Cul-de-sac and im very lucky that although there are streets lights around my house they do not intrude too much on my view of the stars. I was out just purely stargazing the other night for a good few hours. It must have been around 1am. I was about to call it a night. I had packed up my camera gear and had started moving back in the house. I came out for a last glance at the stars when something quite amazing caught my eyes. At first i thought “wow a shooting star or a comet” a few seconds after that i realised that “wait. Its not moving?? How strange” I kept looking and staring at this little red light. After around 5 minutes i realised that the red dot was getting bigger as if something was slowly descending towards the ground. I didn’t want to move I was so captivated by the Dot. Thus this is partially the reason why there is no footage. The dot got bigger and bigger until it got to a size where it was clearly visible with the Naked eye. I could see it. But honestly i had no idea what it was. It was round with a weird pattern on the underside. This pattern is something I have never seen before. I was like an Eye shape with spikes coming from the centre. I can’t fully explain what I saw but it was an immense and intense moment. The red disc got to a level and stopped. I thought i should pull my phone out and take a picture of this magnificent sight. As soon as I had the phone pointing ready to take the picture the disc just took off leaving behind a little red tail. I have never seen anything move so fast before in my life. I live directly under a flight path and see planes alot. This was no plane. it was not a helicopter as I would have heard it. I don’t know what it was and I can honestly say that i now believe there is something out there. There just has to be for something so advanced to go from standing start to mega acceleration. It was a true “oh my god” moment. It will be the one of the most unforgettable experiences.
On July 4, 2013, a UFO was observed near Benevento (Italy). A person saw a strange bright object and made a video. Intrigued by the finding, they informed about the video the Centro Ufologico Mediterraneo (C.UFO.M) whose president, dr. Angelo Carannante, has received the interesting video on the mail of official website,, and alerted the specialists of the research center. On official CUFOM youtube channel “CUFOMCHANNEL”, it’s possible to find the video about this interesting UFO sighting. News updates and further information about the results of the investigations will be given soon.
Thunder Bay, Ontario – March 12, 2012
Two UFO’s Similar to Whitby, Ontario Sighting where object seems to rotate and has an un-lit area. (4:16 in video)
Video recorded on March 12, 2012 at 23:45. Objects appeared suddenly to the west of Thunder Bay towards Kakabeka, Ontario. Objects appeared to be low in comparison to the horizon and both had the same light intensity at the begining. The object on the left would fade in and out multiple times throughout the sighting while the other object appeared to change shape and size. The object on the right also appeared to have a smaller object directly above it at one point in the video and later on had a spot which seemed to not be illuminated in the middle as if it were rotating. Objects were observed for apporximately 50 minutes and were viewed from multiple locations. Near the 40 minute point the objects seemed to take on more of a orange hue and began to descend below the horizon until they were out of view. The weather condtions were a hazy overcast and stars were not visible, the moon was approximately 25% full.
On the freeways, ?? – 10 years ago
I used to hitchhyke the freeways sometime back, and I used to see these people who always looked alike, acted alike, and they all drove the same kinds of cars. They were spotted everywhere. All times of the day and night. They were different from other people. They weren’t FBI agents, or business men, I know from seeing them at all times of the day and night, everywhere, ever state, that they were odd. They never talked to anyone, and they never stopped anywhere. It was very strange! They always seemed to have big money, and dressed with shirt and tie. They all wore sunglasses. Looked like they were just observing everything and everybody. They were not Law officers either. Something like the men in black I would say, very strange.
Kitchener, Canada – 1983, 4.30pm
Hello my name is Tony Day I was with two other people in a car doing some rallying the the bush out the back of Cessnock in a place called Kitchener we decided to drive up to a small lookout witch was called slacks lookout when we got to the top & before we stopped the car i said to the other two mates can you see that there were about 6 That’s ‘six’ dark circles flying around in the distance we were astounded we could not beleave our eyes so we stopped the car got out & stood there watching these objects when one of them turned was flying straight towards us it was in the shape of a nut not round but oval like it was joined in the middle it also had pipe work on the out side it had no windows & no markings on it & no lights & no wings like a plane it was only about 1000 to 1,500 meters away not far at all we could see it as plane as day.It made a sound like ive never heard before there wasn’t any smoke trail it was incredible.I beleave the government is covering up the UFO’s.Since that encounter i have been following UFO’S & i have not seen these tipes of craft before that nore after that.How ever I do beleave that they are ours because were they were the army reserves witch i was in in my younger days used to train around that area.I know they are out there because i can go out side in the night & find them flashing there green & red & blue lights & moving sharply.
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